59 Unbelievable Inciting Incident Ideas You've Never Thought Of

inciting incident ideas

Have you ever wondered what sparks the magic in stories that capture our hearts and imaginations, from the epic adventures of "Star Wars" to the intimate moments of "The Great Gatsby"? It all begins with an unforgettable inciting incident.

This pivotal moment catapults the main character from their ordinary world into the story's heart, setting the stage for romance, adventure, and transformation.

Whether Harry Potter discovers he's a wizard or Katniss Everdeen steps forward to take her sister's place, the inciting incident captures the reader's attention and sets the entire story in motion.

You've come to the right place if you're searching for that perfect plot twist to disrupt your main character's status quo or a romantic spark to ignite a love story that defies reader expectations.

From supernatural beings to natural disasters and from ordinary coffee shops to new cities teeming with secrets, this collection of inciting incident ideas promises to launch your characters on a journey that leaves your audience breathlessly awaiting what happens next.

A long list of Inciting Incident Ideas

1. A shy librarian finds a mysterious, unmarked book that reveals the secrets of the town's founding families, drawing her into a centuries-old feud.

2. During a routine jog, a fitness enthusiast discovers a hidden cave with ancient artifacts, setting off a global treasure hunt with dangerous competitors.

3. A middle-aged office worker receives an unexpected inheritance from an unknown relative, leading to the discovery of a second family and hidden past.

4. On their first day at a new school, a teenager uncovers a secret society of students with supernatural abilities and learns they are destined to join them.

5. A failed musician wakes up to find they're suddenly the world's biggest pop star, but at a mysterious cost that unfolds through their rise to fame.

6. An aspiring chef accidentally creates a dish that can make anyone fall in love with the first person they see, causing chaos in her small town.

7. A struggling inventor's latest creation, a device intended to bring inanimate objects to life, malfunctions, causing toys to gain consciousness.

8. A reclusive writer finds a hidden door in their new apartment that leads to alternate realities, each offering a different direction and a clue to a life-changing decision.

9. During a solar eclipse, a group of friends camping in the wilderness witness a spacecraft crash, leading them on a government-evading adventure to help the alien pilot return home.

10. A young lawyer is assigned to a seemingly mundane estate case, only to uncover a map to a legendary lost city hidden among the documents.

11. After purchasing an antique mirror, a fashion blogger starts seeing visions of a woman's life from the 1920s, prompting a journey into her own heritage.

12. A child discovers their new pet dog is actually a shape-shifting creature from another planet, sent to protect them from an imminent cosmic threat.

13. A barista serves coffee to a mysterious stranger who leaves behind a tip: a coin that grants the holder the ability to manipulate time, but with consequences.

14. On a whim, a young adult takes a DNA test, only to discover they are the heir to a throne in a small, unknown country, throwing their life into political intrigue.

15. During a routine cleaning of an old theater, a stagehand finds a hidden trapdoor leading to an underground labyrinth that's been sealed for centuries.

16. A tech-savvy teenager hacks into a forgotten satellite and accidentally downloads an AI with information that could alter the future of humanity.

17. A down-on-their-luck artist sketches a portrait of a face they see in a dream, only to have the person from their drawing appear in real life the next day.

18. After a light-hearted prank on a friend, a group of teenagers realizes they've actually awakened a dormant spirit, leading to a series of eerie occurrences in their town.

19. A genealogist discovers an ancestral connection to a secret society that has protected a powerful artifact for centuries, pulling it into a hidden world of intrigue.

20. An unassuming gardener plants a mysterious seed found in an old, dusty gardening book, growing a plant that produces fruits with the power to show the future.

21. A photojournalist captures a picture of a ghost in a war-torn region, setting them on a journey to uncover the supernatural side of conflicts around the world.

22. During a boring summer vacation, a group of kids build a clubhouse over an ancient burial ground, granting them wishes that come true with a twist.

23. A young scientist experimenting with quantum computing accidentally creates a portal to a parallel universe, finding an Earth where history took a different path.

24. An antique collector purchases a vintage typewriter that types out messages on its own, revealing a murder mystery from the past.

25. A professional gamer starts receiving mysterious messages in the virtual world from an anonymous user, leading them to uncover a digital conspiracy.

26. On their 18th birthday, a person receives a mysterious key and a note saying it opens the door to their true destiny, hidden somewhere in the world.

27. A city worker cleaning up a local river discovers an ancient artifact that grants them control over water, attracting the attention of a secret organization.

28. After trying on a pair of vintage sunglasses, a fashion enthusiast starts seeing the world through the eyes of their previous owners, revealing untold stories.

29. A sommelier tastes a wine that transports their consciousness to the era and place it was made, uncovering historical secrets and sparking a time-travel adventure.

30. A linguist deciphers an ancient script that turns out to be a spell, transporting them to a time when the civilization that created it was at its peak.

31. While digitizing old family videos, someone stumbles upon footage showing their parents with technology that shouldn't have existed, unraveling a family history of secret time travel.

32. An amateur astronomer notices a new star that seems to move erratically in the sky, leading to the discovery of an approaching, previously unknown planet.

33. After receiving a mysterious locket as a gift, a young adult begins to live the experiences of its previous owners, each a pivotal figure in history who challenged their understanding of morality and power.

34. A retired detective finds an old, unsolved case file in their attic, revealing clues that suggest the perpetrator is not human. This new hope reignites their passion for justice.

35. On the eve of their wedding, a couple finds a strange box buried in their garden. Inside is a note warning them of a family curse, forcing them to solve it before they can marry.

36. A street artist's graffiti starts to predict events in the near future, drawing the attention of a cult that believes in the power of art to shape reality.

37. A botanist working in a remote rainforest discovers a flower that emits sounds mimicking human speech, revealing an ancient civilization's presence.

38. After installing a seemingly ordinary software update, a programmer finds that their computer has developed consciousness and is offering to reveal the world's greatest mysteries.

39. A historian researching a forgotten war uncovers evidence of an immortal soldier still alive today whose existence could alter the understanding of human limits.

40. During a meditation retreat, a participant accidentally achieves a state of enlightenment that allows them to communicate with interdimensional beings, which offer wisdom but also attract danger.

41. A competitive swimmer training at the beach is caught in a current that leads them to a hidden underwater city, sparking a conflict between human and aquatic civilizations.

42. A professional thief steals a seemingly worthless painting, only to discover it's a map to a legendary island said to be the resting place of an ancient power.

43. After touching a rare meteorite on display at a museum, a person starts experiencing memories from the lives of extraterrestrial beings, revealing the truth about Earth's origins.

44. In an overpopulated future, a scientist develops a formula for a superfood that can end world hunger but also has side effects that could change humanity forever.

45. A reality TV show contestant finds themselves in a game secretly run by an advanced AI testing human nature, blurring the lines between reality and simulation.

46. While exploring an old, abandoned asylum, a group of friends accidentally releases a patient's consciousness into the Internet, leading to a digital haunting.

47. A watchmaker repairs an ancient clock only to find it can manipulate time within its vicinity, leading to moral dilemmas about righting past wrongs.

48. A voice coach discovers they can control people's actions with their voice, thrusting them into a moral quandary about free will and the extent of their power.

49. After surviving a lightning strike, a person discovers they can communicate with electrical devices, uncovering a plot to control the world's information flow.

50. A novelist suffering from writer's block moves into a reputed haunted house for inspiration, only to find the ghosts are muses, offering stories in exchange for resolving their unfinished business.

51. An urban explorer finds an old, unopened letter in a forgotten post office that leads them to a secret society that has been shaping historical events for centuries.

52. A landscape photographer captures an image of a phantom mountain that appears in none of their other photos, leading them on a quest to find a hidden realm.

53. During a particularly vivid dream, a person receives a detailed plan for a device that can clean the world's oceans, compelling them to become an inventor overnight.

54. A volunteer at an archaeological dig uncovers a tablet inscribed with a prophecy that seemingly describes current global events, suggesting they are the key to preventing disaster.

55. A young adult discovers their online gaming friend is actually a royal from a small European country, embroiling them in a political thriller with high stakes for both their worlds.

56. An ordinary housecat begins to speak in human language, revealing it's the reincarnation of a famous historical figure with unfinished business on Earth.

57. After attending a mysterious estate sale, a person finds themselves owning a vintage camera that captures scenes from the past instead of the present.

58. A construction worker unearths a time capsule from the future containing a warning of an impending calamity and instructions for a device that could prevent it.

59. A park ranger discovers a hidden grove where the plants can communicate, revealing ancient ecological wisdom and the key to solving the climate crisis.


Remember, the best inciting incidents are those that feel natural yet unexpected, forcing the protagonist (and the reader) in a direction they never anticipated.

Whether it's a friend's betrayal, a chance encounter, or a cataclysmic event, the inciting incident is your story's call to adventure.

Embrace creativity, and don't be afraid to take your characters and readers on an unforgettable journey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Inciting Incident Ideas (FAQs)

What is an inciting incident?

An inciting incident is a plot point or event that disrupts the main character's everyday life and launches them and the story in a new direction. The moment or inciting incident sets almost everything in motion for the rest of the story.

What are some examples of inciting incidents?

  • In Harry Potter, it's Harry receiving his letter from Hogwarts.

  • In The Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers as a tribute.

  • In Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear arrives, challenging Woody's status as Andy's favorite toy.

  • The Great Gatsby begins as Nick meets Gatsby, introducing us to a world of decadence and mystery.

  • In Saving Private Ryan, the mission to find and bring home Private Ryan serves as the inciting incident.

How does an inciting incident impact the protagonist's life?

It forces the protagonist out of their ordinary world, challenging their status quo and pushing them towards growth and change.

This incident introduces the story's central conflict and profoundly affects the protagonist's life.

What are some creative inciting incident ideas?

  • A mundane day at a coffee shop turns life-changing when the protagonist crosses paths with their future romantic interest, sparking an unexpected love story.

  • An old friend betrays the protagonist, setting off a chain of events that challenges their understanding of loyalty and trust.

  • Discovering a mysterious treasure map in the office drawer of a new job leads the protagonist on an adventure that alters their perspective on life.

  • A natural disaster forces the protagonist to confront their fears and reassess their priorities, catalyzing personal growth.

  • The arrival of a supernatural being in the protagonist's otherwise uneventful town introduces chaos, compelling them to fight for their community's survival.

How important is the inciting incident in a story arc?

The inciting incident is crucial. It grabs the reader's attention and establishes the emotional connection necessary for the audience to invest in the characters and their journey.

A great inciting incident immediately hooks the audience, setting expectations for the story moving forward.

How can an inciting incident influence the entire story?

  • Sets the Tone: It establishes the story's mood and hints at future challenges.

  • Introduces Conflict: It brings the central conflict into the protagonist's world, defining the story's primary struggle.

  • Drives Plot: It propels the story forward, dictating the protagonist's actions and reactions.

  • Shapes Character Development: It forces characters to evolve in response to new challenges.

What are some dos and don'ts for crafting an inciting incident?

  • Do's:

    • Ensure it's relevant to the story and resonates with the central theme.

    • Ensure it challenges the protagonist in a meaningful way.

    • Create questions in the reader's mind to keep them engaged.

  • Don'ts:

    • Don't make it too complicated or unrelated to the main story arc.

    • Avoid delaying the incident too far into the story; it should occur early, typically in the first act or quarter of the story.

How do you keep the story moving after the inciting incident?

  • Continuously raise the stakes to maintain tension.

  • Introduce new challenges or plot twists that test the protagonist further.

  • Keep developing your characters' reactions to the incident and subsequent events.

How do inciting incidents differ in various genres?

  • Romance Stories: The inciting incident often involves the protagonists meeting for the first time or reuniting under unusual circumstances, instantly creating tension or sparking old flames.

  • Action/Adventure: A significant event, like a heist gone wrong, a natural disaster, or receiving a mysterious mission, typically forces the protagonist into immediate action.

  • Fantasy/Sci-Fi: The discovery of a new world, the arrival of a supernatural being, or the revelation of the protagonist's unique powers can serve as the inciting incident, expanding the story's horizons.

  • Mystery/Thriller: An unexpected crime, a mysterious disappearance, or a puzzling message often kicks off the intrigue, compelling the protagonist to seek answers.

How do you ensure your inciting incident captures the reader's attention?

  • Start with an action or a significant event that immediately hooks the reader.

  • Introduce a compelling question or mystery that the reader will want to see resolved.

  • Create an emotional connection with the protagonist right from the start, making their journey feel personal to the reader.

Can inciting incidents be negative or positive?

  • Absolutely. While many inciting incidents introduce conflict or challenges (negative), others can present opportunities or awakenings (positive) that disrupt the protagonist's life excitingly.

  • The key is the transformation or change it incites in the protagonist's journey, regardless of its positive or negative nature.

How can an inciting incident lead to character development?

  • By forcing the protagonist to leave their comfort zone and face new challenges, the inciting incident acts as a catalyst for growth.

  • It often reveals hidden strengths or weaknesses, leading to self-discovery and evolution.

  • How a character responds to the inciting incident provides insight into their morals, desires, and resilience, enriching their story arc.

What role does the inciting incident play in the first act of a story?

  • It marks the end of the Setup phase, where the characters and setting are introduced and transitions into the Confrontation phase, where the story's central conflict begins to unfold.

  • It effectively connects the protagonist's ordinary world with the extraordinary journey ahead, ensuring a logical and compelling narrative flow.

How do you create suspense or tension with the inciting incident?

  • Introduce a ticking clock or looming deadline related to the incident, adding urgency to the protagonist's mission.

  • Use foreshadowing to hint at the incident's significance, building anticipation.

  • Present a significant threat or loss that hangs over the protagonist, making the stakes clear and immediate.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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