499+ Elven Names For Your Next Elf Character

Elven Names

Are you embarking on a creative journey to craft a realm filled with enchantment, where elves roam with secrets untold and magic at their fingertips?

Whether you're penning a novel, scripting a film, or designing a game, finding the perfect elven names can be as crucial as weaving the magic that powers your elf characters.

These names are not just labels; they invoke history, magic, and the deep connections that tie elf warriors to their ancient lands, elf princesses to their noble lineages, and hidden heroes to their destined paths.

From the verdant gardens of Middle Earth to the mystical rivers of Elder Scrolls, elven names carry the whispers of Tolkien elves, the valor of elf warriors, and the wisdom of elf counsel.

If you seek names that resonate with the strength of elf spears, the beauty of radiant garlands, and the mystery of elf secrets—names that are fitting for characters ranging from the noblest elf ruler to the most humble elf friend—then you've come to the right place.

This blog post unveils 499+ elven names inspired by the ancient words of Tolkien's universe, the Elder Scrolls, and beyond. Here, gender-neutral elf names, names imbued with elf magic, and names that echo through the halls of elven ancestors await to inspire your next masterpiece.

Let's delve into the world of elves, where every name is a gift, a spell, and a story all its own.

A long list of Elven Names

Elf Names Starting with an A

1. Aelwynn

2. Alathriel

3. Arindel

4. Aethenor

5. Amarilis

6. Andúniel

7. Aelaril

8. Anorith

9. Arphenion

10. Ailithir

11. Aerendyl

12. Alcarin

13. Aldaron

14. Amrothil

15. Amdirien

16. Ancalimë

17. Andilien

18. Arienor

19. Athanar

20. Asfaloth

Elf Names Starting with a B

21. Belthil

22. Brindale

23. Beriadan

24. Baelorin

25. Brilthor

26. Borlind

27. Bithrawen

28. Brithombar

29. Balaneth

30. Belegur

31. Brilwen

32. Barahir

33. Bregolas

34. Brithiel

35. Belethien

36. Balfirien

37. Boromil

38. Brithon

39. Beldorin

40. Beorith

Elf Names Starting with a C

41. Calenhir

42. Círdan

43. Celephir

44. Cuthalion

45. Curunír

46. Caranthir

47. Celborn

48. Caladwen

49. Círiel

50. Curimír

51. Caledhel

52. Corfindel

53. Celembrimbor

54. Carnil

55. Círdaneth

56. Caelumir

57. Celebrian

58. Coranar

59. Calithil

60. Círneth

Elf Names Starting with a D

61. Dúrion

62. Danthir

63. Deleril

64. Doriath

65. Dwinion

66. Dareth

67. Durthil

68. Dolwen

69. Denethor

70. Drilidan

71. Dalathir

72. Dorlas

73. Dúlinor

74. Daelomin

75. Dorthonion

76. Dirhael

77. Díriel

78. Durion

79. Danel

80. Dúrendil

Elf Names Starting with an E

81. Elenwë

82. Elrohir

83. Erulissë

84. Eärendil

85. Edrahil

86. Ecthelion

87. Eldalótë

88. Eolande

89. Ethuil

90. Eluchíl

91. Emeldir

92. Erendis

93. Eärwen

94. Estelar

95. Elbereth

96. Esgalweth

97. Eärfalas

98. Elentári

99. Evranin

100. Eldarion

Elf Names Starting with an F

101. Falathar

102. Finrod

103. Fëanor

104. Fingolfin

105. Finarfin

106. Finduilas

107. Faelivrin

108. Forlindon

109. Faenor

110. Firimar

111. Findecano

112. Falmarin

113. Faron

114. Finellach

115. Fingon

116. Faelen

117. Finwe

118. Falaswen

119. Finglas

120. Forodren

Elf Names Starting with a G

121. Galadriel

122. Glorfindel

123. Gwindor

124. Gil-galad

125. Galdor

126. Gwaihir

127. Galathil

128. Gildor

129. Gwirith

130. Gorlim

131. Gelmir

132. Giliath

133. Galdwen

134. Galion

135. Gwennen

136. Goron

137. Gilthoniel

138. Gwindeth

139. Glindor

140. Galdorin

Elf Names Starting with an H

141. Haldir

142. Hithlum

143. Herumor

144. Hareth

145. Haldan

146. Helcaraxë

147. Hirilorn

148. Huor

149. Hithrien

150. Huan

151. Harlindon

152. Halmir

153. Hithrohir

154. Hyarmendacil

155. Helleth

156. Haudh-en-Ndengin

157. Hithlumir

158. Himring

159. Haradhwen

160. Halith

Elf Names Starting with an I

161. Idril

162. Ilmarë

163. Ingwë

164. Ithilien

165. Isilme

166. Ivanneth

167. Indis

168. Ilúvatar

169. Imrahil

170. Istuion

171. Imladris

172. Irmo

173. Ithildin

174. Ilweran

175. Ingwe

176. Isilmë

177. Ivrin

178. Illuin

179. Inglor

180. Ithron

Elf Names Starting with a J

181. Jareth

182. Jorúndil

183. Jandor

184. Julindë

185. Jarilion

186. Jorineth

187. Janthir

188. Javorn

189. Jelion

190. Joromir

191. Junduil

192. Jathal

193. Jorith

194. Jenoril

195. Jaladhar

196. Jorlas

197. Julith

198. Jarnë

199. Jolirin

200. Januir

Elf Names Starting with a K

201. Kalindë

202. Kithron

203. Kelvarin

204. Kaelis

205. Kirion

206. Kheled

207. Kiliath

208. Korinil

209. Kalaron

210. Kemenor

211. Kelimbror

212. Kailindor

213. Kuirnir

214. Kareth

215. Kelthien

216. Karion

217. Kirimor

218. Kandor

219. Kellindil

220. Kyndelë

Elf Names Starting with an L

221. Lúthien

222. Legolas

223. Lórien

224. Laerwen

225. Lindir

226. Laiquendi

227. Luthal

228. Lomion

229. Lirima

230. Lanethil

231. Lorien

232. Lythari

233. Lendur

234. Lissuin

235. Lanthir

236. Lavellan

237. Luminar

238. Larethian

239. Laiqualassë

240. Lúvian

Elf Names Starting with an M

241. Mithrandir

242. Melian

243. Maeglin

244. Morwen

245. Miriel

246. Mablung

247. Malgalad

248. Meril

249. Mindon

250. Mithrellas

251. Moriquendi

252. Maedhros

253. Maglor

254. Meldir

255. Menelmacar

256. Miluiel

257. Myrthil

258. Melamir

259. Mordorin

260. Mirion

Elf Names Starting with an N

261. Nenya

262. Nimrodel

263. Noldorin

264. Nauriel

265. Nithrandir

266. Noruiel

267. Nendil

268. Númenor

269. Naithal

270. Nolwen

271. Nerwen

272. Níniel

273. Nandor

274. Núril

275. Neldoreth

276. Narmolanya

277. Nanthir

278. Noloth

279. Nevren

280. Norion

Elf Names Starting with an O

281. Oropher

282. Olwë

283. Ondolindë

284. Orthalion

285. Ossë

286. Ormelin

287. Orophin

288. Orithil

289. Oiolossë

290. Ohtarion

291. Ornen

292. Ondolinde

293. Oromë

294. Orbelain

295. Ostarë

296. Orendil

297. Orfalch

298. Orithyia

299. Ostelen

300. Ormalinde

Elf Names Starting with a P

301. Palanor

302. Pellinor

303. Penlod

304. Peredhil

305. Pheriannath

306. Pelenor

307. Pelendur

308. Parth Galen

309. Pyndoril

310. Pelithir

311. Parnil

312. Poldorea

313. Penemir

314. Pristion

315. Pallanén

316. Paerisil

317. Pharazôn

318. Philenor

319. Púkel-men

320. Perithil

Elf Names Starting with a Q

321. Quenya

322. Quelamir

323. Quendil

324. Quelthon

325. Quelisil

326. Quelindë

327. Quelaran

328. Quilthon

329. Quorin

330. Qualinor

331. Quilien

332. Quenandil

333. Quelendor

334. Quirion

335. Quilthoniel

336. Quendion

337. Quelathor

338. Quilimar

339. Queloth

340. Quenduil

Elf Names Starting with an R

341. Rúmil

342. Radagast

343. Rían

344. Rithrandil

345. Rondorin

346. Rumil

347. Rovanion

348. Renil

349. Rindor

350. Raenor

351. Rithwen

352. Rhovaniel

353. Rianor

354. Ruithel

355. Rendur

356. Rolindë

357. Rathmir

358. Rúthien

359. Ranel

360. Rithalion

Elf Names Starting with an S

361. Silivren

362. Súrion

363. Sindar

364. Seregon

365. Saralonde

366. Silmaril

367. Saphir

368. Sindarin

369. Sírdor

370. Solithan

371. Saruman

372. Silinde

373. Saelon

374. Samildanach

375. Sarnol

376. Selidor

377. Súlhelka

378. Sindel

379. Syllon

380. Sylthian

Elf Names Starting with an T

381. Tauriel

382. Thranduil

383. Tinúviel

384. Telperion

385. Telcontar

386. Turin

387. Tindomiel

388. Thalion

389. Tilion

390. Tauron

391. Thalos

392. Telimectar

393. Telperien

394. Taralom

395. Thoron

396. Tavros

397. Thindoril

398. Tilionor

399. Taramir

400. Telchar

Elf Names Starting with a U

401. Ulmo

402. Uinen

403. Undómiel

404. Uldor

405. Ulfang

406. Urwen

407. Ulthuan

408. Uthilion

409. Unthil

410. Urilinde

411. Uvatha

412. Ulairi

413. Umbarto

414. Uldarin

415. Uniel

416. Uthervel

417. Urendil

418. Ulbandi

419. Uralen

420. Urithiel

Elf Names Starting with a V

421. Valinor

422. Varda

423. Vanyar

424. Vilthian

425. Valandil

426. Vaire

427. Vanimeldë

428. Vëantur

429. Voronwë

430. Valimar

431. Vardamir

432. Vilmarë

433. Vinitharya

434. Vingilot

435. Valëa

436. Vindë

437. Varilindë

438. Vanyel

439. Vasil

440. Venya

Elf Names Starting with a W

441. Windor

442. Wilwarin

443. Wistari

444. Wenethor

445. Wendaron

446. Wenyar

447. Wilith

448. Walarin

449. Winion

450. Werilome

451. Wisthal

452. Wendaril

453. Winëa

454. Walion

455. Wunduin

456. Wethril

457. Wirilomë

458. Wanion

459. Wírion

460. Walaron

Elf Names Starting with an X

461. Xilthar

462. Xandor

463. Xirelle

464. Xanthil

465. Xerandor

466. Xilwen

467. Xarion

468. Xendil

469. Xithral

470. Xanthal

471. Xurion

472. Xyriel

473. Xanorin

474. Xilith

475. Xundar

476. Xaril

477. Xindriel

478. Xarnë

479. Xelion

480. Xarwen

Elf Names Starting with a Y

481. Yavanna

482. Ylirion

483. Yestarë

484. Yenion

485. Ylfarin

486. Yberil

487. Ythelion

488. Yavëtil

489. Ylrindë

490. Yndolin

491. Yrion

492. Ysilme

493. Yrithal

494. Yelwen

495. Yvren

496. Ynion

497. Ythorin

498. Ylfen

499. Yndaril

500. Ylarion

Elf Names Starting with a Z

501. Zilthai

502. Zandil

503. Zirelle

504. Zarnë

505. Zelindë

506. Zorion

507. Zathriel

508. Zilmarin

509. Zenithor

510. Zirion

511. Zelaril

512. Zathron

513. Zalindor

514. Zylvanar

515. Zirendil

516. Zelthor

517. Zorandel

518. Zunduin

519. Zalith

520. Zorinthal


As our journey through the enchanted forests and mystical realms of elven names concludes, remember that each name you choose—be it for a noble elf warrior, a wise elf counsel, or a mysterious elf princess—carries the power of ancient magic, the legacy of elf ancestors, and the beauty of the elven language.

Whether inspired by the valorous deeds of famous elves in Tolkien's Middle Earth, the elf garden's serene landscapes, or the elf river's mystic waters, these elven names are your gateway to creating beings of unparalleled depth and intrigue.

From gender-neutral elf names that whisper of elf spirit and elf secrets to names imbued of elf spears and the wisdom of elf counsel, let each name you select be a gift from the elven with the might name generator—a spell to imbue your character with life.

May these names guide your hand as you craft worlds where elves tread, where each elf friend and battle elf, each elf ruler and hidden hero, plays their part in your epic saga. Let the golden light of creativity lead you as you wield the elf wand in your creative endeavors, forging names that echo through the ages, like the legends of the lord of the Rings and the Elder Scrolls.

In this world of imagination, where dragons soar, and magic flows as freely as the vigorous spring, your chosen elven names will shine as brightly as the most radiant garland, imbuing your stories and characters with the essence of the elven world.

Frequently Asked Questions About Elven Names (FAQs)

What are Elven Names?

Elven names are more than mere labels; they are a tapestry of history, magic, and nature woven into the very fabric of elf society. Reflecting the elegance and majesty of the elves themselves, these names often embody characteristics such as elf magic, elf spirit, and the elf warrior ethos.

How Do I Generate an Elf Name?

Generating an elf name can be a magical journey in itself. Here's how:

  1. Use an Elf Name Generator: Many online tools are designed with complex algorithms to create names that echo the elven language, Tolkien's Middle Earth, and even old Norse influences.

  2. Draw Inspiration from Nature: Consider natural elements like green leaves, golden light, and vigorous spring for names that reflect the elf’s deep connection to the natural world.

  3. Explore Ancient Languages: Look to Old English, Greek origin, and West Frisian for words that resonate with elven qualities like elf counsel, elf gift, and noble maiden.

Can Elf Names Be Gender Neutral?

Absolutely! Elves, with their profound connection to the world and its intrinsic balance, often bear names that transcend human notions of gender.

Names that signify elf friend, hidden hero, or radiant garland are designed to fit any elf, regardless of gender, reflecting their inherent elf magic and elf spirit.

What Are Some Examples of Famous Elves?

Famous elves span from the Tolkien universe to the Elder Scrolls, embodying virtues of elf warrior bravery, elf magic, and elf secret wisdom.

Characters like Legolas (Tolkien Elf) and those from Santa's Workshop serve as eternal inspirations for elf names, showcasing the diversity from noble maiden to chief elf roles.

How Can Elven Names Enhance My Story or Film?

Elven names can add layers of meaning, history, and culture to your creative work, establishing a strong connection between your characters and the audience. They can:

  • Evoke a Sense of Mystery: An elf's secret or hidden hero name can intrigue viewers or readers, drawing them deeper into your story.

  • Define Character Roles: Names like elf ruler or elf warrior immediately communicate a character's role or abilities.

  • Reflect Character Traits: A name meaning good fortune or a beautiful flower can subtly convey a character's nature or destiny.

What Tips Can You Offer for Choosing the Perfect Elven Name?

  1. Consider the Character’s Role: Whether it's a battle elf, elf princess, or ship maker, the name should mirror their essence and function in your story.

  2. Seek Names with Layers of Meaning: Opt for names that are fitting but contain layers, such as elf spear (strength) or star queen (royalty and divinity).

  3. Use Naming Conventions Wisely: Whether drawing from the Tolkien elf lexicon, Elvish name generators, or naming conventions of your own creation, consistency is key.

Are There Any Cultural Considerations When Using Elven Names?

While elven names are rooted in fantasy, they draw heavily from real-world cultures and languages such as Old Norse, Greek, and Old English. It's essential to approach these respectfully, understand their meanings, and avoid cultural appropriation.

How Do I Make My Elf Name Stand Out?

To craft a name that stands out:

  • Blend Words and Meanings: Combine words from different languages or elements to create something unique, like Fellfire StarDome or GreenLeaves GoldenLight.

  • Incorporate Elven Lore: To deepen the name's lore, embed elf magic, elf secrets, or references to elf ancestors.

  • Play with Phonetics: Experiment with pleasing sounds and evoke the ethereal quality of elves, ensuring they are as pleasant to hear as they are to say.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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