66 Music Video Ideas And Concepts To Spark Your Creativity

music video ideas

Are you tired of the same old boring music videos that seem to dominate the airwaves? Do you yearn for a fresh and exciting take on visual storytelling in music? Look no further!

I've scoured the globe and left no stone unturned to bring you a list of music video ideas that will blow your mind and leave you wanting more.

From epic performances on deserted islands to heart-pumping chases through the city streets, this list has everything you need to bring your next music video to life.

So, if you're ready to unleash your inner creative genius and push the boundaries of what's possible in music videos, come with us on this journey into the unknown.

Music Video Ideas

1. A musician discovers they can bring people back to life with their music.

2. A group of teens starts a band in a future where music is illegal and must fight to keep their passion alive.

3. A band tries to find the perfect sound and journeys through different dimensions.

4. A story about a young musician who learns to overcome an injury and plays again with the help of a mysterious figure.

5. A young rapper rises to fame, but struggles to stay true to himself as he becomes more successful.

6. A band whose music can travel through time must use their gift to prevent a tragic event.

7. A girl who discovers she can control reality with her music must confront the darker aspects of her power.

8. A band gets trapped in a virtual reality game and must find a way to escape before it's too late.

9. A former gang member tries to turn his life around, but is pulled back into the lifestyle by his old crew.

10. A young artist who rises to fame must navigate the industry's darker side and confront a vengeful ex-partner.

11. An artist falls into a coma and lives a parallel life inside their dreams.

12. A group of friends discovers a magical record player that transports them to different eras where they perform.

13. A band is stuck in a never-ending concert and must find a way to escape or face their fate.

14. A group of street musicians band together to save their neighborhood from developers, using their music as a protest.

15. A girl learns to play an instrument to communicate with her deaf mother, and they create a beautiful bond through music.

16. A future where music is banned and a group of rebels fight to keep it alive, using secret underground concerts to spread their message.

17. A musician races against the clock to write a love song before their lover leaves them.

18. A band rehearses in at an illegal rave in a basement while the authorities try to come in to shut them down.

19. A young musician must overcome stage fright with the help of a supportive community of other musicians.

20. A musician is haunted by the ghost of a previous band member and must come to terms with their past to move on.

21. A time traveler who relives different musical eras has to make a choice that will change history.

22. An artist discovers an ancient instrument with extraordinary powers and has to decide how to use it.

23. A story about a musician who has to balance their passion for music with their responsibilities as a parent.

24. A musician who's cursed has to find a way to lift it before it destroys their career.

25. A band that gets lost in a mysterious forest has to find its way back with the help of a mystical creature.

26. A music video where the musician is in a high-speed chase while performing on a moving vehicle.

27. A musician has to confront their inner demons through their music.

28. A band gets lost in a dream and has to find a way to wake up.

29. A story about a musician who deals with the darker side of fame.

30. A band must find a way to play music in a world where all art forms are banned.

31. A DJ performs a set in a cramped apartment to celebrate NYE before noise complaints occur.

32. A story about a band that gets sucked into a mirror world and has to find a way back.

33. Artists must find their way out of a maze filled with traps and obstacles representing their fears.

34. A story about a girl who discovers she can control reality with her music.

35. A music video where the musician must navigate a maze of booby traps to reach their instrument before the performance starts.

36. A band forms a secret society to protect a legendary instrument.

37. A music video shot from the perspective of a surveillance camera, with the story unfolding in real-time as a mysterious figure follows the artist.

38. An artist performing in front of a live audience, intercut with footage of the artist rehearsing and preparing for the performance.

39. A singer performs a heart-wrenching song in a jail cell before being transferred to a maximum security prison.

40. A band performs before a series of projected images or animations illustrating the song's lyrics.

41. A music video where the artist performs in front of a green screen, with visual effects used to create a sense of otherworldly or fantastical surroundings.

42. A music video that uses archive footage of the artist's past performances or appearances to tell a story about their career.

43. A mockumentary format, whereby cameras follow the band during a tour, recording behind-the-scenes and stage moments.

44. The artist performs before a green screen and is composited into various fantastical landscapes.

45. A music video where the artist is projected onto multiple surfaces, such as buildings or cars, in a cityscape.

46. A singer performs a song in a crowded hospital waiting room while waiting for their loved one to come out of surgery.

47. A singer performs a song while being interrogated by the police.

48. A music video where the artist performs in front of a series of projected images that interact with the performance.

49. A music video shot in a stop-motion animation style, with the artist's movements animated frame-by-frame.

50. A band performs a set in a minefield while being threatened by armed militants.

51. A music video where the artist is performing on a rotating set, with the camera appearing to rotate around them.

52. A music video shot entirely in a single continuous take, with the camera following the artist as they move through different sets and locations.

53. A singer performs a song in a flooded basement while trying to save their belongings.

54. A music video that uses split-screen techniques simultaneously shows other parts of the performance.

55. A music video where the artist is performing in a black-and-white world, with only select elements, such as the artist's clothing or instrument, appearing in color.

56. A music video where the artist is performing in a constantly shrinking and growing world, with visual effects used to create a sense of scale.

57. A singer performs a song on a stranded boat while being circled by sharks.

58. A music video that uses a technique known as "bullet-time," where the camera appears to freeze time and move around the artist in slow motion.

59. A music video where the artist is performing in a completely blacked-out room, with only a few select elements, such as the artist's hands or face, illuminated by neon light.

60. A rapper performs a freestyle in a crowded train station while trying to find their missing child.

61. A rapper performs a freestyle in a prison yard while being threatened by other inmates.

62. A music video shot in a single take follows the artist as they move through a surreal and dreamlike landscape.

63. A singer performs a song on a plane that's about to crash.

64. A music video that explores the theme of time travel, with the artist appearing in different eras and historical periods.

65. A music video that explores the theme of mental illness, with the artist's performance intercut with scenes of them in a psychiatric hospital.

66. A band performs a set at a hostage situation while the SWAT team negotiates with the captor.

Film crew filming music video


In conclusion, there are countless ways to make a music video, but with the help of these music video ideas, I hope you can fast-track the process for your next project and bring a great music video to life!

Whether you're looking for inspiration for a low-budget music video or want to create something unique, these ideas are a great starting point. With some imagination and hard work, you can create a music video that will be remembered for years.

Music video director directing music video

Frequently Asked Questions about music videos (FAQs)

What is a music video? 

music video is a short film or video that accompanies a piece of music, usually a song. The video usually features the song's artist or band performing and is often used to promote the song.

How do I make a music video? 

There are many ways to make a music video; the specific approach will depend on your resources and budget. Here are some general steps you can follow to make a music video:

  • Develop a concept.

Decide on your music video's overall vision and theme. This could be based on the song's lyrics or a completely different (story-driven) idea.

music video treatment is a digital pitch document made by the music video director, outlining the video's concept and critical elements. It should include details such as the story plotlocations, styling, characters, and any unique visual elements you plan to have.

  • Gather a team.

Assemble a group of people to help you bring your music video to life. This may include a director, cinematographereditor, and any other crew members you need.

  • Plan the shoot.

Determine when and where you will shoot the music video. Make a shot list and storyboard to help plan the shots you must capture.

  • Film the music video.

Use your shot list and storyboard as a guide to film the music video. Make sure to capture all the necessary footage and get various shots.

  • Edit the music video.

Use video editing software to compile the footage and create a final music video cut. This may include adding special effects, sound design, or color grading.

How long does it take to make a music video? 

The video production time it takes to make a music video will vary depending on the complexity of the concept and the resources available to you. 

A simple music video with a small team and limited locations could be filmed and edited in a few days. A more ambitious music video with a more extensive video production team and multiple locations could take weeks or months to complete.

How much does it cost to make a music video? 

The cost of making a music video will depend on various factors, including the length of the video, the number of crew members and actors needed, the locations and sets used, and any special effects or equipment required. 

A simple music video on a small budget might cost a few thousand dollars, while a more complex music video with a larger budget could cost tens or even hundreds of thousands.

What are the four types of music videos?

The four types of music videos are:

  1. Performance

  2. Narrative

  3. Conceptual

  4. Experimental

What makes a successful music video?

A successful music video effectively communicates the song's message, engages the viewer, and leaves a lasting impression. It should be visually compelling, well-produced, and unique.

What are the ten tips for making a music video?

The ten tips for making a music video are:

  1. Plan and create a detailed storyboard.

  2. Choose the right location and props.

  3. Work with a talented and experienced team.

  4. Pay attention to lighting and sound.

  5. Shoot multiple takes and angles.

  6. Use creative editing techniques.

  7. Incorporate special effects if necessary.

  8. Keep the focus on the artist and the music.

  9. Release the video at the right time.

  10. Promote the video through social media and other channels.

What are Some Unique Music Video Ideas?

  • One Shot Video: Capture the entire video in a single, continuous shot to create a seamless narrative.

  • Animated Music Videos: Use animated elements to tell a story or enhance the visual appeal, from traditional animation to stop motion.

  • House Party Theme: Stage a dynamic house party scene that can bring energy and an engaging background to the music.

  • Golden Hour Shoot: Utilize the warm tones of the golden hour for outdoor shots that naturally enhance the visual appeal.

How Can I Use Technology Creatively in Music Videos?

  • Green Screen: Employ green screens to composite various imaginative backgrounds that would be impossible to shoot in real life.

  • Drone Footage: Incorporate drone shots to add sweeping, cinematic views that elevate the production value.

  • Slow Motion: Use slow motion to dramatize moments and emphasize the music's emotional impact.

  • Stop Motion Animation: Create unique, frame-by-frame animated sequences that can visually narrate the song's story.

What Factors Contribute to the Cost of Making a Music Video?

The cost can vary significantly based on several factors including:

  • Crew and Cast: Number of professionals involved and their rates.

  • Locations and Sets: Costs associated with shooting locations and set constructions.

  • Special Effects and Equipment: Expenses for special effects, props, and specialized equipment like drones or high-frame-rate cameras.

How Long Does It Take to Make a Music Video?

The production time can range from a few hours for a simple shoot with a small team to several months for elaborate projects involving extensive post-production.

What Makes a Great Music Video?

A great music video effectively conveys the song's message, captivates the viewer with its creativity, and leaves a lasting impression through high-quality production and unique conceptual execution.

How Can I Promote My Music Video?

  • Social Media: Leverage platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to reach a broad audience.

  • Live Events: Debut the video at concerts, festivals, or exclusive viewing parties.

  • Collaborations: Partner with other artists or influencers to expand your reach.

What Are Creative Ways to Enhance a Low-Budget Music Video?

  • Natural Light: Utilize natural light to reduce the need for expensive lighting setups.

  • Simple Locations: Shoot in locations that require minimal setup, such as natural landscapes or interesting architectural spaces.

  • DIY Props and Costumes: Get creative with handmade or borrowed items to add visual interest without breaking the bank.

How Can I Create a Cohesive Story in My Music Video?

  • Storyboard Extensively: Plan every scene to ensure the narrative flows smoothly and all elements align with the music video's theme.

  • Maintain Visual Consistency: Use consistent color grading and lighting styles to unify the look of the entire video.

  • Engage with the Lyrics: Let the song's lyrics guide the visual elements, ensuring that the story resonates with the music's themes.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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