101 Fake Planet Names For Your Next Fiction Story

Fake Planet Names

Have you ever found yourself lost in the vast expanse of your imagination, searching for the perfect name to crown a new world within your next fiction story?

Whether you're sketching the intricate details of a solar system far removed from our own, or you're about to embark on a journey through the stars akin to the adventures found in the Star Wars universe, the quest for the ideal planet name can be as boundless as the cosmos itself.

From icy tundras to water planets and celestial bodies to imaginary worlds, the act of planet naming is a crucial step in bringing your sci-fi saga or fantasy epic to life.

This blog is your atlas in the universe of creativity, where Greek and Roman mythology blend with modern planet names, and planet name generators meet the organic creation process.

Let these names inspire your next great adventure, crafting not just worlds but the very essence of imagination itself.

A long list of fake planet name ideas

Planet name ideas starting with an A

1. Aetherion

2. Aquarix

3. Alpharidon

4. Andarion Prime

5. Azuryle

6. Astraqua

7. Aridius

8. Argentavis

9. Antharax

10. Aurorix

11. Amarith

12. Aelion

13. Axiomar

14. Asphodelix

15. Antariel

Planet name ideas starting with a B

16. Borealis Prime

17. Bravoterra

18. Benthicron

19. Blazaris

20. Bellaphon

21. Bioticus

22. Brythoria

23. Balphorium

24. Bysarion

25. Betelnox

26. Brumalia

27. Baccharia

28. Borendor

29. Belpherion

30. Bioscythe

Planet name ideas starting with a C

31. Caelumara

32. Cryotheon

33. Cynosura

34. Calidora

35. Corvalex

36. Celestigon

37. Crysanthia

38. Cygnara

39. Caelibris

40. Chrysolara

41. Copernix

42. Calithena

43. Cenobion

44. Cymbeline

45. Coralian

Planet name ideas starting with a D

46. Dystorion

47. Dracanis

48. Delphoria

49. Dioneus

50. Doradus

51. Dynarix

52. Deimosyne

53. Duralia

54. Divitiae

55. Draconix

56. Domania

57. Detheria

58. Diurnia

59. Daxion

60. Dysperia

Planet name ideas starting with an E

61. Elysarion

62. Etherea

63. Exoluna

64. Eridax

65. Elarae

66. Eclipsion

67. Empyrion

68. Enthara

69. Exantra

70. Elysiumbra

71. Ereborix

72. Exothane

73. Entropia

74. Echion

75. Endoria

Planet name ideas starting with an F

76. Fornaxia

77. Felithon

78. Fluxion

79. Frondorin

80. Ferithia

81. Faelum

82. Fybris

83. Fervoria

84. Fenrilia

85. Flecto

86. Florathis

87. Fulminara

88. Faunara

89. Fyrnox

90. Fidelion

Planet name ideas starting with a G

91. Galaxara

92. Geminara

93. Glaciara

94. Gaiathra

95. Gravion

96. Ghorix

97. Galexia

98. Glython

99. Golaris

100. Gaianox

101. Gryphara

102. Galdoria

103. Genubis

104. Glorion

105. Gaiastar

Planet name ideas starting with an H

106. Helionix

107. Hydraxus

108. Hemera

109. Halcyonia

110. Horusia

111. Hyperionis

112. Heliara

113. Hesperax

114. Halograph

115. Hyporia

116. Heliogen

117. Hexara

118. Hibernus

119. Helixis

120. Hydranis

Planet name ideas starting with an I

121. Icarion

122. Illyrion

123. Isolara

124. Ixion

125. Ivoria

126. Ignatara

127. Iridion

128. Immeria

129. Infinara

130. Ionixis

131. Ithoria

132. Ivorix

133. Ixara

134. Illumidus

135. Idrilis

Planet name ideas starting with a J

136. Jovarion

137. Junithra

138. Jaxarum

139. Jelara

140. Jurionix

141. Janara

142. Joridia

143. Juvencia

144. Jyron

145. Jemisar

146. Jandor

147. Jythoria

148. Jovinix

149. Juralis

150. Jaspherion

Planet name ideas starting with a K

151. Krylion

152. Kalderon

153. Kynthos

154. Kaelara

155. Korvaxia

156. Kandoria

157. Kythar

158. Krellion

159. Kazanor

160. Kryptara

161. Kelvaris

162. Kavora

163. Kinthara

164. Kyloria

165. Kronixis

Planet name ideas starting with an L

166. Luminara

167. Lythion

168. Loravex

169. Lysithea

170. Lanthara

171. Luxara

172. Lacoria

173. Levithan

174. Luridia

175. Loxion

176. Lumarae

177. Lantris

178. Lycorex

179. Laviro

180. Lysara

Planet name ideas starting with an M

181. Myrion

182. Maelstromix

183. Morvania

184. Mithara

185. Maridion

186. Merakor

187. Mystara

188. Moxara

189. Megara

190. Monolithix

191. Myriax

192. Malveria

193. Mirathra

194. Mundoria

195. Mynoria

Planet name ideas starting with an N

196. Nyxara

197. Nevaris

198. Nithoria

199. Nexilon

200. Nuralis

201. Navora

202. Nydoria

203. Nephara

204. Novarae

205. Nirvania

206. Nectara

207. Nimbion

208. Nocturne

209. Nymeria

210. Nexusia

Planet name ideas starting with an O

211. Orionix

212. Oceara

213. Omegara

214. Othoria

215. Olivara

216. Octavia

217. Oneria

218. Orithyia

219. Obsidion

220. Orialix

221. Osmara

222. Olython

223. Onyxion

224. Optera

225. Orvania

Planet name ideas starting with a P

226. Pyrion

227. Proxima

228. Palladia

229. Phaeton

230. Pulsarix

231. Praxid

232. Perithia

233. Pluvion

234. Polaris

235. Pheronia

236. Pyralis

237. Procerus

238. Paxara

239. Phobosia

240. Peloria

Planet name ideas starting with a Q

241. Quasarix

242. Quintara

243. Quoridia

244. Qyron

245. Quilith

246. Quixara

247. Quovar

248. Qalara

249. Qynaria

250. Quentoria

251. Qarion

252. Quasarra

253. Qindara

254. Querion

255. Qynox

Planet name ideas starting with an R

256. Raxion

257. Rigelara

258. Rhadion

259. Rivoria

260. Rosethorn

261. Rynthara

262. Ravorix

263. Reloria

264. Rydoria

265. Razakar

266. Rionix

267. Ruboria

268. Rystara

269. Raxaroth

270. Rylium

Planet name ideas starting with an S

271. Syrion

272. Solarae

273. Selenix

274. Sarion

275. Sylphara

276. Sarnix

277. Sinthara

278. Sterion

279. Sivoria

280. Scoriax

281. Selunia

282. Straton

283. Sylvanix

284. Seros

285. Skadi

Planet name ideas starting with a T

286. Tyrian

287. Telarion

288. Thalassix

289. Taranis

290. Trivor

291. Tethysia

292. Torvex

293. Taurion

294. Thryx

295. Talosia

296. Tynara

297. Trixion

298. Tovarix

299. Thalix

300. Terion

Planet name ideas starting with a U

301. Uxarion

302. Ulterion

303. Unarix

304. Uvoria

305. Ursalia

306. Ulyx

307. Umbrae

308. Uridion

309. Ulonia

310. Utarix

311. Uxor

312. Uzara

313. Uthoria

314. Univia

315. Ugalix

Planet name ideas starting with a V

316. Vexoria

317. Valarix

318. Viridion

319. Volaris

320. Venara

321. Vythoria

322. Vesperix

323. Voxara

324. Veloria

325. Vantara

326. Vyron

327. Volarion

328. Venux

329. Varith

330. Vesuvix

Planet name ideas starting with a W

331. Wyrion

332. Wraithar

333. Weloria

334. Wintrix

335. Wexalia

336. Warvion

337. Wolvarix

338. Wyndara

339. Wistaria

340. Whispar

341. Wendaria

342. Wyverix

343. Wobaron

344. Windara

345. Wulforis

Planet name ideas starting with an X

346. Xyron

347. Xantheria

348. Xenoria

349. Xarvion

350. Xylophar

351. Xendrix

352. Xolaris

353. Xanthar

354. Xerovia

355. Xiloria

356. Xybris

357. Xunaria

358. Xerxes

359. Xavora

360. Xanthus

Planet name ideas starting with a Y

361. Yondarix

362. Ytheria

363. Ysoria

364. Yulvania

365. Yarion

366. Ylvoria

367. Yxar

368. Yolara

369. Yphoria

370. Ynixia

371. Ydrax

372. Yavara

373. Yquaria

374. Yzoria

375. Yurith

Planet name ideas starting with a Z

376. Zephyrix

377. Zorion

378. Zalara

379. Zythoria

380. Zerovis

381. Zandarix

382. Zolara

383. Zenthar

384. Zunaria

385. Zaviar

386. Zoraxia

387. Zylex

388. Zynith

389. Zarvonia

390. Zuloria


The act of planet naming, a sacred ritual for the storyteller, bridges the vast distances between imagination and the written word, crafting universes that resonate with life, wonder, and the infinite possibilities of the cosmos.

From the mythological echoes of Greek and Roman gods to the futuristic allure of modern planet names, each name you choose is a reflection of the universe you wish to create, be it as war-torn as the Star Wars universe or as serene as a water planet orbiting a distant, bright star like Saturn.

Remember, in the boundless expanse of sci-fi and fantasy, your words wield the power to create worlds, inspire hope, and discover new realms of adventure.

May the celestial bodies, imaginary worlds, and the myriad of planet's characteristics you've encountered serve as a beacon for your creativity, guiding you to tell stories that transcend the confines of Earth, exploring the universe's endless possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fake Planet Names (FAQs)

What are fake planet names?

Fake planet names are imaginative names created for planets that exist in stories, films, and games rather than in our real universe. They blend creativity, mythology, and linguistics designed to add depth to fictional worlds.

How do I come up with good planet names?

Start by considering the planet's characteristics: is it a water planet, an icy tundra, or a world teeming with life? Use these traits as a springboard for naming. Inspiration can come from Greek or Roman mythology, celestial bodies, or even the sense of wonder inspired by the cosmos.

What are some planet name ideas?

  • Aquaetius: Inspired by water planets.

  • Cryothora: Reflecting icy tundras.

  • Solaraeon: For a solar system's brightest star.

  • Verdantyne: A world brimming with life and greenery.

What is a planet name generator?

A planet name generator is a tool that creates imaginative planet names based on algorithms. It mixes elements of mythology, celestial terminology, and random words to generate unique names for new worlds.

How does the Star Wars universe influence planet naming?

The Star Wars universe is renowned for its vast array of planets, each with unique characteristics and memorable names. This franchise demonstrates the power of names in adding depth to a story, encouraging creators to think broadly about culture, history, and environment when naming their planets.

Why use Greek or Roman mythology for naming planets?

Greek and Roman mythology offers a treasure trove of names that evoke power, wonder, and the elemental forces of nature. Naming planets after gods and mythological creatures adds an epic dimension and deep-rooted meaning to your universe.

What are modern planet names?

Modern planet names blend contemporary words and meanings, scientific discoveries, and creative wordplay. They might reflect current societal themes, technological advancements, or simply possess a cool, futuristic sound.

How important is the planet's characteristics in naming?

The characteristics of a planet are crucial in naming. They provide a foundation for the name, reflecting the imaginary planet name's environment, atmosphere, and potential life forms. It's the first step in bridging imagination and believability.

Can planet names be in different languages?

Absolutely! Using different languages can add an exotic element of flair and depth to your universe. It reflects the diversity of the cosmos and can hint at the culture of the planet's inhabitants.

Any tips for creating unique planet names?

  • Use mythology: Greek, Roman, and other mythologies are rich with names that can be adapted.

  • Blend words: Combine elements from different languages or fields (e.g., "Aurorix" from "aurora" + "phoenix").

  • Consider the story: Let the planet's role in your narrative guide its name.

  • Play with sounds: Names that are easy to pronounce and remember often feel more natural.

  • Get inspired by astronomy: Look to the real universe for naming conventions and inspiration.

How do I use a name generator effectively?

Select a generator that allows customization based on the planet's characteristics or the type of names you're interested in. Use it as a starting point, then tweak the results to fit your world's lore and language.

Can you name a planet after existing celestial bodies?

Yes, but tweaking the name to make it unique can help your world stand out. For example, instead of Jupiter, you might create one planet as "Jovianus," a nod to the Roman god but distinct for your story.

What makes a planet's name memorable?

A memorable planet name strikes a balance between being evocative, easy to pronounce, and reflective of the planet's essence. It should spark imagination and hint at the stories that could unfold there.

Are there any no-gos in planet naming?

Avoid names that are too complex to pronounce or remember. Also, avoid inadvertently using offensive words or phrases in other languages.

How do I know I've chosen the right name?

The right name resonates with your story, fits the universe you've created, and feels right to you, the creator. It should inspire you and your audience to explore the world it names.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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