149 Realm Names to Inspire Your Next Epic Story Setting

Realm Names

Have you ever found yourself staring into the void, searching for that perfect realm name that captures the essence, wonder, and magic of the world you're creating?

Whether you're weaving tales of magical creatures, exploring other realms inspired by Norse mythology, or crafting lands inhabited by elves and dragons, finding the right realm name is crucial. It's not just a name; it's the gateway to the soul of your story, where every word holds the power of creation.

From the underworld's dark depths to the gods' light-filled dominions, realm names are the keystones of existence in your narrative. They provide a sense of place, a hint of what lies within, and the first taste of the journey your audience is about to embark on.

This blog is your perfect tool, with 149 unique realm names to inspire you. Dive into a world of creativity where funnyrealm names mix with the beauty of fantasy, where the history and geography of your realms are as boundless as your imagination.

A long list of Realm Name Ideas

1. Skyara

2. Talamaya

3. Wakanook

4. Solara

5. Anasazi

6. Kachina

7. Chakora

8. Navira

9. Orenda

10. Tehotu

11. Manitu

12. Yavapai

13. Hohokam

14. Zephyra

15. Aztara

16. Sedona

17. Mojave

18. Kinara

19. Tumacacori

20. Cocopah

21. Quivira

22. Nokota

23. Calusa

24. Hopitu

25. Yurok

26. Tolowa

27. Chumash

28. Sipapu

29. Miwok

30. Ancestra

31. Chimayo

32. Kivaara

33. Pahana

34. Solano

35. Tiwa

36. Wintu

37. Yokut

38. Zuniara

39. Navajoa

40. Sequoia

41. Tecopa

42. Utara

43. Wakara

44. Xochiya

45. Yumaara

46. Zaca

47. Acoma

48. Blythe

49. Cahuilla

50. Dakoma

51. Enyara

52. Folsoma

53. Geronima

54. Hualapai

55. Iyatomi

56. Jemeza

57. Klamatha

58. Lummi

59. Mojara

60. Natchez

61. Ojibwa

62. Paiute

63. Quechan

64. Raramuri

65. Shasta

66. Tewa

67. Ute

68. Vaila

69. Washoe

70. Yaqui

71. Zephyri

72. Arawak

73. Bannock

74. Catawba

75. Duwamish

76. Esselen

77. Flathead

78. Gros Ventre

79. Haida

80. Iroquois

81. Jicarilla

82. Kootenai

83. Lumbee

84. Mandan

85. Nisqually

86. Osage

87. Pequot

88. Quapaw

89. Salish

90. Timucua

91. Umatilla

92. Viejas

93. Wiyot

94. Xitlali

95. Yokuts

96. Zapotec

97. Achumawi

98. Brothertown

99. Coeur d'Alene

100. Dakota

101. Echota

102. Falamo

103. Goranoti

104. Hakimi

105. Itasca

106. Jornado

107. Kalapuya

108. Lacota

109. Mimbres

110. Nacotchtank

111. Ohlone

112. Puyallup

113. Quinault

114. Roanoke

115. Saponi

116. Tlingit

117. Umpqua

118. Vuntut

119. Wampanoag

120. Xalisco

121. Yuchi

122. Zia

123. Arikara

124. Biloxi

125. Catahoula

126. Dineh

127. Etowah

128. Fox

129. Gila

130. Hopewell

131. Iowa

132. Jumano

133. Kaskaskia

134. Lenape

135. Monacan

136. Nanticoke

137. Ofo

138. Pawnee

139. Quapah

140. Shawnee

141. Tunica

142. Uchee

143. Ventana

144. Wekiva

145. Yaupon

146. Zuni

147. Algonquin

148. Beaver

149. Chickasaw


Whether you're crafting a story set in the dark corners of the underworld, exploring the beauty of lands ruled by nature, or creating a domain filled with light and wonder, these realm names are your perfect tool.

They serve as a gateway to realms where fantasy and reality merge, where every location is steeped in history, culture, and the extraordinary abilities of its inhabitants.

From the inspiration drawn from Norse mythology to the fun of naming your next video game server, these names offer a glimpse into many different types of existence—each with its own stories to tell.

So, let these names be your guide as you create your next story setting. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Realm Names (FAQs)

What is a Realm Name?

A realm name is the essence of the land, concept, or world you bring to life. It's a beacon of wonder, guiding your audience through stories of magic, culture, and the myriad lives of its inhabitants—be they humans, magical creatures, or anything your imagination conjures.

Why is Choosing the Right Realm Name Important?

Selecting the perfect name gives your creative project a sense of place, existence, and reality. It sets the tone for the adventures, battles, and legends that unfold, influencing your realm's culture, geography, and essence.

How Can I Create Unique Realm Names?

A realm name generator is the perfect tool for sparking creativity. These generators mix elements of fantasy, nature, mythology, and your own inputs to produce names that capture the beauty and darkness of your worlds.

Any Tips for Magical Realm Names?

Think of what makes your realm magical. Is it the presence of elves, dragons, or unseen forces? Draw inspiration from your creatures' abilities, the nature of your spells, and the dreams that fill your land.

Can You Suggest Some Funny Realm Names?

Absolutely! Combine light-hearted words with unexpected elements, such as "Duckloria's Waddle Dominion" or "Gigglesnort's Underworld." Fun is a powerful tool in naming.

How Do Norse Mythology and Other Cultures Influence Realm Names?

Mythologies and cultures offer a rich tapestry of names, gods, demons, and tales of creation. They provide a historical and mystical foundation, giving depth and authenticity to your realm names.

What Role Do Video Games Play in Realm Names?

Video games are a goldmine for realm name inspiration. They often feature expansive worlds with unique names, each with its own history, creatures, and mysteries.

Drawing inspiration from video games can add an element of interactivity and immersion to your creative realm.

How Can I Make Sure My Realm Name is Good?

Test your realm name by considering its pronounceability, relevance to your realm's concept, and the emotions it evokes. Ask for feedback, and see if it resonates with others.

Are There Examples of Good Realm Names?

Indeed, here are a few: "Eclipsevale," "Mysticora," "Thornhelm," and "Azurelight Sanctuary." These names invoke imagery, emotion, and curiosity.

Where Can I Find a Realm Name Generator?

Numerous online sites offer realm name generators. These sites allow you to specify types of realms, desired emotions, and key themes to tailor the name to your project's needs.

How Do I Incorporate Real Names into Fantasy Realms?

Mixing real names with fantastical elements can ground your realm in reality while still allowing for creativity.

Consider the history, geography, and culture of the real names you're inspired by.

What If My Realm Spans Multiple Types of Locations?

If your realm encompasses many different types of locations, consider creating sub-names for each area.

This approach adds depth and complexity, reflecting your realm's diverse geography and cultures.

How Do I Balance Creativity and Clarity in Realm Names?

Aim for a balance between the unique and the understandable. Your realm name should spark interest without confusing your audience.

A good name hints at the stories, cultures, and adventures that lie within.

How Can I Ensure My Realm Name Has Never Been Used Before?

While ensuring a completely unique name can be challenging, conducting thorough online searches and checking against trademark databases can help.

Originality comes from combining words and concepts created to reflect your realm's unique characteristics.

Any Final Tips for Choosing a Realm Name?

Finally, let your journey through creating, discovering, and naming your realm be led by your dreams, the stories you wish to tell, and the emotions you want to evoke.

Your realm name is a gateway to discover another world—make it inviting, inspiring, and unmistakably yours.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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