101 Merman Names For Your Blue Ocean Character

Merman Names

Are you diving into the deep, blue ocean of creativity, searching for the perfect name to bring your merman character to life? 

Whether he's a sea god ruling over the mighty seas, a sea warrior defending the ancient waters, or a sea lover whispering to the waves, finding the right merman name can immerse your audience in the mystical world you're creating

From the bright sea to the dark water, from the Caspian Sea to the Aegean Sea, and from the realm of sea nymphs to the domain of sea monsters, this list of merman names offers a goldmine of inspiration. 

Discover cool merman names that echo the call of the ocean. From mythical creatures to sea guardians, each name is crafted to add depth and intrigue to your sea mythology or fantasy world

Whether for a screenplay, a novel, or a creative project, dive into our list and find the perfect name to capture the essence of your blue ocean character.

A long list of Merman name ideas

Merman names starting with an A

1. Aqueron

2. Atlantides

3. Aegaeo

4. Amaros

5. Anemar

6. Aquillon

7. Arvion

8. Asphalion

9. Abythos

10. Alcioneus

11. Aequorin

12. Atraxion

13. Axiothea

14. Aglaophon

15. Antheon

16. Aurenius

17. Aelaron

18. Astyrian

19. Amphirion

20. Acastus

21. Alimar

22. Andriole

23. Azurian

24. Aerandir

25. Arionel

Merman names starting with a B

26. Balerion

27. Brinthalos

28. Benthonir

29. Bythios

30. Brizoar

31. Belmarius

32. Borakai

33. Balenor

34. Brevium

35. Brontius

36. Basileon

37. Bithron

38. Baracuda

39. Baelor

40. Bluestream

41. Brinwave

42. Baelos

43. Bryndol

44. Bluran

45. Boridian

46. Borethius

47. Blytharis

48. Belvorean

49. Brinlore

50. Baerion

Merman names starting with a C

51. Caladur

52. Cymothoe

53. Corallion

54. Cyreneus

55. Cephalian

56. Calmaris

57. Cetorion

58. Chryson

59. Cnidarian

60. Corvexis

61. Crydius

62. Calypthor

63. Cursalian

64. Cyrioth

65. Callidon

66. Celadion

67. Cretheon

68. Cymbelar

69. Coralin

70. Citharos

71. Clionar

72. Caelumis

73. Cynaro

74. Cythraul

75. Calibore

Merman names starting with a D

76. Darythian

77. Delmarn

78. Drexios

79. Dorianth

80. Dracosea

81. Dymasor

82. Dylanthos

83. Davorin

84. Dalvion

85. Drethikon

86. Diomar

87. Dariusian

88. Datharil

89. Dynathor

90. Dorus

91. Delphiron

92. Driolus

93. Darvion

94. Dyston

95. Durvian

96. Denarix

97. Dralios

98. Dethalion

99. Domarion

100. Dyronis

Merman names starting with an E

101. Ecthelion

102. Euronar

103. Elphiron

104. Erythros

105. Eldamar

106. Enthoras

107. Equisor

108. Evarion

109. Elydor

110. Ethrion

111. Evandir

112. Eltanin

113. Eridal

114. Erithius

115. Endolion

116. Eclaron

117. Ermidar

118. Estrion

119. Ealdor

120. Ethernor

121. Egrorian

122. Elaric

123. Ecnarion

124. Eolande

125. Exurion

Merman names starting with an F

126. Falcorin

127. Fyrdor

128. Finvarra

129. Ferulon

130. Fendrel

131. Frondil

132. Falciron

133. Fyrion

134. Forvian

135. Frasil

136. Felmar

137. Fenthick

138. Fyrus

139. Forithian

140. Fendalion

141. Feranth

142. Firoth

143. Florinthal

144. Fendros

145. Fraxion

146. Fularion

147. Faelar

148. Finroth

149. Forcas

150. Fendrius

Merman names starting with a G

151. Glaedryn

152. Gralion

153. Ghoran

154. Galdor

155. Grythion

156. Gilnaris

157. Galvion

158. Grendar

159. Gyrian

160. Grithal

161. Gavriel

162. Galathor

163. Gormaril

164. Glyndor

165. Gyrion

166. Galfinas

167. Gerion

168. Githranor

169. Grivion

170. Galenor

171. Gralen

172. Ghirald

173. Grenthar

174. Gondal

175. Guraldion

Merman names starting with an H

176. Halcyor

177. Hervion

178. Haldor

179. Hydran

180. Haelor

181. Hirion

182. Horeth

183. Harvandil

184. Hylon

185. Hyrion

186. Helmar

187. Haldiron

188. Hythron

189. Haralor

190. Hylas

191. Harendor

192. Holthion

193. Hulmar

194. Hydris

195. Harnor

196. Herul

197. Hyranth

198. Haliron

199. Hyleth

200. Horith

Merman names starting with an I

201. Ildran

202. Ivrin

203. Ilmarin

204. Indoril

205. Ithilion

206. Ivorith

207. Ilthor

208. Irenic

209. Isulon

210. Icarion

211. Inthar

212. Idalion

213. Ireth

214. Ivaran

215. Ithron

216. Ivellios

217. Igrath

218. Ilphiron

219. Invaris

220. Ilythiir

221. Isendur

222. Idril

223. Ivindor

224. Ilendil

225. Ithamar

Merman names starting with a J

226. Jorlin

227. Jaldar

228. Jyron

229. Jarvion

230. Jenthil

231. Joral

232. Jandor

233. Jyras

234. Jolvor

235. Jalrin

236. Jereth

237. Jundar

238. Jelarion

239. Jarnoth

240. Jorith

241. Jastor

242. Jelanth

243. Jyvion

244. Joranar

245. Julmar

246. Jenthos

247. Jarilon

248. Jyldor

249. Jalvyn

250. Jurnias

Merman names starting with a K

251. Kaldur

252. Kyranos

253. Kirel

254. Korvian

255. Kaelum

256. Kythar

257. Kelvor

258. Karnil

259. Krevian

260. Kyrion

261. Kaldor

262. Krilian

263. Kelthas

264. Korian

265. Kendor

266. Kilvar

267. Kyras

268. Kolvir

269. Kelmar

270. Kainor

271. Korith

272. Kelmor

273. Kyndor

274. Kralen

275. Kivor

Merman names starting with an L

276. Lyrandar

277. Lorvian

278. Lendil

279. Lathron

280. Lirion

281. Levran

282. Lanvior

283. Lumeth

284. Lorcian

285. Lurien

286. Lythor

287. Lavalor

288. Lirael

289. Lanthir

290. Lysander

291. Lornar

292. Lyvron

293. Lafaril

294. Lurand

295. Leothan

296. Lathal

297. Liric

298. Lendis

299. Lathrin

300. Levindor

Merman names starting with an M

301. Morvran

302. Mythalon

303. Maridon

304. Mervion

305. Melkor

306. Myrion

307. Maldur

308. Morian

309. Mirthal

310. Myrandir

311. Marvol

312. Mylor

313. Maliron

314. Myronar

315. Mavros

316. Morlith

317. Meridian

318. Mylenthar

319. Mondor

320. Malithar

321. Mykalor

322. Mireon

323. Mynthor

324. Miralas

325. Morvion

Merman names starting with an N

326. Nalthor

327. Nevian

328. Nirel

329. Norvion

330. Nethalas

331. Nydor

332. Narveth

333. Nalorin

334. Nyrandir

335. Nothar

336. Nireon

337. Naevor

338. Nylarion

339. Noril

340. Navor

341. Naliron

342. Narmol

343. Nythron

344. Nalmar

345. Nyrion

346. Nedoran

347. Nevros

348. Nolrin

349. Nythar

350. Norian

Merman names starting with an O

351. Orilon

352. Ondaril

353. Othmar

354. Olvian

355. Oryn

356. Orial

357. Orveth

358. Osius

359. Oltor

360. Onyxion

361. Odran

362. Oranor

363. Olithar

364. Omenor

365. Oxiron

366. Orilus

367. Ovior

368. Orinthal

369. Odarion

370. Ocealor

371. Onaril

372. Othien

373. Ormian

374. Olgar

375. Olendir

Merman names starting with a P

376. Pherion

377. Pelorin

378. Pythar

379. Praxion

380. Phaliron

381. Pendar

382. Pyrion

383. Pelthar

384. Phorix

385. Pavion

386. Peranor

387. Phyrion

388. Polvian

389. Pylar

390. Phendrel

391. Prytan

392. Penmor

393. Pyrol

394. Palthon

395. Pyrandor

396. Prindar

397. Phelarion

398. Pynor

399. Pelorian

400. Pydrion

Merman names starting with a Q

401. Quilion

402. Qyron

403. Qalvion

404. Quorin

405. Qindar

406. Quaran

407. Qyler

408. Qanor

409. Qythar

410. Quilmar

411. Qarven

412. Qirel

413. Quelthor

414. Qynor

415. Quindil

416. Qelar

417. Qarion

418. Quelion

419. Qovan

420. Qanthar

421. Quendal

422. Qyral

423. Qelion

424. Quorath

425. Qynar

Merman names starting with an R

426. Rythor

427. Ralion

428. Rendal

429. Revion

430. Raxion

431. Rithal

432. Rolvian

433. Renorin

434. Rygar

435. Rovar

436. Ralorin

437. Rynoth

438. Rhidian

439. Ryvion

440. Rodrian

441. Rumil

442. Ranthar

443. Ruvion

444. Regalion

445. Rylian

446. Rolthar

447. Ranion

448. Relyth

449. Rador

450. Rynthar

Merman names starting with an S

451. Sylarion

452. Sarvion

453. Senthil

454. Solmar

455. Syrion

456. Selthor

457. Sarnor

458. Sivion

459. Stelmar

460. Soral

461. Syldor

462. Samil

463. Seryth

464. Sovaril

465. Synar

466. Sirion

467. Saldor

468. Sylthian

469. Sterion

470. Sedoran

471. Silvan

472. Seridon

473. Solenar

474. Saphiron

475. Suvan

Merman names starting with a T

476. Thalorin

477. Tervion

478. Tyronar

479. Taldan

480. Trisolar

481. Tymor

482. Threndor

483. Telvar

484. Tolarin

485. Tyrnol

486. Thalion

487. Tolmar

488. Tynan

489. Tarvol

490. Tervan

491. Toril

492. Tridon

493. Tormar

494. Thelior

495. Tynor

496. Tavalor

497. Torion

498. Telindar

499. Tarnil

500. Thorian

Merman names starting with a U

501. Uldorin

502. Urvan

503. Ulmar

504. Urion

505. Uthal

506. Ulyn

507. Unthar

508. Urvil

509. Urthel

510. Uldran

511. Uthion

512. Ulanor

513. Uthriel

514. Urvin

515. Ulior

516. Ulvion

517. Undaril

518. Utharion

519. Uldar

520. Urenor

521. Uxilor

522. Ulthor

523. Urian

524. Uthol

525. Uvalor

Merman names starting with a V

526. Valthor

527. Varion

528. Vindelar

529. Volarin

530. Vyron

531. Valeron

532. Vesperon

533. Virel

534. Vorlan

535. Vythar

536. Venoril

537. Vular

538. Valindor

539. Vornar

540. Vythal

541. Veralid

542. Vorion

543. Vantir

544. Veldar

545. Vilmor

546. Velmar

547. Vunthor

548. Viron

549. Valthen

550. Varnel

Merman names starting with a W

551. Wyldor

552. Wynthar

553. Wervion

554. Walorin

555. Wyvar

556. Wulfric

557. Wrendil

558. Worian

559. Wyndor

560. Wolvar

561. Wethrion

562. Wilmar

563. Walaron

564. Wrylon

565. Winthar

566. Wulvor

567. Wyrlin

568. Wistal

569. Wandor

570. Wyrion

571. Welnar

572. Wolthar

573. Wynvar

574. Walthen

575. Wilion

Merman names starting with an X

576. Xylorin

577. Xandar

578. Xerion

579. Xalvion

580. Xanthor

581. Xyron

582. Xilmar

583. Xendros

584. Xorlin

585. Xylvan

586. Xarnor

587. Xyler

588. Xelar

589. Xorion

590. Xindil

591. Xulor

592. Xavern

593. Xanlor

594. Xyphor

595. Xenthos

596. Xolvan

597. Ximnar

598. Xalcus

599. Xydran

600. Xarnil

Merman names starting with a Y

601. Yalor

602. Yndarion

603. Yrion

604. Ythral

605. Yvolen

606. Yarveth

607. Ysiron

608. Yldor

609. Yvron

610. Yrenthal

611. Yndolin

612. Ylmar

613. Ythorin

614. Yolaris

615. Ylvian

616. Ynaril

617. Yfiron

618. Ythelon

619. Yvoran

620. Yralen

621. Yndar

622. Ysolon

623. Ylarion

624. Ythian

625. Yrindor

Merman names starting with a Z

626. Zalorin

627. Zyrion

628. Zendar

629. Zorlan

630. Zilmar

631. Zavron

632. Zythar

633. Zelion

634. Zarnil

635. Zorion

636. Zulindar

637. Zalvion

638. Zirel

639. Zonaril

640. Zathron

641. Zyras

642. Zulor

643. Zandaril

644. Zelthor

645. Zyril

646. Zolan

647. Zythion

648. Zanor

649. Zilthian

650. Zuvion


As we surface from the depths of our blue ocean exploration, armed with these captivating merman names, remember that each name holds the power to breathe life into your sea-bound characters. 

Whether they command the ancient waters as a sea god, navigate the powerful seas with the grace of a sea nymph, or protect the realm as a noble sea warrior, these names are your key to unlocking stories of mystical allure and marine majesty. 

From the sea foam's serene whispers to the dark water's mysterious depths, let these names inspire tales of love, adventure, and myth in your fantasy worlds. Embrace the essence of the ocean, the spirit of the sea creatures, and the legend of the mermaids and mermen who inhabit the waters from the Caspian Sea to the seven seas. 

In your quest to captivate the hearts of readers and viewers, may these mermaid and merman names guide you to create characters as mesmerizing and profound as the ocean itself.

Frequently Asked Questions About Merman Names (FAQs)

What are some cool merman names inspired by the sea god and sea mythology?

  • Oceanus: Drawing from the ancient waters and the god of the sea, Oceanus embodies the vast expanse and powerful seas.

  • Triton: As a sea god's son, Triton carries the authority of the ocean, commanding sea creatures and the moving sea.

How can I incorporate elements like the sea tide and shining sea into merman names?

  • Marinus: Meaning "of the sea," it echoes the bright sea and the rhythmic movement of sea tides.

  • Lucian: Suggesting light for a merman connected to the shining sea, reflecting ocean waters' bright and mesmerizing qualities.

Are there any unique names for mermen that evoke the image of sea warriors and sea guardians?

  • Thalassar: Melding the Greek name for sea, Thalassa, with a warrior essence, perfect for a sea warrior or guardian.

  • Caspian: After the Caspian Sea, symbolizing sea strength and the protective nature of a sea fortress.

What are some enchanting male mermaid names derived from sea nymphs and sea mythology?

  • Nereus: A nod to the gentle sea, Nereus, a name from sea mythology, connects to sea nymphs and the calming deep sea.

  • Calder: Meaning "rocky water," reminiscent of ancient waters and the mythical creatures that dwell within.

Can you suggest male merman names that reflect the beauty and dangers of the ocean?

  • Murdock: A name that conjures the hidden dangers and dark water of the ocean's depths.

  • Kai: Meaning "sea" in Hawaiian, Kai captures the sea's beauty and unpredictable nature.

How do I create mesmerizing merman names that fit into fantasy worlds and sea lover themes?

  • Aegir: Inspired by the Norse sea god, perfect for a character with a deep connection to the ocean and its creatures.

  • Adrian: After the Adriatic Sea, ideal for a sea lover or someone with a beautiful voice echoing the sirens' call.

What are some merman and mermaid names for characters involved in a sea goddess or sea monster storyline?

  • Thetis: Named after a sea goddess, ideal for a character embodying grace and the nurturing aspect of the sea.

  • Leviathan: For a merman with a formidable presence inspired by legendary sea monsters.

How can I link merman names with natural elements like freshwater fish or the green water of hidden coves?

  • Brook: Evoking fresh, moving water, perfect for a water baby or a merman from a river or stream.

  • Viridian: Reflecting the vibrant green water of hidden coves, suitable for a character deeply connected to nature.

What are some ancient and modern inspirations for merman names?

  • Poseidon: The ultimate name is drawn from ancient Greek mythology. It embodies the god of the sea and its dominion.

  • Dylan: A modern name meaning "son of the sea," fitting for stories set in contemporary worlds or popular culture.

How can I use cultural references to enrich merman names in my stories?

  • Manawanui: A Maori name meaning "big water," it connects to the sea's vastness and the cultural significance of water.

  • Nahuel: A Native American name meaning "water," it brings a unique cultural layer to a character connected to ancient legends and the natural world.

Robin Piree

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