How To Write A Compelling Film Synopsis? A Comprehensive Guide

Film Synopsis

A film synopsis summarizes a movie's main plot points and storyline. It's a crucial tool for filmmakers, producers, and executives to understand the story and potential of a project quickly.

In this blog, I will explain the steps in writing a film synopsis that effectively communicates your story's core idea and essence.

Understand the purpose of a film synopsis.

A movie synopsis aims to give a brief but comprehensive overview of your story. It should cover the essential elements of the story, including the protagonist, their goal, the obstacles they face, and the film's overall tone.

A good film synopsis should be engaging and informative, making the reader interested in the story without giving away too much.

It should also convey the unique selling points of your film's storyline, highlighting what differentiates it from other movies in the same genre or style.

Identify the key elements of your story.

To write a good film synopsis, you must understand your story's key elements. These include the protagonist, the conflict, the setting, and the tone.

  • Protagonist

    Who is the main character in your story? What are their goals and motivations? What drives them to pursue their goals?

  • Conflict

    What obstacles does the protagonist face? What is at stake if they don't achieve their goals? What is the source of the conflict?

  • Setting

    Where does the story take place? What is the atmosphere and mood of the setting? How does the setting impact the story?

  • Tone

    What is the overall mood and atmosphere of the film? Is it serious, lighthearted, or something in between?

Write a logline

A logline is a brief, one-sentence script summary, and it should be catchy and informative, giving the reader a clear idea of what your film is about.

The logline should include the protagonist, their goal, and the obstacles they face.

Here are some examples of loglines:

  • A washed-up boxer must fight to reclaim his dignity and the respect of his family.

  • A young woman must navigate a dangerous post-apocalyptic world to rescue her sister from a ruthless warlord.

  • An ambitious lawyer must defend a wrongly accused man while navigating a corrupt legal system.

Write a brief summary of the story.

Once you have a logline, it's time to write a brief summary of the story. A few paragraphs should cover the plot's essential elements, including the beginning, middle, and end.

Here are some tips for writing a brief summary of the important plot points of the story:

  • Focus on the main characters and their journey

    Your summary should center around the protagonist and their goals. How do they change throughout the story, and what obstacles do they face?

  • Keep it concise

    Your summary should be brief, ideally at most two or three paragraphs, focussing on the major plot points. Avoid going into too much detail or including unnecessary information.

  • Use vivid descriptions

    When you write a synopsis, use descriptive language to bring the story to life. Use sensory details to help the reader imagine the setting and characters.

Edit and revise

Once you have a draft of your film or screenplay synopsis, editing and revising it is essential.

Ensure that the language is clear and there are no grammatical errors or typos (you can use the free tool Grammarly to remove the grammar errors automatically).

Consider showing it to others for feedback and make revisions based on their input and suggestions.

Here are some tips for editing and revising your film synopsis:

  • Keep it brief

    Your film synopsis should be one or two pages at maximum. If it's too long, consider cutting out any unnecessary information.

  • Use active voice

    When you write a movie synopsis, use present tense and an active voice to make your writing more engaging and dynamic. In other words, describe things as they happen.

  • Be specific

    When you describe things as they happen, be specific. Avoid vague language, cliches, and references to other movies your audience might not know.

  • Proofread carefully

    What makes sense in your head sometimes doesn't make sense on paper, so double-check your synopsis by proofreading.


Writing a film synopsis can be challenging, but with these steps, you can create a clear, concise, and compelling synopsis that will help you pitch your film to producers, executives, and film festivals.

When writing your film synopsis, remember to focus on the key elements of your story, including the protagonist, the conflict, the setting, and the tone.

Keep it brief, use an active voice, and be specific. With a well-crafted synopsis, you can capture your audience's attention and make your project stand out in a competitive market. 

Best of luck!

Frequently Asked Questions About A film Synopsis (FAQs)

Why do people write film synopses?

Film synopses are typically written by filmmakers, screenwriters, agents, or studio executives to pitch a movie idea to potential investors or producers.

Critics, journalists, or movie-goers can also use them to get an overview of a movie's genre before watching it.

How long should a movie synopsis be?

Film synopses are usually one page to three pages long, depending on the story's complexity and the level of detail required to convey the main plot and character arcs.

Should a film synopsis include spoilers or only main plot points?

It depends on the intended audience and the purpose of the synopsis. If the synopsis is meant for investors or producers, it may need to include spoilers to demonstrate the strength and uniqueness of the story.

However, if the plot synopsis itself is intended for general audiences or movie-goers, it is usually best to avoid major spoilers and focus on the story's broad strokes.

How do you write a compelling script synopsis?

To write a compelling film synopsis:

  1. Focus on the central conflict, the key characters' motivations, and the story's unique aspects.

  2. Use clear and concise language, and try to convey the tone and style of the film in your writing.

  3. Avoid unnecessary details or tangents, and include a clear and satisfying resolution to the story.

Are there any tips for writing a screenplay synopsis?

Yes, some tips for writing a film synopsis include starting with a strong hook or opening sentence, focusing on the core conflict and resolution, avoiding overly complicated language, and highlighting the unique and compelling aspects of the story.

Additionally, getting feedback from others and revising the synopsis as needed can be helpful to make it more effective.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when writing a film synopsis?

Yes, some common mistakes to avoid when writing a film synopsis include the following:

  • Giving away too many spoilers, including irrelevant details or subplots.

  • Being too vague or confusing.

  • Failing to convey the tone and style of the film.

It is also important to carefully proofread and edit the script synopsis, to avoid errors or typos.

Can a film synopsis be used as a marketing tool?

Yes, a film synopsis can be used as a marketing tool to generate interest and excitement for a movie.

It can be included in press releases, marketing materials, and online listings to summarize the story and attract potential audiences.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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