55 Creative Rising Action Examples for Your Next Story

rising action examples

Are you stuck on how to keep your audience on the edge of their seats? Crafting a story that captivates from start to finish requires a mix of compelling narrative, engaging characters, and a plot structure that escalates tension with every turn of the page. 

Rising action plays a crucial role in this mix, laying the groundwork for a dramatic climax and satisfying resolution. I'm sharing 55 creative rising action examples in this blog that will breathe life into your stories. 

Whether sketching a hero's journey faced with insurmountable odds, weaving internal conflicts within your main characters, or building suspense that grips readers' attention, these examples will guide and challenge you in writing rising action that enriches your story's dramatic structure.

A long list of rising action examples

1. In a quiet village, a young inventor creates a machine that accidentally awakens a centuries-old beast, forcing the villagers to confront their forgotten history. In contrast, the inventor seeks a way to rectify his mistake.

2. A rookie detective on the trail of a notorious serial killer starts receiving cryptic messages from the suspect, leading her into a dangerous game of cat and mouse that tests her limits and ethics.

3. In a dystopian future, a rebel discovers a secret about the government's control methods and embarks on a quest to find the truth, gathering allies and facing betrayals along the way.

4. An aspiring chef enters a prestigious cooking competition, only to find out her main rival is her estranged brother, bringing up old family wounds as they climb the ranks of the contest.

5. Two childhood friends find a map of a legendary treasure but must navigate a series of dangerous traps and puzzles while a greedy archaeologist follows them, threatening to steal their discovery.

6. A high school student discovers she can travel through time, but using her power results in unpredictable consequences, forcing her to decide how much she's willing to change for a better future.

7. After a meteorite crash-lands in their neighborhood, a group of kids develops superpowers, leading them into conflicts with those who seek to exploit their abilities for evil purposes.

8. In a fantasy world, a young mage is falsely accused of using forbidden magic and must journey to clear his name, uncovering a conspiracy that threatens the magical community.

9. A space explorer is stranded on an alien planet, where she must learn to survive in an unknown environment while unraveling the planet's mysteries and finding a way to signal for rescue.

10. An investigative journalist receives a tip about corruption in a multinational corporation and starts digging more profound, but as she gets closer to the truth, her life and those she loves are put in danger.

11. In a post-apocalyptic world, a lone survivor finds a radio broadcasting a message of hope, embarking on a perilous journey to find the source and possibly other survivors.

12. A young lawyer takes on a case that seems straightforward but uncovers a deep-seated conspiracy within the legal system, challenging her beliefs about justice and morality.

13. A professional gamer is invited to compete in a secretive, high-stakes tournament, only to discover that the game has real-world consequences, blurring the lines between virtual and reality.

14. On the eve of their music band's biggest gig, the lead singer goes missing, and the remaining members must follow a series of clues to find him, uncovering secrets that test their loyalty and friendship.

15. A novelist suffering from writer's block moves into a seemingly idyllic town for inspiration but starts to notice strange occurrences that fuel her next book, even as they endanger her.

16. In a magical academy, a student stumbles upon an ancient artifact that grants immense power but also attracts dark forces, leading to a conflict that could tear the magical world apart.

17. A wildlife photographer in the Amazon rainforest captures a photo of a thought-extinct creature, leading to a thrilling expedition that pits him against poachers and rival scientists.

18. After moving into an old mansion, a family discovers it's haunted by spirits with unresolved issues. They must solve the mysteries of the past to bring peace to both the living and the dead.

19. A tech startup founder develops a revolutionary social media app that predicts user's desires, but as the app goes viral, it starts manipulating users' decisions, leading to unforeseen consequences.

20. On a distant planet, colonists are forced to deal with a rapidly evolving ecosystem that seems to be actively resisting their presence, leading to a struggle for dominance over the alien world.

21. An amateur archaeologist uncovers a relic that proves to be a key to unlocking an ancient civilization's power source, but exploiting it attracts the attention of a secretive organization bent on world domination.

22. A young athlete with dreams of Olympic gold discovers a hidden family secret that could enhance her abilities but at a great personal cost, testing her limits and the true meaning of victory.

23. In a world where dreams can be entered and manipulated, a dream detective must track down a dream thief who is causing chaos in the dream world, risking his own sanity in the process.

24. A shy librarian finds a mysterious book that allows her to enter the stories and interact with the characters, but when a villain escapes into the real world, she must find the courage to follow and stop them.

25. After inheriting an old theater, a group of friends discovers it's a gateway to different historical periods. Their adventures in time become increasingly dangerous as they encounter historical figures with unresolved issues.

26. In a future society where emotions are regulated by the government, a young couple experiences forbidden love, leading them on a dangerous journey to escape surveillance and discover a place where they can feel free.

27. A failed inventor finds his latest creation, a machine that can clean the world's pollution, works too well, sucking up not just pollution but the atmosphere itself, forcing him to race against time to fix his mistake.

28. On the launch day of a virtual reality game, players cannot log out, and the game's challenges and dangers become lethally real, requiring them to act now to complete the game for freedom.

29. A medieval scribe discovers a book that predicts future events but alters the course of history when read, leading him on a quest to decide which events to change and which to allow to unfold.

30. In a galaxy torn by war, a pilot crash-lands on a planet believed to be cursed. As she tries to repair her ship, she uncovers an ancient prophecy that she is destined to end the conflict, but not in the way she expects.

31. A chocolatier in a small French village creates a recipe that accidentally grants temporary superpowers, leading to a comedic yet chaotic series of events as villagers misuse the powers for personal gain.

32. During a summer camp, a group of teens discovers an old board game that brings their greatest fears to life, forcing them to confront and overcome their phobias together to end the game.

33. In a city where music is banned, a rebellious teen discovers an underground club where people communicate and express themselves through music, leading her to start a movement to bring music back to the surface.

34. A botanist on an alien planet discovers a plant that seems to have consciousness. As he studies it, he realizes it has the power to connect different forms of life telepathically, challenging his understanding of intelligence.

35. In a futuristic society where people are assigned professions at birth, a young girl who dreams of painting discovers an underground movement that defies societal roles, leading her to question her destiny.

36. After a meteor shower, a small town's pets start exhibiting human-like intelligence, leading to a whimsical yet profound exploration of the bond between humans and animals.

37. A pair of scientists invent a device that can predict a person's future death with 99% accuracy, but they must grapple with the moral implications when the device predicts a global catastrophe.

38. In an alternate reality where the Library of Alexandria was never destroyed, a scholar uncovers a conspiracy that could lead to its second downfall, racing against time to save the world's knowledge.

39. A lighthouse keeper finds a mysterious shipwreck survivor who claims to be from a sunken utopian civilization, leading to a quest to discover the truth beneath the waves.

40. In a world plagued by shadows that steal memories, a young girl with the rare ability to see them teams up with a shadow hunter to save her family's memories, uncovering a plot to plunge the world into forgetfulness.

41. A reality TV show where participants live as if it's the medieval era takes a strange turn when actual magic starts to work, forcing contestants and producers to navigate a suddenly very real ancient world.

42. After discovering an old film projector in their attic, a family watches home movies that predict future events in their lives, leading them to change their actions to alter the outcomes.

43. A graffiti artist discovers their murals come to life at night, leading them into an urban fantasy world where their art can change reality, but so can the art of a rival with darker intentions.

44. In a city divided by daylight and eternal night, a night-dweller and a day-walker fall in love, starting a chain of events that could unite or permanently sever their divided world.

45. An underwater archaeologist finds an ancient artifact that allows them to breathe underwater, leading to the discovery of a submerged civilization and a battle over its secrets.

46. A retired superhero starts a support group for people with useless powers, only to discover that when combined, these powers can save the world from a threat no single hero could face.

47. In a world where art is illegal, a rebel artist uses magical paints that make her drawings come to life, sparking a revolution against a regime that fears imagination.

48. A programmer creates a virtual reality that's a perfect replica of the '90s, but users start preferring it over the real world, leading to societal challenges and questions about reality and nostalgia.

49. After a failed scientific experiment, a town experiences time in reverse, leading its residents to solve the mystery of how to return to normalcy while reliving their pasts.

50. In a magical version of the Victorian era, a detective with the ability to speak to objects solves crimes by learning the history of key evidence, uncovering a plot that threatens the crown.

51. A teenager with the ability to teleport discovers a secret island where mythical creatures are real and must protect it from the modern world's encroachment.

52. A family inherits a castle that turns out to be alive, leading them on an adventure to uncover its mysteries, bond with it, and protect it from those who wish to exploit its magical properties.

53. A world-renowned escapologist discovers a hidden dimension where all his escape tricks work because of magic, and he must use his skills to prevent a magical war from spilling into the human world.

54. After planting a mythical seed, a farmer's land becomes a portal to other worlds, leading to a quest to find a balance between exploration and protecting his home from interdimensional dangers.

55. A group of strangers wakes up in a deserted theme park with no memory of how they got there, only to find that they must solve the park's mysteries to escape.


By integrating these creative examples into your own stories, whether they involve epic quests like in Lord of the Rings, internal struggles akin to Harry Potter, or the simple yet profound challenges of Little Red Riding Hood, you're not just writing rising action; you're crafting an unforgettable journey. 

So, apply these insights to your main characters' development, and watch as your story unfolds into something truly remarkable, keeping readers and viewers engaged from beginning to end. 

Here's to creating your next great story, filled with compelling rising action that captivates and inspires!

Frequently Asked Questions About Rising Actions (FAQs)

What is Rising Action?

Rising action is a plot element in literature, film, and storytelling that builds tension and escalates conflict after the inciting incident, leading up to the story's climax

It keeps the audience engaged by raising stakes and developing characters, making it a crucial component of a compelling narrative.

How Does Rising Action Begin?

Rising action begins immediately after the inciting incident, where the main conflict or central conflict is introduced. 

This sets the story in motion, pushing the main character(s) into a journey filled with obstacles, challenges, and internal conflicts.

Can You Give Examples of Rising Action?

Examples include Romeo and Juliet's escalating family feud after Romeo kills Tybalt, the journey to Mount Doom in The Lord of the Rings, and Katniss's challenges in The Hunger Games. 

Each builds suspense and engages readers by escalating the main plot and developing characters.

Why is Character Development Important in Rising Action?

Character development plays a vital role in rising action by adding depth and complexity to the story. It allows characters to evolve, facing internal and external conflicts that test and reveal their desires, fears, and motivations, keeping the reader interested.

How to Write Effective Rising Action?

  1. Introduce a clear main conflict to drive the story forward.

  2. Create compelling obstacles challenging the protagonist, making their journey difficult but engaging.

  3. Develop your character through these challenges, showing growth or failure.

  4. Maintain reader interest by escalating tension and stakes.

  5. Use subplots and side characters to add layers and complexity.

What Comes After Rising Action?

After rising action, the story reaches its climactic moment or climax, the most exciting part of the story where the main conflict reaches its peak. 

This is followed by falling action and eventually the resolution, where loose ends are tied up.

What are some Common Mistakes in Writing Rising Action?

  • Overcomplicating the plot to the point of losing focus.

  • Neglecting character development, making the story feel shallow.

  • Failing to escalate tension adequately can leave the audience disengaged.

  • Ignoring the balance between action and the character's inner journey.

How Does Rising Action Fit into Story Structure?

Rising action is a key part of Freytag's Pyramid and other story structures. It is situated between the exposition (or introduction) and the climax.

It builds momentum, challenges characters, and engages the audience, ensuring that the action in a story is compelling and dynamic.

What are some tips for Crafting Compelling Rising Action?

  • Focus on the central conflict: Make it complex and relatable.

  • Push your characters: Force them out of their comfort zones.

  • Vary the pace: Mix intense scenes with quieter moments to maintain interest.

  • Use dramatic structure: Incorporate twists, turning points, and surprises to keep the audience guessing.

  • Reflect on real-world examples and incorporate similar dynamics in your stories, ensuring they are rooted in authentic emotions and universal truths.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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