3 Best Tools To Find High-Resolution Music Video Stills

Music Video Stills

Are you in the process of creating a music video treatment but can't find the right image to bring your creative vision of a song to life? Then you've just hit the music video jackpot!

I know firsthand that finding the perfect stills for pitching a music video idea can be painful. That's why, in this blog, I'm introducing you to three great music video stills tools that make it easy. This means you no longer have to browse YouTube or Vimeo and screengrab your favorite already-recorded music videos.

These platforms help you search and pick the right images that match the style and mood of your music video. These user-friendly tools allow you to gather the best stills and communicate your ideas clearly.

Simply create an account on one of these platforms and browse through thousands of music video screen grabs in the blink of an eye!

#1 Flim.ai

Starts with 2 FREE downloads, upgrading for €12.90 p/month.

  • Best Ai Search Tool
  • ✅ Smart AI search
  • ✅ Photo & Video
  • ✅ 1M+ Database
  • Try Now

#2 Frame Set App

Starts with 10 FREE searches, upgrading for $10.99 p/month.

  • Best Overall
  • ✅ 400K+ Database
  • ✅ 4K / HD Browsing
  • ✅ 10% Off With Code: 'robinpiree'
  • Try Now

#3 ShotDeck

$12.95/month, or $99.95 billed yearly.

  • Best For Movie Stills
  • ✅ 1M+ Shots
  • ✅ 4K+ Films
  • ✅ 25% Off With Promo Code ‘PIREE
  • Try Now

What are the best websites to find music video stills?

1. Flim.ai

Flim for music video stills

Flim.ai is a valuable resource for finding music video stills, especially for filmmakers creating treatments and film pitch decks.

The tool offers an extensive database of over a million images from movies, TV series, documentaries, music videos, and advertisements. 

Filmmakers can use this search engine to find high-quality stills that align with their creative vision, enhancing their pitches with visually compelling references.

The site features advanced search tools, allowing users to refine their search based on various criteria like color, era, and shot type.

Additionally, Flim.ai's AI-driven recommendations help discover similar images, aiding in the visualization of complex ideas and mood boards.

Frameset App for Music Video Stills

Frame Set is an innovative platform for filmmakers seeking inspiration and high-quality music video stills for their treatments.

The website includes a big collection of frames from a wide range of titles, offering diverse visual references.

Its advanced filtering system allows users to refine their search based on specific parameters such as color, contrast, shot type, and lighting, enabling a tailored approach to find the perfect stills.

This precision makes Frame Set a particularly useful tool for filmmakers creating detailed and visually resonant pitches!

Shotdeck for music video stills

ShotDeck differentiates itself from Flim.ai and Frame Set by offering a vast, meticulously tagged library of high-definition movie and music video images, making it an invaluable tool for filmmakers crafting music video treatments.

Its comprehensive tagging system is unique and covers over 30 categories and more than 50 keywords, including crew details, genre, cameras, lenses, framing, lighting, color, composition, and even the emotions on actors' faces.

This allows for very precise searches, helping filmmakers find the visual references they need to communicate their vision effectively.

Additionally, ShotDeck's integration with ReelGood provides easy streaming access to films, further aiding in the creative process.


In conclusion, these tools are a music video director's best friend for creating impactful music video treatments. They simplify the process of finding the right stills, saving you time and enhancing your creativity.

With these platforms, you're well-equipped to turn your ideas into engaging treatments that capture the essence of your music video and help you win the pitch!

Frequently Asked Questions About Music Video Stills

What are Music Video Stills?

Music video stills are images captured from a music video. These stills are often as compelling as the video itself, encapsulating moments that resonate with viewers.

What Role Do Music Video Stills Play in Director Treatments?

In director treatments, music video stills are vital for conveying your vision to clients. They serve as visual references, allowing you to illustrate your proposed video's tone, style, and aesthetic.

Using stills, you can start to paint a picture in your client's mind, making your pitch more compelling and tangible.

How Can I Use Music Video Stills to Enhance My Music Video Treatments?

Incorporating stills can significantly impact how your idea is perceived when crafting music video treatments.

Stills provide a glimpse into your proposed world, from specific scenes to the overall mood. They act as a storyboard, giving life to your words and helping clients visualize the end product.

Where Can I Find High-Quality Music Video Stills for My Treatments?

For high-quality music video stills, several popular online resources are invaluable. Flim.ai offers a vast library of stills from various genres, perfect for finding inspiration and exact frames to articulate your vision.

Frameset is another excellent source, providing a wide range of stills specifically for music videos. Shotdeck is also a great resource, offering a comprehensive collection of cinematic stills that can enhance your pitch.

How Can Music Video Stills Communicate the Mood and Tone of a Project?

Music video stills can effectively communicate the mood and tone of your project by showcasing specific lighting, color grading, and composition choices.

These elements, captured in a still, can speak volumes about the atmosphere and emotional impact of the scene, giving clients a clear sense of your creative direction.

What are the Best Practices for Selecting Stills for a Pitch?

Focus on images that align closely with your envisioned project when selecting stills for your pitch. Look for stills that match the energy, narrative style, and visual aesthetics you aim to achieve.

Choosing stills that complement each other is important, creating a cohesive visual flow in your treatment.

Can Music Video Stills Help in Communicating Complex Ideas?

Yes, music video stills can be particularly helpful in communicating complex ideas. A well-chosen still can illustrate a concept that might be challenging to describe in words alone.

It can represent abstract themes, showcase special effects, or depict the interplay of visuals and music in an immediately understandable way.

How Do I Integrate Stills into My Written Pitch?

Integrating stills into your written pitch requires balancing visual and textual elements. Place stills alongside relevant sections of your treatment to enhance the narrative.

Ensure each still is captioned or accompanied by a brief explanation, highlighting its relevance to your pitch.

How Can Music Video Stills Help in Pitching to International Clients?

Music video stills can be particularly effective when pitching to international clients, as they transcend language barriers.

A compelling visual can convey the essence of your idea universally, making it easier for clients from different cultural backgrounds to grasp your concept.

What Impact Can Well-Selected Stills Have on Winning a Pitch?

Well-selected stills can significantly increase your chances of winning a pitch. They demonstrate your professionalism, attention to detail, and ability to visualize a concept.

Stills can evoke emotions, create a connection, and leave a lasting impression, often turning a good pitch into a great one.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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