117 Spectacular Ghost Writing Prompts To Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Ghost Writing Prompts

Whether you’re a writer in search of inspiration or a supernatural enthusiast desiring a chilling experience, you’ve stumbled upon the right corner of the internet.

Unveil the curtain between the seen and the unseen, and delve into 117 unearthly ghost writing prompts that promise to enthrall your imagination and leave you with goosebumps. These prompts are your gateway to unseen worlds, hidden secrets, and the untold stories of the spectral entities that inhabit the shadows.

Get ready to venture into uncharted territories of the supernatural, exploring haunted houses, ghostly apparitions, and tales from beyond the grave that will make your spine tingle and your heart race!

Ghost writing hand

Ghost Writing Prompts

1. A family moves into an old Victorian home, discovering a small child's drawings predicting the future.

2. On Halloween night, a group of friends explores a haunted house, finding clues to a true crime.

3. A young girl starts writing a story, but her characters, dead people from the town’s past, start appearing in her room at night.

4. The ghost ship that harbors the lost souls of sailors appears every full moon near a small town. A young boy decides to venture out and meet them.

5. A serial killer’s spirit is trapped in an old mirror, narrating his life and crimes to a horror genre writer.

6. A twin brother receives messages from his dead sibling through his dreams, guiding him to uncover a hidden family secret.

7. A new house in the neighborhood seems to be a gateway to the other side, allowing spirits to visit our world on certain nights.

8. A group of friends receives invitations to a haunted apartment building, each room revealing a part of their future.

9. An old man shares ghost stories of his experiences with the supernatural, each one connected to a person’s deepest fear.

10. On a school trip to an old town, children realize they can see the spirits of the people who died there.

11. A young woman, exploring her family home, discovers letters written by the ghosts of her ancestors, revealing her supernatural heritage.

12. Bloody Mary is actually a guardian of the spirit world. A teenager accidentally summons her and is tasked with a mission to help a spirit find peace.

13. Every Halloween, the ghosts of a family gather around their kitchen table, recounting the tales of their lives to whoever resides in their house.

14. A supernatural element is required to open a mysterious box found in the attic of an old house, leading to many ideas about its contents.

15. A ghost story writing club is haunted by spirits eager to share their unresolved stories.

16. A best friend's death leads to a series of letters appearing, each one detailing a part of her life unknown to her friends.

17. A small town's old man is the keeper of the local ghosts' stories, and when he dies, the task is passed onto an unsuspecting young boy.

18. A Victorian home’s old mirror shows the reflections of the past residents and their stories.

19. A woman, after moving into a haunted apartment building, begins to write the tales of the ghosts residing there, leading to a bestselling horror story.

20. During a séance, a group of friends manages to contact the spirit of a lost sailor from the ghost ship, receiving ominous warnings about the future.

21. A first page of a mysterious book found in an abandoned school guides a young girl to uncover the stories of the spirits trapped there.

22. The characters of a horror genre novelist are the ghosts of people who died with their tales untold.

23. Parents moving into a new house discover that their children can communicate with the house's former deceased residents.

24. A small child playing in the garden of his family home uncovers relics belonging to the spirits haunting the place.

25. After the death of a best friend, a young woman starts receiving messages, leading her to uncover the truth behind mysterious disappearances in town.

Ghost Writer

26. A haunted house on the outskirts of a small town is a gateway between the worlds of the living and the dead.

27. A ghost story writing prompt unfolds into a series of real-life events, guiding a group of friends to help a spirit find its resting place.

28. An old man at the town’s middle tells tales of the spirits haunting the school, and children realize they can see them.

29. The ghost of a serial killer helps a detective solve the mysteries of unresolved crimes.

30. Every Halloween night, a haunted Victorian home becomes the meeting place for ghosts to share their stories, and this year, they invite a living person.

31. In the dead of night, a character appears in a small town, its presence creating a bridge between the living and the spirits, uncovering old ghost stories.

32. A young boy and his friends encounter the ghost of a lost sailor, who tells haunting tales of the ghost ship he resides on.

33. A horror story writer discovers that his writing prompt has come to life when a young woman from his story appears to him on Halloween night, seeking resolution.

34. Within an old, haunted Victorian home, spirits gather around a kitchen table every full moon to discuss their unresolved pasts with the current family residing.

35. A person finds a mysterious, old house in the middle of a forest. Inside, spirits of children narrate their stories and adventures from the other side.

36. The escape of a spirit from a cursed mirror brings a group of friends on a journey to solve a series of true crimes committed in their small town.

37. A lost ghost of a young girl finds solace in narrating her life stories to a group of kids, visiting her haunted abode every Halloween.

38. An apartment building’s new resident starts receiving letters, each one revealing a part of the life of the ghost residing with her, leading to the writing of a bestselling horror story.

39. The spirits of a family create a supernatural element in their old house, where they share their lives and deaths with the new family living there.

40. A writer in a haunted town encounters the ghost of a serial killer, learning about his life, his deeds, and his regrets, opening up ideas for horror stories.

41. The ghost of a young boy seeks help from a group of friends to reconcile with his twin brother and find peace.

42. A haunted school harbors the spirits of former students, sharing their tales of fear and horror with the current students.

43. On Halloween night, a little boy uncovers the story starter that awakens the spirits of the town, sharing tales of their lives and guiding him to hidden treasures.

44. A new house in the middle of a small town hides a portal to the other side. Every night, spirits cross over to share their stories and seek solace.

45. Within the hidden room of an old Victorian home, a young woman finds a collection of diaries written by the ghosts of the former residents, each one revealing a hidden secret of the town.

46. A small child on a family home’s attic discovers old toys, each one holding the spirit of a former owner narrating their stories and adventures.

47. A group of friends at a haunted house on a Halloween night encounters the ghosts of a family, each member narrating their story leading to their untimely death.

48. A ghost story writing enthusiast finds himself living the prompt he wrote, with every character he created seeking his help to find peace.

49. The old man in town, known as the keeper of ghost stories, passes away, and a young girl realizes she’s the next keeper and must learn all the tales from the spirits themselves.

50. An eerie ghost ship appears near the town’s shore on every full moon night. A group of young friends decide to explore it, meeting the spirits of sailors, each one with a tale of the sea and the beyond.

Ghost writing prompts

51. A character discovers a haunted family home, where the spirits converse with him through the reflections in old photographs, each ghost revealing a piece of a hidden treasure map.

52. Every Halloween, the spirits of a small town gather in the middle of the night to play a game; a new resident is unwittingly pulled in and hears their stories.

53. Within an old house, a young boy discovers a series of diaries written by the resident ghosts, revealing the tales of their unfulfilled dreams and unspoken words.

54. A group of friends uncovers a secret room in their school where the spirits of former students share their experiences and the lessons they learned from the other side.

55. The ghost of an old man visits a young woman every night, narrating the terrifying horror stories he experienced in his life.

56. The spirit of a serial killer reveals his victims' last moments to a horror genre writer, seeking to have their stories told.

57. In a small town, a young girl is the only one who can see the spirits; they guide her to uncover the truths hidden in the town’s past.

58. A lost spirit appears every full moon night to tell the tales of the ghost ship to the kids in town, each story a lesson in life and death.

59. A horror story writer encounters a ghostly twin brother, whose tales lead to the uncovering of a family secret that changes the town’s history.

60. In a haunted Victorian home, a family discovers letters from the past residents' spirits, every letter revealing a piece of a mysterious puzzle.

61. On Halloween night, a group of friends finds an old story starter that brings spirits back to life, each one with a tale and a mission.

62. Within the walls of a new house, the voices of the former deceased residents narrate their lives, helping the current residents to realize the importance of family and friends.

63. A haunted kitchen table holds the spirits of every family who has ever dined there, each ghost sharing their family stories, struggles, and triumphs.

64. A character discovers that every person they write about in their ghost stories comes to life, narrating their untold tales and unseen horrors.

65. The spirit of a young boy in a small town guides the children to find hidden relics from the past, revealing the town’s unspoken history.

66. The ghostly whispers in an apartment building reveal the hidden horrors and unseen tragedies of its residents to a young woman newly moved in.

67. A group of friends exploring a haunted school meets the spirits of children who studied there, learning about their lives, their deaths, and their unfulfilled dreams.

68. The spirits of a small child and an old man meet every night in a family home's attic, sharing stories of their lives and the lessons they learned.

69. The apparition of a woman in a haunted mirror guides a young girl to write stories that resolve the spirits' unfinished business, allowing them to find peace.

70. Every Halloween, the spirits of a group of friends meet at their old meeting spot, bringing in the living friends to share new tales and old memories.

71. In the middle of a haunted forest, a young boy uncovers a collection of ghostly writings, each story revealing a different supernatural element.

72. The reflections in the waters of a ghost ship narrate the unseen adventures and untold tales of the sailors to a group of friends.

73. In a small town, the ghost of a young girl appears every night to narrate her untold story and unseen fears, changing the lives of the residents forever.

74. A family moving into an old Victorian home discovers it's haunted by friendly ghosts who share tales of their life, offering glimpses into the past.

75. Within the dimly lit corners of a haunted school, whispers of long-lost children narrate the tales of their untimely demise and unresolved fears.

Ghost stories

76. An old man who once wrote horror stories now resides as a ghost in his apartment building, providing new, spine-tingling tales to a young tenant.

77. On a chilling Halloween night, the townsfolk gather to hear the ghostly tales of a sailor from his ghost ship, revealing the secrets of the sea and beyond.

78. A person discovering their ability to see spirits learns the tales of many ghosts, each story a piece of a puzzle leading to an unearthed treasure in a small town.

79. A haunted mirror reveals the ghost of a young woman, whose bloody mary stories unveil the tragic tales of others who've uttered the cursed chant.

80. Every night at a kitchen table, a family is visited by apparitions sharing stories of their lives, loves, and the meals they once enjoyed.

81. A little boy, a young girl, and a group of friends unlock a haunted realm where spirits share stories of their unfinished adventures and untold mysteries.

82. In a new house in a sleepy town, eerie whispers from the walls narrate the secret lives and unresolved disputes of its former ghostly inhabitants.

83. A young writer, stumbling upon a collection of ghost writing prompts, finds themselves living each story, meeting spirits with harrowing tales and unfulfilled dreams.

84. The ghost of a serial killer haunts a true crime writer, recounting his dark past and leading the writer to his undiscovered victims.

85. During the quiet hours of the night in a haunted house, a group of friends converse with spirits, each ghost revealing a story stranger than the last.

86. A hidden attic in a family home serves as the meeting point for spirits and a small child, where tales of joy, sorrow, and learning are shared.

87. A haunted old house on the outskirts of a small town hides the spirits of a forgotten world, each entity harboring tales of their era and otherworldly wisdom.

88. In the realm between the living and the dead, a young boy uncovers the stories of wandering spirits, each one eternally lost and seeking solace.

89. A ghost story writing enthusiast faces a newfound reality when his creations, ghosts with tragic pasts, seek his help to narrate their unresolved tales.

90. Inside a mysterious Victorian home, the old wallpapers whisper the stories of the ghosts residing, revealing tales of love, betrayal, and familial bonds.

91. The echoes of a ghost ship narrate the haunting tales of its former crew to a group of adventurous friends, unveiling sea legends and ancient mariners' lore.

92. In a town known for its horror genre, a young woman encounters spirits who wish to share their real-life horror stories, rewriting the town's history.

93. Under the pale moonlight of Halloween night, spirits gather around a haunted school, revealing their untold fears and unseen scares to the curious living.

94. An antique writing desk whispers stories of its previous owners, spirits lingering around it, waiting for their tales to be written and shared.

95. Within the enchanted pages of a ghost story book, the spirits of the narrated characters jump from story to story, experiencing each other's eerie tales.

96. A group of friends encounters the spirit of a Victorian lady in an old house, learning about her life, her secrets, and her unfulfilled love.

97. On a spooky night, a family gathers around a kitchen table, hearing the untold stories of the previous families who lived and laughed there.

98. In a small child’s dreams, the ghostly figures of a forgotten past convene to share tales of laughter, sorrow, and timeless wisdom from bygone eras.

99. A writer, haunted by visions of a ghost ship, pens down harrowing tales of the sea, told by the lost souls who once sailed the ghostly vessel.

100. Within the echoing halls of a haunted school, the spirits of former students impart lessons of life and the beyond, each story unveiling a new layer of the unseen world.

Ghost writing a story

101. A young woman, stumbling upon a secret room in an old house, encounters friendly apparitions that narrate their life stories and the history of the haunted abode.

102. Every Halloween, a family is visited by their ancestors' ghosts at their family home, each spirit sharing tales of their experiences and the lessons they learned post-mortem.

103. An old man, now a whispering shadow in his Victorian home, reveals his long-kept secrets and unspoken words to a curious group of friends.

104. A town, known for the ghostly figures wandering its streets at night, attracts horror story enthusiasts, who discover the untold stories and unfulfilled wishes of the spirits.

105. In the middle of the night, a young girl is woken up by the ghostly whispers of a little boy, telling tales of his life and the friends he made in the afterlife.

106. A horror genre aficionado, unwittingly involved in the spectral occurrences in an old Victorian home, unravels the house’s haunted history through the whispers of the resident spirits.

107. At a haunted kitchen table, a young boy meets apparitions every night, each ghost narrating a tale of their past, filled with love, regret, and unfulfilled dreams.

108. In the silent corridors of an apartment building, echoes of laughter and sorrow narrate the unseen tales and unspoken words of its ghostly inhabitants.

109. Within the ancient walls of a haunted house, a young woman learns the stories of the ghosts residing there, unveiling the mysteries of their lives and their untimely deaths.

110. The ghost of a serial killer haunts the quiet streets of a small town, revealing his horrifying stories to a true crime writer in search of the truth.

111. The reflections in the mirror tell tales of bloody mary, each reflection a spirit with a story more haunting than the last, to a group of friends on a chilly night.

112. A ghost story enthusiast finds an old book with ghost writing prompts, leading him to a journey where every story is a gate to a different realm, each with its own spectral narrator.

113. A family, sitting around a kitchen table in a new house, are visited by the previous owners’ spirits, sharing stories of their time and the love they shared in the same space.

114. The whispering winds of a Halloween night carry the stories of a ghost ship, each breeze a tale of the sea, adventure, and the unknown, told to the willing listeners gathered around.

115. In a quiet small town, the spirits of the night share their scary stories with a young boy, each tale a lesson in fear, courage, and the unseen.

116. A young girl, exploring the hidden corners of a haunted school, meets the spirits of children who share their unfulfilled dreams and unresolved fears.

117. The ghostly inhabitants of an old Victorian home reveal their individual tales to a family, each story adding a layer to the home’s rich, spectral tapestry.


Every prompt is a step into a new dimension, a peek into the everlasting dance between the living and the departed. As you traverse through these ethereal paths, let your imagination run wild and your pen flow freely, narrating the untold stories of those that dwell in the shadows.

Who knows, maybe the whispers of the unseen will continue to inspire and resonate with you, unveiling more eerie tales and hidden truths from the realms beyond. Remember, the spirits are watching, whispering their tales in the dead of night, waiting for you to listen and tell their stories.

Keep writing, keep exploring, and let the unseen world continue to be your spectral muse!

Ghost Writing

Frequently Asked Questions About Ghost Writing Prompts

What exactly are ghost writing prompts?

Ghost writing prompts are writing prompts that are centered around ghost stories and the supernatural. They're designed to inspire writers to create eerie and chilling tales, perfect for a halloween night or a spooky campfire gathering.

How do ghost stories differ from horror stories?

While both can send shivers down your spine, ghost stories specifically involve spirits or ghosts. Horror stories, on the other hand, encompass a broader range of the horror genre, including creatures, psychological terrors, and more.

Can you give an example of a ghost story writing prompt?

Certainly! Here's one:

"A young girl and her twin brother move to an old house in a small town. Rumor has it, the house is haunted by the spirit of a little boy. As they explore, they discover a hidden room containing an old journal written from the perspective of the ghost ship captain. What secrets does it hold?"

What makes for a good ghost story?

Elements like a haunted house, unexpected twists, relatable characters, and a strong supernatural element. Often, the best ghost stories are those where the reader can almost believe it might be true, blurring the lines between reality and the other side.

Are there any prompts involving a young woman or other specific characters?

Absolutely! Here's a prompt:

"A young woman moves into an apartment building, unaware that her new best friend has a connection to the serial killer that once roamed the halls. Every night, the sounds of a family echo from her kitchen, though she lives alone."

I want to start writing a story with a supernatural element, but I'm stuck. Any ideas?

Start with a familiar setting, like a family home or an old victorian home. Introduce a character like an old man with many ideas and tales about the house's past. Maybe a small child sees ghosts that the adults dismiss. The revelations unfold as they realize their life is intertwined with the dead.

Can a ghost story writing prompt involve true crime?

Of course! Imagine this:
"A group of friends gather around a kitchen table to discuss the unsolved mysteries of their town. An old person shares a tale of the bloody mary murder from their school days, but as they dive deeper, they discover that one among them has a family member connected to the crime."

Any scary story ideas centered around halloween?

Definitely! "On a halloween night, a young boy is dared to enter the abandoned victorian home at the end of the street. Inside, he finds clues leading him on a treasure hunt set up by kids from the past, but as he progresses, he realizes the treasure might be more sinister than expected."

I want to write a ghost story involving children. Suggestions?

"In a world where children can communicate with the dead, a little boy befriends a spirit trapped in his school. Together, they must solve a mystery that dates back decades, before the spirit can move on."

Any tips for aspiring ghost writers?

Dive deep into the emotion of fear. Explore settings like the haunted woods, the middle of the sea, or even a spooky room in your house. Use memories, family tales, or even realize personal fears to create authentic stories. And always, always, keep writing!

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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