499+ Demon Names For Your Next Evil Spirits

Demon Names

Are you delving into the shadowy realms where evil spirits lurk and mythological beings rule, seeking names that whisper tales of ancient power and forbidden lore? 

Whether you're crafting a world steeped in the dark mysteries of Greek mythology, exploring the eerie tales of Japanese folklore, or depicting the sinister hierarchy of Christian demonology, the right demon names can breathe life into your narratives, painting your creations with shades of malevolence and dread. 

From the fallen angels of Jewish mysticism to the many demons of Hindu mythology and the lesser demons that tempt humanity from the bottomless pit of hell, this comprehensive list of Demon Names draws from various cultures, biblical texts, and ancient belief systems, offering a treasure trove of inspiration. 

Perfect for writers, storytellers, and filmmakers, these names span the infernal hierarchy, from the morning star Lucifer to the great dukes of the underworld, encapsulating the essence of evil, the allure of the dark, and the complexity of beings that have haunted human imagination since time immemorial. 

A long list of demon names

Demon names starting with an A

1. Azmodrax

2. Atherak

3. Arghanoul

4. Alkrez

5. Avarix

6. Antraxion

7. Arkhazet

8. Azphel

9. Atherius

10. Arimanes

11. Azrakeel

12. Arzul

13. Alphent

14. Atrikus

15. Argathak

16. Azmeth

17. Asmoden

18. Akrasiel

19. Athraxis

20. Azghor

Demon names starting with a B

21. Bazgorath

22. Belthazur

23. Brakhal

24. Bylethor

25. Borakzai

26. Balphor

27. Brimstail

28. Balthurek

29. Barzakal

30. Belkram

31. Branzik

32. Baelzor

33. Borthak

34. Bazrak

35. Blazgoth

36. Belthuzad

37. Braxtil

38. Bolthor

39. Baelroth

40. Bryzak

Demon names starting with a C

41. Cazmorek

42. Calthazar

43. Crivix

44. Corlath

45. Czernobog

46. Crythak

47. Calibrex

48. Corthax

49. Charnel

50. Cragoth

51. Cruxial

52. Corvaxen

53. Cilrax

54. Clavax

55. Cerberix

56. Carzak

57. Cryptis

58. Cindrex

59. Calamix

60. Cthrazor

Demon names starting with a D

61. Drazulek

62. Dravaxar

63. Dalkoroth

64. Durzoblint

65. Dethrizal

66. Dramcul

67. Darzok

68. Drexil

69. Diabolix

70. Durnigal

71. Draconix

72. Drazik

73. Demograx

74. Dorphal

75. Draznith

76. Drathul

77. Durkath

78. Divrax

79. Dazgoth

80. Drakzor

Demon names starting with an E

81. Erazmoth

82. Ethrakal

83. Ekrizud

84. Ezaphon

85. Erthox

86. Exarik

87. Elothain

88. Eshzara

89. Elzorath

90. Ekthul

91. Erazel

92. Ethragol

93. Elnixar

94. Evrimoth

95. Extorak

96. Enthraz

97. Ezroth

98. Eldrax

99. Ecthor

100. Egruth

Demon names starting with an F

101. Fazkurth

102. Firazal

103. Falthraz

104. Frokthar

105. Fyrak

106. Frenzok

107. Fulgaroth

108. Ferzim

109. Flaknir

110. Fraznith

111. Fethrak

112. Fozgruth

113. Farzlok

114. Fyrnigal

115. Forzak

116. Flixar

117. Falthus

118. Frimloth

119. Fezril

120. Fruzgar

Demon names starting with a G

121. Grazthor

122. Gulrax

123. Gorzak

124. Galthen

125. Griznak

126. Gharzul

127. Grimloth

128. Gazrek

129. Gruzhal

130. Galfrex

131. Gorlux

132. Gazthar

133. Grendak

134. Gilzor

135. Graxim

136. Gorthak

137. Gulvix

138. Gerthox

139. Gormath

140. Glazrak

Demon names starting with an H

141. Hazgorim

142. Hulvrex

143. Harzok

144. Hegrath

145. Harkul

146. Holthar

147. Hyrkan

148. Hulzak

149. Harnix

150. Heglaz

151. Hyrvoth

152. Hulgrath

153. Horzam

154. Halvix

155. Haxtur

156. Hrothgar

157. Hervok

158. Hulgrom

159. Hystrix

160. Hydrax

Demon names starting with an I

161. Ixaroth

162. Ingrak

163. Izthul

164. Ilzor

165. Igrimoth

166. Irkall

167. Izphar

168. Invex

169. Ilkraz

170. Ithrend

171. Ixthar

172. Igrul

173. Izarn

174. Inzoth

175. Ikril

176. Ixion

177. Irzak

178. Ilphaz

179. Indrax

180. Ithkur

Demon names starting with a J

181. Jazrak

182. Jorthax

183. Jalkor

184. Jurnix

185. Jeznith

186. Jurzal

187. Javrok

188. Jilthar

189. Jorgrim

190. Jalthus

191. Jorvex

192. Jezkur

193. Jolgrath

194. Jurnigal

195. Jikzar

196. Jalthak

197. Jervox

198. Jolzun

199. Jaskur

200. Jynox

Demon names starting with a K

201. Kazrith

202. Kurnog

203. Kalthazar

204. Krivix

205. Kolzak

206. Kargul

207. Krathen

208. Kruzloth

209. Kalvrex

210. Korthax

211. Kurzal

212. Kylvix

213. Krazthor

214. Kelnix

215. Krovik

216. Kalthus

217. Kurgoth

218. Kalmor

219. Krizlak

220. Kuzrak

Demon names starting with an L

221. Lazrak

222. Lorthax

223. Lirzul

224. Lekthar

225. Lorvix

226. Lurgoth

227. Lysrak

228. Lethroz

229. Larnik

230. Luxthar

231. Lorzak

232. Ligrim

233. Lathkul

234. Luvrok

235. Lanzor

236. Lixur

237. Lekroz

238. Luthgar

239. Lornax

240. Lykran

Demon names starting with an M

241. Mazrak

242. Morthal

243. Murgoth

244. Mekriz

245. Malzor

246. Myrthak

247. Morvix

248. Malthus

249. Mirgol

250. Muzrath

251. Mervik

252. Munthor

253. Myrkhal

254. Morlux

255. Malfax

256. Mithroz

257. Merkoth

258. Mulzak

259. Morkul

260. Myzrak

Demon names starting with an N

261. Nazrul

262. Nyrakoth

263. Nalthar

264. Norvix

265. Nykroz

266. Nulgrath

267. Nivzak

268. Norgul

269. Nazthar

270. Nythok

271. Nexrith

272. Nulzor

273. Narkul

274. Nyvram

275. Nethrax

276. Nizrak

277. Nolvix

278. Nyrthos

279. Nuxran

280. Nargol

Demon names starting with an O

281. Ozrak

282. Olthar

283. Ovgrim

284. Orkaz

285. Othrek

286. Orlax

287. Oznix

288. Ophrak

289. Orvith

290. Oskul

291. Olgroth

292. Orthak

293. Ondrak

294. Olzor

295. Ormex

296. Othmal

297. Oxrith

298. Orzak

299. Olthuz

300. Ovrak

Demon names starting with a P

301. Pazrak

302. Pythor

303. Polvix

304. Prakzul

305. Porthak

306. Pyrgol

307. Plithor

308. Prazoth

309. Pyrnox

310. Pulgarth

311. Prizak

312. Pylok

313. Palthun

314. Pyzjol

315. Prokthar

316. Plorvix

317. Pythrox

318. Pelnar

319. Pyrzak

320. Porgul

Demon names starting with a Q

321. Qyzar

322. Qorthak

323. Qulvix

324. Qarnoth

325. Qrythul

326. Quzrak

327. Qivroth

328. Qalthor

329. Qundrax

330. Quorvix

331. Qythrak

332. Qelzor

333. Quilgoth

334. Qorlak

335. Qunzar

336. Qyrol

337. Qelthuz

338. Qindrek

339. Quzrek

340. Qolmin

Demon names starting with an R

341. Razkuth

342. Rorthal

343. Ryvrok

344. Relgarth

345. Rulmox

346. Rhaznor

347. Rikthul

348. Rovlak

349. Rynthak

350. Ralzor

351. Ruxim

352. Ralthek

353. Rykroz

354. Ruzgar

355. Rilgoth

356. Renvix

357. Ralthus

358. Rynox

359. Rikmar

360. Razgar

Demon names starting with an S

361. Sazrak

362. Synthor

363. Sarvox

364. Skulgarth

365. Sivroth

366. Straknir

367. Sulmox

368. Sarzul

369. Sythrex

370. Slarkoth

371. Surnak

372. Sylthar

373. Sorvix

374. Styrak

375. Sorkul

376. Szarvok

377. Sulgor

378. Syrnix

379. Sazkul

380. Svelgrak

Demon names starting with a T

381. Tazrith

382. Tyvokar

383. Tarnix

384. Thulgar

385. Traxol

386. Tervok

387. Tyrgal

388. Tulkor

389. Thraznir

390. Tolvak

391. Tysorak

392. Trilgoth

393. Tuzrak

394. Tharkul

395. Torvex

396. Tynrax

397. Talmor

398. Thulvix

399. Truzal

400. Tzorkath

Demon names starting with a U

401. Uzrath

402. Ulkazar

403. Urvok

404. Uthral

405. Uximoth

406. Unzor

407. Ulgrath

408. Uthrok

409. Urvix

410. Ulgaroth

411. Uzthak

412. Urkhal

413. Urmox

414. Uxral

415. Uvnix

416. Urlak

417. Uthriz

418. Ulzok

419. Uxloth

420. Uthrak

Demon names starting with a V

421. Vazruth

422. Vornak

423. Vulgrim

424. Vythor

425. Vralgoth

426. Vurzak

427. Vilkor

428. Vornith

429. Vexrak

430. Valthun

431. Vurmox

432. Veznir

433. Vothrak

434. Vurlak

435. Vindrox

436. Vezoth

437. Vulkar

438. Valthor

439. Vyrkol

440. Vrothgar

Demon names starting with a W

441. Wazrak

442. Wurnoth

443. Wyvrex

444. Wolkar

445. Wraithzor

446. Wulgoth

447. Wyrmlok

448. Wervik

449. Wulvax

450. Wrakzul

451. Wrozak

452. Walthun

453. Wrythor

454. Wulkar

455. Wazgor

456. Wythrok

457. Wraxil

458. Wulfrax

459. Wyrzoth

460. Wrazkul

Demon names starting with an X

461. Xazrith

462. Xyvok

463. Xulgar

464. Xrakthul

465. Xorvex

466. Xynthor

467. Xzulok

468. Xavroth

469. Xyloth

470. Xurgoth

471. Xalvrex

472. Xerzak

473. Xivroth

474. Xulvath

475. Xarnoth

476. Xyvran

477. Xolgrak

478. Xulzor

479. Xagrith

480. Xyrok

Demon names starting with a Y

481. Yazrak

482. Yurnoth

483. Ylvrex

484. Yolkar

485. Yrathzor

486. Yulgoth

487. Yrmlok

488. Yervik

489. Yulvax

490. Yrakzul

491. Yrozak

492. Yalthun

493. Yrythor

494. Yulkar

495. Yazgor

496. Yythrok

497. Yraxil

498. Yulfrax

499. Yyrzoth

500. Yazkul

Demon names starting with a Z

501. Zazrath

502. Zulvok

503. Zarnoth

504. Zrygoth

505. Zelkar

506. Zythor

507. Zolgrath

508. Zervix

509. Zulkas

510. Zrakthul

511. Zivran

512. Zorveth

513. Zulrax

514. Zymloth

515. Zagrak

516. Zorlux

517. Zynthak

518. Zalgor

519. Zurnix

520. Zovrik


Whether you're drawing inspiration from the serpentine demons of Greek mythology, the formidable spirits of Japanese folklore, or the complex deities of Slavic and Hungarian mythology, this comprehensive list serves as a gateway to worlds where the name Lucifer signifies the ultimate rebellion, and the Dictionnaire Infernal is the guide to the underworld's most fearsome inhabitants. 

For storytellers, filmmakers, and writers venturing to depict the myriad faces of evil—from the tempters of humanity and souls lurking in the bottomless pit to the great dukes orchestrating calamities—these demon names offer a rich palette of dark hues to color your narratives.

Happy writing!

Frequently Asked Questions About Demon Names (FAQs)

What Exactly Are Demon Names?

Demon names are titles given to mythological beings associated with evil and darkness across various belief systems and cultures. These names often evoke fear, mystery, and power, serving as a rich source of inspiration for creative projects.

Can You Give Examples of Demons from Different Mythologies?

  • Greek Mythology: Creatures like Cerberus, the three-headed dog guarding the underworld, embody ancient fears.

  • Japanese Folklore: Oni, formidable trolls or ogres, often depicted wielding clubs, are popular antagonists.

  • Slavic Mythology: Chernobog, a black god symbolizing evil and darkness, contrasts with the light and good.

  • Jewish Folklore: Lilith, considered the first wife of Adam, rebels and is often depicted as a night demon.

  • Hindu Mythology: Rakshasas, malevolent spirits with the power to shape-shift, trouble humans and gods alike.

What Role Do Lesser Demons Play?

Lesser demons, or many lesser demons, serve under more powerful entities in the infernal hierarchy. They are often tasked with specific duties, such as tempting humanity, spreading diseases, or causing other calamities.

How Are Demons Depicted Across Various Cultures?

  • In Christian demonology, demons are fallen angels cast into hell for rebelling against God.

  • Islamic tradition portrays Jinn as creatures of fire, some of whom may turn to evil.

  • Aztec mythology includes the Aztec goddess Mictecacihuatl, queen of the underworld and the dead.

  • Hungarian folklore tells of spirits and devils causing mischief and harm.

What's the Significance of the Name Lucifer?

The name Lucifer, often associated with the devil or Satan, originates from the Latin for morning star. In biblical texts, it's used to describe a fallen angel who became the embodiment of pride and rebellion against God.

How Do Demon Names Influence Popular Culture?

Demon names have profoundly influenced popular culture, appearing in everything from literature and films to video games. They add depth to narratives, serving as symbols for the internal and external battles characters face.

Are There Any Comprehensive Lists of Demon Names for Creative Use?

Yes, resources like the Dictionnaire Infernal offer a comprehensive list of demons, detailing their powers, appearances, and stories. These can be invaluable for creatives seeking authentic and intriguing characters.

How Can Understanding Demonology Benefit Storytellers?

Understanding demonology can add layers to storytelling, allowing for the exploration of themes like good vs. evil, redemption, and the complexity of human (and non-human) nature.

It provides a vast lexicon of characters that can embody various aspects of the human experience, from our darkest fears to our most fervent desires for redemption.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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