101 Mind-Bending 'What If' Story Ideas to Ignite Your Creativity

What If Story Ideas

Are you a writer, filmmaker, or storyteller looking for some inspiration? Then I’ve got just the right thing for you! In this blog, I’m sharing 101 mind-bending 'What If' story ideas that are sure to ignite your creative fire and take your storytelling abilities to the next level.

From futuristic cities and out-of-this-world technology to alternate dimensions, time travel adventures, and fantasy creatures. Whether it be for a film script, novel idea, TV show concept, or just everyday brainstorming – when faced with one of these 'What If' scenario prompts and asked: "Where is your creativity going to take you?", the possibilities are virtually endless!

'What If' Story Ideas 

1. What if you could read people's minds?

2. What if babies could choose their parents?

3. What if Hitler never existed?

4. What if the Earth's gravity suddenly disappeared?

5. What if every emotion a person feels is physically visible on their skin?

6. What if you could die as often as you wanted, but you came back a little differently each time?

7. What if it was possible to eliminate all negative emotions?

8. What if you could live forever?

9. What if all emotions were connected to a collective consciousness, allowing people to access everyone else's emotions in the world?

10. What if death was not permanent and reincarnation was real?

11. What if robots ran the government?

12. What if emotions could be bought and sold like currency?

13. What if you could teleport anywhere?

14. What if money didn't exist?

15. What if death was a test that determined your fate in the afterlife?

16. What if the world was completely underwater?

17. What if emotions could change the physical world, causing people to create earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters with their anger and frustration?

18. What if everyone had the same face?

19. What if death was optional and you could choose to live forever?

20. What if the concept of borders and nationalism never existed?

21. What if people could experience the emotions of others as if they were their own?

22. What if everyone could fly?

23. What if the outcome of World War I had been different?

24. What if people had to choose between living life with full emotional expression or a life without emotions at all?

25. What if the Earth was on a collision course with another planet?

26. What if the world was in a state of eternal winter?

27. What if the world was in a state of eternal summer?

28. What if the world was covered in a thick, impenetrable jungle?

29. What if the Vietnam War had a different outcome?

30. What if people could control the elements (fire, water, air, Earth) with their minds?

31. What if people could control machines with their minds?

32. What if the world was in a state of eternal drought?

33. What if people were forced to wear emotion-dampening devices, eliminating all negative emotions but also causing them to lose the ability to experience joy, love, and other positive emotions?

34. What if you could switch bodies with someone else?

35. What if every human had a twin?

36. What if love could only be experienced once in a lifetime, and people had to choose wisely who they would fall in love with?

37. What if you could witness your death?

38. What if animals had human intelligence?

39. What if the world had no electricity?

40. What if the world was made up of only one economic system?

41. What if love was a crime?

42. What if the world was made up of only one sexual orientation?

43. What if the world never had to deal with terrorism?

44. What if death was a person that you could negotiate with?

45. What if the world was made up of only one type of species?

46. What if all the world's oceans suddenly evaporated?

47. What if an energy malfunction wiped out all technology and society had to rebuild from scratch?

48. What if the sun suddenly stopped shining?

49. What if love was a finite resource, and people had to choose carefully to whom they gave their love?

50. What if babies could be created in artificial wombs without a biological mother?

51. What if a massive asteroid hit the world, and only a select few survived?

52. What if money had an expiry date?

53. What if everyone had a superpower but had to give up something important to gain it?

54. What if the Earth was flat and a powerful force guarded the edge?

55. What if you could bring someone back from the dead, but it came at a great personal cost?

56. What if the world was divided into distinct societies based on intelligence?

57. What if there was no sound?

58. What if people could become invisible at will, leading to a society where privacy is redefined?

59. What if the world was in a permanent state of peace?

60. What if drugs were legal globally?

61. What if love was a commodity that could be bought and sold on the open market?

62. What if there was only one color?

63. What if the world's population suddenly shrunk to only a few thousand?

64. What if time moved backward instead of forwards?

65. What if the world was plagued by a virus that caused people to turn into animals?

66. What if people could only have sex in designated, public places?

67. What if robots ruled the world?

68. What if stress didn't exist?

69. What if there were no laws?

70. What if babies were born as fully-grown adults?

71. What if sexual pleasure could be experienced through virtual reality technology, eliminating the need for physical contact?

72. What if a cure was discovered for every possible disease?

73. What if people could change their gender at will?

74. What if the universe was infinite and there were an infinite number of Earths?

75. What if the world was in a constant state of war?

76. What if there were no emotions?

77. What if a single person ruled the world?

78. What if people had to register and obtain a license to have sex?

79. What if all the world's money disappeared overnight?

80. What if everyone received a fixed amount of money every day, regardless of work or social status?

81. What if there was only one type of house in the world?

82. What if death only claimed souls that had fulfilled their purpose in life?

83. What if people could only have sex once in their lifetime?

84. What if there was only one language?

85. What if a person had to make a life-changing decision during a single commercial break?

86. What if you could go back in time, only to age 10?

87. What if you woke up one day to find that you were living the last day of your life?

88. What if you could only live for 24 hours?

89. What if the world was populated by only one gender?

90. What if money would grow on trees?

91. What if having sex causes people to switch bodies with their partners?

92. What if every time someone told a lie, their nose grew like Pinocchio's?

93. What if people could teleport, but only to places they have previously visited or seen in a photograph?

94. What if money could only be earned through dangerous and life-threatening activities?

95. What if all animals could speak, but only to people who were kind to them?

96. What if time travel was possible, but only to the past and for a maximum of one minute?

97. What if people could control the weather with their emotions?

98. What if people could see ghosts?

99. What if you could cheat death by sacrificing someone else in your place?

100. What if the world was made up of only one type of landscape?

101. What if a virus caused people to develop superpowers, but at the cost of their memories?


In conclusion, 'What If' stories offer a unique opportunity to stretch your imagination and challenge yourself to consider an alternate scenario or outcome of an event, situation, or character. Whether you are a writer, filmmaker, or storyteller, I hope you’ll find something useful in the list above to help spark your imagination and craft captivating tales.

Frequently Asked Questions About 'What If' Story ideas (FAQs)

What is a 'What If' story?

A 'What If' story is a fictional narrative that explores an alternate scenario or outcome of a particular event, situation, or character.

What are some common themes used in 'What If' stories? 

Common themes include alternate history, time travel, superhero/villain origin, different choices made by characters, and more.

Can 'What If' stories be based on actual events or characters?

Yes, 'What If' stories can be based on actual events or characters and explore alternate scenarios.

What are some benefits of writing a 'What If' story?

Writing a 'What If' story can allow for creative exploration, provide new perspectives on familiar scenarios, and challenge the reader to consider alternate outcomes.

How does a 'What If' story's outcome differs from a traditional one?

The outcome of a 'What If' story can be different from a traditional story because it is based on a hypothetical scenario or alternate outcome.

What are some tips for writing a successful 'What If' story?

Some tips include keeping the premise grounded and believable, considering the consequences of the alternate scenario, and ensuring the story follows a solid narrative structure.

Can 'What If' stories be written in any genre?

Yes, 'What If' stories can be written in any genre, including science fiction, fantasy, drama, comedy, etc.

Can a 'What If' story have multiple alternate scenarios?

Yes, a 'What If' story can have multiple alternate scenarios, each with its outcome and consequences.

How can a 'What If' story create suspense and tension?

A 'What If' story can create suspense and tension by exploring the unknown consequences of the alternate scenario, creating stakes for the characters, and building towards a climax.

Can a 'What If' story have a happy ending?

Yes, a 'What If' story can have a happy ending or any other type of end, depending on the alternate scenario and the outcome explored.

Can 'What If' stories be adapted into other forms of media?

Yes, 'What If' stories can be adapted into other forms of media such as movies, TV shows, comic books, and more.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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