3 Best Ai Storyboard Generator Tools

AI storyboard generator

In the ever-evolving realm of video creation, the tools we use are undergoing a transformation that's nothing short of revolutionary. Gone are the days when storyboarding was a tedious, manual process reserved for those with impeccable drawing skills and endless patience.

Enter the 21st century, where Artificial Intelligence has taken the director's chair, promising to change the game of visual storytelling. If you've ever wondered about the zenith of technological innovation in storyboarding, you're in for a treat. 

Today, I'm unveiling the best AI storyboard generator tools that are not just leading the pack but redefining the very art of storyboarding.

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan.

#1 Boords

  • Best For Professionals
  • ✅ Text To Image Generator
  • ✅ Text To Script Generator
  • ✅ Various Templates

  • Get 20% Off with 'BOORDS20'

  • Try Now

#2 SB Hero

  • Best For Beginners
  • ✅ Generate & Modify AI Images
  • ✅ Human Sketch Artist Support
  • ✅ Different Looks
  • Try Now

#3 Elai

  • Best For Small Budget
  • ✅ Automated Translations
  • ✅ Customizable Avatars
  • ✅ Script to Video Conversion
  • Try Now

What Is the best Ai storyboard generator?

1. boords

AI storyboard generator boords

In storytelling and video creation, the storyboard is the cornerstone that holds the vision together. Traditionally, creating storyboards has been a manual, time-consuming process, often requiring a level of drawing skills many video creators might not possess. 

Enter Boords, the online platform changing the game with its AI storyboard generator tool. This revolutionary tool turns ideas into visual stories and makes storyboard creation a breeze for video agencies, creators, and storytellers alike.

Boords: The AI-Powered Magic Wand for Storyboard Creation

Boords is an AI-powered platform that empowers storytellers to transform text prompts into vivid storyboards with just a few clicks. Here's a look at the whirlwind of features it offers:

  • Ease of Use: With its easy-to-use interface, Boords enables users to create storyboards without hassle. Just minutes into the platform, you can start building your storyboard from scratch or using a variety of templates.

  • Text-to-Image Feature: One of the standout features of Boords is its text-to-image feature. This allows creators to generate images from text prompts easily, reducing the dependency on drawing skills, a common barrier in manual storyboard creation.

  • Various Styles and Templates: Boords offers a range of styles and templates that help craft different scenes, characters, and narratives, making it a versatile tool for different kinds of creative projects.

  • Generate Scripts and Images: Beyond storyboards, Boords can also generate scripts and images, making it a comprehensive tool for video content creation.

  • Camera Angles and Animation: Boords also allows for the specification of camera angles and animation, thereby enhancing the storytelling process and bringing your story to life.

Boards Storyboard Pricing

Sample Storyboard Creation with Boords

Creating a sample storyboard on Boords is a straightforward process. With just a few clicks, you can have a storyboard ready for your video, animation, or film project. Here's a glimpse into how it works:

  1. Create: Start by creating a new storyboard. You can choose to upload your images or use the text-to-image feature to generate images.

  2. Customize: Next, customize the scenes, characters, and camera angles to suit your narrative.

  3. Generate: Once satisfied, generate your storyboard, and voila! Your visual story is ready to be shared with your team or used in your video project.

  4. Collaborate: Invite your team to view, edit, or comment on your storyboard, fostering a collaborative environment for your creative projects.

  5. Convert: Convert your storyboard into a script or a blog post, showcasing the versatility of Boords in content creation.

Why Video Agencies and Creators are Flocking to Boords

Video agencies and creators are always in pursuit of tools that can streamline the process of video content creation while enhancing the quality of their output. Boords comes as a breath of fresh air in this regard.

The platform not only simplifies the storyboard creation process but also offers a host of features that cater to the multifaceted needs of creators.

  • No Drawing Skills Required: Perhaps the biggest relief is the fact that no drawing skills are required to create storyboards on Boords. This is a significant advantage over manual storyboard creation, making Boords an accessible tool for all.

  • Boost Business Productivity: By automating the storyboard creation process, Boords allows filmmakers to focus more on the creative aspect of their projects, leading to better quality videos and more business.

  • Endless Creative Possibilities: With Boords, the sky's the limit when it comes to exploring and executing creative ideas. The platform provides the tools necessary to bring your creative visions to life, making it an indispensable asset for video creators and agencies.


Boords is a powerful AI storyboard generator that is redefining the way storyboards are created and shared. Its many features and ease of use make it a must-have tool for video creators looking to up their storytelling game. With Boords, the process of converting ideas into compelling visuals has never been easier or more exciting.

Storyboard Hero Ai Storyboard Generator

In the digital storytelling arena, creating compelling storyboards is pivotal yet often a time-consuming task. This is where Storyboard Hero steps in, revolutionizing storyboard creation with its AI-powered prowess.

Key Features of Storyboard Hero:

  • Automated Script and Concept Generation: Just enter your brief and watch as Storyboard Hero autonomously crafts scripts and concepts, delineated into scenes complete with descriptions and voice-overs.

  • Seamless Editing: Tweak scenes, regenerate concepts, or import existing ones effortlessly.

  • AI-driven Image Creation: Choose a style and let the AI conjure images for your storyboard.

  • Modify AI-Generated Images: Refine generated images with additional instructions to match your vision.

  • Option for Hand-Drawn Images: For a personal touch, engage Storyboard Hero's team of sketch artists to draw images for you.

  • Branded PDF Export: Once satisfied, encapsulate your storyboard into a branded PDF, ready for presentation.

Storyboard Hero Pricing

Storyboard Hero is not just a storyboard generator; it's your collaborative partner in weaving visual narratives, ensuring your ideas are vividly brought to life.

With just a few clicks, transition from conceptualization to a shareable storyboard, all while saving precious time and focusing on what matters most - your creative storytelling journey.

3. Elai.io

Ai Storyboard Generator Elai

Elai is an AI storyboard generator tool designed to bridge the gap between concept and visualization. The tool harnesses the power of AI to transform textual descriptions into vivid storyboards, significantly streamlining the creative process.

  • Effortless Story Creation: With just a few clicks, users can input their script or text prompts, which ELAI's AI converts into a sample storyboard. The platform's intuitive interface facilitates a seamless transition from text to visual story, allowing for rapid storyboard creation without the need for drawing skills.

  • Customizable Avatars: ELAI allows users to create or choose avatars that represent characters in their stories. This feature empowers storytellers to bring a personalized touch to their storyboards, enhancing the narrative's relatability and engagement.

  • Generate Video Content: Beyond static storyboards, ELAI provides the capability to generate video content based on the created storyboard. This feature is particularly advantageous for video creators and agencies looking to expedite the video production process.

  • Text-to-Video Conversion: ELAI stands out with its text-to-video conversion feature, allowing for an even more streamlined storyboard creation process. Users can easily generate scenes, complete with dialogues and actions, directly from text.

  • Camera-free Production: The tool supports camera-free production, enabling users to create high-quality video content without complex setups. This is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized video agencies aiming to deliver professional-grade content with limited resources.

  • Ease of Use: ELAI boasts an easy-to-use interface, allowing even novices to dive into storyboard creation head-first. The online platform's user-friendly design ensures that creating storyboards, generating scripts, and visualizing ideas is a breeze for all.

  • Diverse Application: ELAI finds applications across various domains from marketing to education. Its ability to quickly generate images and videos makes it a prized asset for professionals looking to communicate ideas effectively.

Unique Features that Set ELAI Apart

  • GPT-3 Integration: ELAI's integration with GPT-3 facilitates automatic script generation. This feature enables users to create a script from scratch, which can then be used to generate a storyboard.

  • Automated Translations: ELAI's automated translations feature is a boon for global teams, allowing for instant translation of storyboards into 75 different languages.

  • Personalization at Scale: The tool allows for personalization at scale, ensuring that the storyboards resonate well with the target audience, regardless of the project size.

  • Article-to-Video Conversion: The Article-to-video conversion feature is a godsend for content creators and marketers. It allows for quick conversion of blog posts into video content, expanding the reach and engagement of the content manifold.

The automation that ELAI brings to the table significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual storyboard creation. Using machine learning algorithms, ELAI analyzes text to generate images and scenes that align with the narrative, allowing for a more dynamic storytelling experience.


In essence, Elai is not just a storyboard generator; it's a comprehensive tool that enhances the storytelling process, providing a canvas for creative projects to come to life. Whether for a film, an animation, or a marketing campaign, ELAI's AI storyboard generator tool is a game-changer, making the storyboard creation process a breeze for video creators. The various styles, characters, and scenes it offers, coupled with its text-to-image feature, empower storytellers, enabling them to bring their visions to life in just minutes.


In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the emergence of AI storyboard generator tools has been a game-changer for video creators, marketers, and storytellers.

These cutting-edge platforms, with their intuitive interfaces and AI-powered features, have drastically streamlined the storyboard creation process, swiftly and effortlessly transforming ideas into visual narratives.

Tools like Boords, Storyboard Hero, and ELAI are at the forefront of this innovation, each offering unique functionalities that cater to diverse creative needs. Whether it's generating scripts, creating personalized avatars, or converting text to video, these tools are unlocking new horizons in storytelling.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ai Storyboard Generator Tools (FAQs)

What is an AI storyboard generator?

An AI storyboard generator is a tool powered by machine learning and AI to assist video creators in creating storyboards.

Instead of manual storyboard creation, this online tool enables users to generate visuals, different scenes, and scripts in just a few clicks!

How does the AI-powered storyboard generator differ from traditional storyboard creators?

Traditional storyboard creators require manual input and drawing skills. In contrast, AI storyboard generators use advanced algorithms to generate images, scenes, and scripts based on text prompts or ideas you provide. No drawing skills required!

Can I see a sample storyboard before committing?

Absolutely! Most online platforms offer a sample storyboard to showcase the power of their AI. This lets you see the various styles, camera angles, and concepts before diving in.

I'm a video agency. How can this tool benefit me?

For video agencies, time is money. With an AI-powered storyboard generator, you can easily generate storyboards in just minutes, allowing you to focus on more business and creative projects.

Plus, with the text-to-image feature, you can convert scripts into visuals in a snap!

Can I use my own images or art in the storyboard?

Many AI storyboard generators allow users to incorporate their own images or art. This empowers storytellers to enhance the storyboard with a personal touch, blending AI-generated content with their creative vision.

What if I want to create a storyboard for animation or film?

These tools are versatile! Whether you're working on animation, film, or any other video content, the AI can generate relevant scenes, characters, and visuals to bring your story to life.

I've read a blog post about AI taking away the creativity in storyboarding. Is that true?

While AI can generate content based on algorithms, it doesn't replace human creativity. Think of it as a tool that enhances the process, giving you a base to work from.

You still have the power to adjust, refine, and infuse your unique storytelling style.

How user-friendly is the interface?

These storyboard creator tools are designed with an easy-to-use interface. Whether you're a seasoned video creator or new to storyboarding, you'll find the platform intuitive.

Plus, with various templates and prompts, getting started is a breeze!

Can I collaborate with my team using this tool?

Yes! Many AI storyboard generator platforms offer collaborative features, allowing your team to communicate, share ideas, and co-create storyboards seamlessly.

Are there case studies showcasing the effectiveness of AI in storyboarding?

Absolutely. Many platforms provide case studies that showcase how AI has revolutionized the storyboarding process for various industries, from video agencies to individual creators.

Remember, while AI offers a powerful tool to empower and enhance your storyboarding process, it's the human touch, creativity, and storytelling prowess that truly bring a storyboard to life. Happy storyboarding!

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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