101 Troll Names For Your Next Fantasy Character

Troll Names

Are you aspiring to carve out a niche for a formidable creature in your latest fantasy saga but stumble in the dark forests of creativity, desperately seeking that perfect name that resonates with power and mystique?

Look no further, as this arsenal of 101 Troll Names is your beacon of inspiration, designed to ignite the flames of imagination for writers, storytellers, and filmmakers alike.

From the echoing dungeons to the highest peaks where dragons soar, this collection transcends the ordinary, offering a blend of male and female troll names, each more unique and captivating than the last.

Whether you're crafting an online persona, sketching out a lord of the Rings, or conjuring the next great fantasy epic, the power to control the essence of your characters awaits. Here, in the world where wizards wield their wands and creatures of old roam free, this list seeks to fill the void, providing a combination of names that claim their right to be remembered.

Embrace the art of creating, and let these names be the first step in bringing your trolls and dragons to life, ensuring they're not just figures of the imagination but entities that command the pages and screens of your audience's favorite tales of entertainment.

A long list of troll names

1. Grotfang the Unyielding

2. Vexmire Shadowbind

3. Thrumlocke Earthshaker

4. Skornjir the Malevolent

5. Zulthak Deeproot

6. Nargrum Ironjaw

7. Grizzlek Toothgrinder

8. Blightspire the Vile

9. Wrothgar Foulbrew

10. Skargrim the Boulderback

11. Thundror Grimstone

12. Morzul the Spinebreaker

13. Kragthor the Stormcaller

14. Felgrim Shadowborn

15. Vortusk the Ravager

16. Zagruth the Mountain

17. Gloomrend the Dread

18. Snarltooth the Mirelord

19. Drekthar Bloodvein

20. Rumbuckle Mudslayer

21. Torvuld the Frostbitten

22. Grimlok the Chainwielder

23. Jargrak the Soul Eater

24. Kruzzik the Plaguebearer

25. Molthun the Ashen

26. Frosthelm the Bringer of Woe

27. Skulvax the Harrower

28. Brondor Steelhide

29. Grumthak the Enforcer

30. Vilemaw the Corruptor

31. Blargus the Stoneheart

32. Cragjaw the Merciless

33. Drakthol the Sunderer

34. Zulghast the Eternal

35. Thrungar the Obliterator

36. Moltusk the Devourer

37. Grendok the Impaler

38. Vraxthor the Annihilator

39. Skargol the Unseen

40. Thrakzul the Flamebearer

41. Grizzlefist the Tyrant

42. Vorgoth the Desecrator

43. Rukthar the Thunderous

44. Murgok the Unhallowed

45. Zarthuk the Ironfisted

46. Kraglok the Warbringer

47. Gorthun the Relentless

48. Thrallak the Savage

49. Vorgar the Blightcaller

50. Zulmak the Bonecrusher

51. Brakthul the Thundervein

52. Skornjaw the Gloomweaver

53. Thrumgar the Soulflayer

54. Zagrak the Ironbender

55. Vorgar the Dreadweaver

56. Grimbolt the Stonebreaker

57. Narkul the Frostwielder

58. Drulgor the Mudlord

59. Kragthun the Fearmonger

60. Torgul the Balefire

61. Murglok the Nightstalker

62. Frothgar the Chainbreaker

63. Glumrok the Seer of Death

64. Thrungol the Bloodied

65. Vargrum the Plagueheart

66. Zulbrok the Wraithcaller

67. Grakthul the Stormfury

68. Drungar the Earthscorcher

69. Skulgrom the Rageborn

70. Vrothgar the Darkmaster

71. Morthak the Shadowbinder

72. Grendar the Blightlord

73. Zulgrun the Bonegrinder

74. Krotgul the Warped

75. Thrakzor the Lifequencher

76. Vrulkar the Doombringer

77. Grulthor the Mireking

78. Nargrum the Spiresoul

79. Drakgul the Fireheart

80. Tromgar the Iceveined

81. Zorgoth the Abyssal

82. Grukthar the Beastcaller

83. Mulkar the Thunderlord

84. Vargoth the Souldrinker

85. Skrungol the Pestilent

86. Thrungul the Corpsemaker

87. Grothgar the Woebringer

88. Zulthak the Grim

89. Kraglok the Spinechiller

90. Vrakthor the Manesplitter

91. Grulmak the Stonefist

92. Nulgar the Bloodweaver

93. Drothkul the Ashbringer

94. Trogar the Hellforged

95. Zargul the Fleshrender

96. Vorgul the Nightterror

97. Skolgrum the Ironstorm

98. Murthog the Soulcleaver

99. Grolgar the Fearsmith

100. Vrulthak the Worldender

101. Zulthrum the Gorecaster



The names I've unveiled, from the depths of dungeons to the highest wizard towers, serve as labels and keys to unlock the soul of your story's universe.

These names, each a blend of magic, fear, and the untold, are your tools to forge online personas and beings that will stand the test of time in the realm of fantasy.

Let them inspire, challenge, and, most importantly, guide you as you claim your rightful place as a lord of storytelling.

Frequently asked questions about troll names (FAQs)

What are some key characteristics of great troll names?

  • Boldness: A name that carries weight and a sense of fear or awe.

  • Creativity: A unique blend of sounds and meanings that isn't commonly heard.

  • Relevance: Connection to the troll's abilities, environment, or personality traits.

  • Memorability: Easy enough to remember but complex enough to be intriguing.

How can I generate a troll name that fits my story's universe?

Use a troll name generator: These online tools are a treasure trove for sparking creativity. By inputting specific keywords related to your universe, such as 'dragons,' 'dungeons,' 'magic,' or 'fear,' you can receive a list of names that blend these elements.

Generators can mix and match languages, mythologies, and fantasy tropes to provide names that resonate with the essence of your world.

Can you recommend any female or male troll names?

Absolutely! Here's a brief list to get you started:

  • Female Troll Names:

    • Zagrakha the Enchantress

    • Felora of the Dread Caves

    • Torgunna, Shield of the North

  • Male Troll Names:

    • Gromthi the Stone Lord

    • Draknar, Guardian of the Abyss

    • Vortok, the Whisperer of Death

What makes a troll name generator a valuable tool for creators?

A generator's greatest ability lies in its combination of randomness and tailored control. It seeks to fill the lack of inspiration by providing a plethora of options, thus ensuring that the names are unique and fitting to the creature's universe.

This is particularly useful for creators who want to maintain a cohesive aesthetic in their worlds without sacrificing the burstiness and imagination required to captivate an audience.

How do troll names differ across various fantasy worlds?

In the universe of dragons and dungeons, troll names might evoke a sense of ancient magic and rugged landscapes.

In contrast, a world that leans towards the art of wizardry and the machinations of dark lords may favor names that reflect a troll's ability to control or manipulate.

The context of creating your universe—be it rooted in fear of the unknown, the quest for power, or the struggle against death—should guide the naming process.

Are there any tips for creating troll names that resonate with themes of power and magic?

Yes, consider these approaches:

  • Combination of Words: Merge terms related to power, magic, and the natural world. For example, 'Thundergaze' or 'Nightmender.'

  • Use of Mythological References: Draw inspiration from ancient myths or lesser-known legends for names with deeper meanings.

  • Incorporation of Language Elements: Experiment with linguistic twists or archaic words to give a name that timeless quality.

How can I ensure my troll names are unique and not claimed by others?

While generators offer various names, the ultimate uniqueness comes from your creative twist. Use the generated names as a base and modify them by:

  • Changing spellings or phonetics.

  • Combining two names into one.

  • Adding titles or honorifics that reflect their status or power in your world.

What role do troll names play in enhancing the entertainment value of a story or game?

Troll names act as a bridge between the audience and the fantasy world. They enhance the immersive experience by providing a glimpse into the creature's backstory, its magical abilities, or its place in the societal hierarchy.

A well-chosen name can intrigue a reader or player, prompting them to explore further into your universe of entertainment.

Can troll names influence the perception of the character?

Absolutely. The name of a troll can set the stage for its role in your narrative. A name that evokes darkness and power might belong to a feared antagonist, while a name with a mystical or gentle undertone could hint at a misunderstood creature or an unlikely ally.

The art of naming is thus not just a matter of aesthetics but a tool for storytelling.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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