699+ Shaman Names for Your Sacred Stories

Shaman Names

Are you searching for that perfect shaman name to breathe life into your next story, film, or creative project? Delve into the mystical and spiritual world with our comprehensive collection of over 699 shaman names.

From the ancient wisdom of traditional shamans in the heart of Mongolia to the spiritual ceremonies of the Japanese shaman and the powerful female shamans who channel the Earth's mother's energy, our list spans continents and cultures.

Whether you're weaving tales around ancestral spirits, exploring the spiritual realms with sighted shamans, or seeking inspiration in the practices of shamanism from Central Asia to South America, these names offer a gateway to stories untold.

Embrace the wild spirit of shamanic rituals, traditional healers' healing power, and guardian spirits' protective embrace.

This guide provides names and the rich cultural tapestry behind them, from Mongolian shamanism to the Shinto magic of Japan, the ancient Hmong culture, and beyond.

Let these names be the key to unlocking the spirit world in your storytelling, where every name holds the power of nature, the wisdom of indigenous peoples, and the connection to the great spirits of the earth.

A long list of shaman names

Shaman names starting with an A

1. Ahote

2. Aponi

3. Anoki

4. Aiyana

5. Alo

6. Ayita

7. Askuwheteau

8. Alawa

9. Achak

10. Aditsan

11. Ahanu

12. Ahiga

13. Akecheta

14. Akando

15. Awendela

16. Aylen

17. Ama

18. Ankti

19. Antinanco

20. Awanata

21. Awentia

22. Awinita

23. Chayton

24. Dyami

25. Elu

26. Enyeto

27. Etu

28. Eyota

29. Hania

30. Honi

Shaman names starting with a B

31. Bidziil

32. Bly

33. Bodaway

34. Bemossed

35. Bruchko

36. Bidaban

37. Besuy

38. Bahoz

39. Bena

40. Biako

41. Bimisi

42. Bohanan

43. Bokoshi

44. Bolli

45. Bosque

46. Botah

47. Brilten

48. Broga

49. Buli

50. Bunni

51. Burel

52. Butah

53. Buziba

54. Byhalia

55. Bylina

56. Bysen

57. Baashi

58. Banalli

59. Bataar

60. Bidel

Shaman names starting with a C

61. Chayton

62. Chenoa

63. Cheveyo

64. Chilam

65. Chogan

66. Chosovi

67. Chosposi

68. Chochmo

69. Chochokpi

70. Cholena

71. Choshech

72. Chayyim

73. Chuwit

74. Ciqala

75. Coho

76. Coahoma

77. Catori

78. Calian

79. Cantetinza

80. Cetanwakuwa

81. Chumani

82. Ciqala

83. Citlali

84. Cochise

85. Colotenka

86. Copala

87. Coyotl

88. Cuauhtémoc

89. Cusick

90. Cyusa

Shaman names starting with a D

91. Dyami

92. Doli

93. Dakotah

94. Dena

95. Desna

96. Dohasan

97. Dohate

98. Doya

99. Duha

100. Duskah

101. Dyani

102. Dahzah

103. Deyohah

104. Dokivs

105. Dosalu

106. Dotahn

107. Duwali

108. Dyami

109. Dahcotah

110. Dahnawa

111. Dalonige

112. Danahu

113. Dasan

114. Dayani

115. Denali

116. Detsan

117. Dohosan

118. Donoma

119. Dotsuwa

120. Duyi

Shaman names starting with an E

121. Eyota

122. Elan

123. Enola

124. Etu

125. Etenia

126. Eyotah

127. Enyeto

128. Elsu

129. Echos

130. Ehwah

131. Elki

132. Enkoodabaoo

133. Enkoodabooaoo

134. Esa

135. Esadowa

136. Esyeto

137. Etalpalli

138. Etan

139. Etenoha

140. Etoah

141. Etsitty

142. Evaki

143. Exahta

144. Eyah

145. Eyahso

146. Eyota

147. Eyuha

148. Ezrah

149. Eztli

150. Ezyana

Shaman names starting with an F

151. Falco

152. Fiera

153. Flicker

154. Flint

155. Flow

156. Forest

157. Frost

158. Furrow

159. Fawn

160. Feather

161. Fern

162. Fable

163. Finch

164. Flame

165. Flare

166. Fleet

167. Flick

168. Flood

169. Flute

170. Fog

171. Foil

172. Forge

173. Form

174. Fossil

175. Fox

176. Fray

177. Free

178. Frosty

179. Fruit

180. Fume

Shaman names starting with a G

181. Gaagii

182. Gaho

183. Gale

184. Ganook

185. Garan

186. Gaya

187. Ged

188. Gelu

189. Genen

190. Gila

191. Gili

192. Giska

193. Gobi

194. Gola

195. Gonki

196. Gosheven

197. Gotza

198. Graan

199. Greesh

200. Grena

201. Grinda

202. Guato

203. Guda

204. Guki

205. Guma

206. Gunni

207. Gura

208. Gusha

209. Gwan

210. Gyasi

Shaman names starting with an H

211. Hawen

212. Helki

213. Honovi

214. Huyana

215. Hania

216. Hehewuti

217. Hok'ee

218. Hoshiko

219. Hotha

220. Huehu

221. Hunapo

222. Hurit

223. Huslu

224. Hantaywee

225. Hayo'ka

226. Hialeah

227. Hinun

228. Hinto

229. Hiawas

230. Hokshila

231. Holata

232. Honiahaka

233. Hoonah

234. Hoshichay

235. Hotah

236. Hototo

237. Howahkan

238. Huchnom

239. Hueman

240. Huyan

Shaman names starting with an I

241. Inola

242. Ituha

243. Ishi

244. Ivoti

245. Iyasha

246. Inali

247. Ista

248. Itancan

249. Iyapo

250. Iloh

251. Isatai

252. Itzcoatl

253. Ixachi

254. Iyika

255. Izusa

256. Ilanipi

257. Imala

258. Ipala

259. Iroquois

260. Itomi

261. Iwa

262. Iyani

263. Ihanktonwan

264. Itazipcho

265. Inyanka

266. Ite

267. Iyotanka

268. Iztali

269. Icnoyotl

270. Itotiani

Shaman names starting with a J

271. Jacy

272. Jahi

273. Jalen

274. Jaoa

275. Jaska

276. Jayani

277. Jicar

278. Jolon

279. Jori

280. Juma

281. Junalo

282. Juwapa

283. Jyaki

284. Jaeli

285. Jafayo

286. Jagen

287. Jako

288. Jaliwa

289. Jamen

290. Janook

291. Japela

292. Jaran

293. Jatix

294. Javon

295. Jaweni

296. Jaximo

297. Jaylo

298. Jazac

299. Jelani

300. Jenu

Shaman names starting with a K

301. Kaya

302. Kele

303. Kiona

304. Kohana

305. Koko

306. Kosumi

307. Koty

308. Kuckunniwi

309. Kuman

310. Kunu

311. Kwaay

312. Kyani

313. Kachada

314. Kaliska

315. Kamama

316. Kanuna

317. Kasa

318. Katari

319. Kawacatoose

320. Kayah

321. Keegsquaw

322. Keh

323. Keokuk

324. Kesegowaase

325. Kestejoo

326. Kinta

327. Kirema

328. Kiwidinok

329. Kokyangwuti

330. Kwatoko

Shaman names starting with an L

331. Lomasi

332. Lenno

333. Luta

334. Lakota

335. Lozen

336. Lanu

337. Lomahongva

338. Lewa

339. Loyu

340. Lonato

341. Lopan

342. Lahela

343. Leotie

344. Liwanu

345. Lokni

346. Lupan

347. Layu

348. Lyet

349. Lahkota

350. Lakshi

351. Lelawala

352. Leyati

353. Lohah

354. Lomasi

355. Lonan

356. Lothar

357. Luana

358. Lucio

359. Lusio

360. Luyan

Shaman names starting with an M

361. Mika

362. Makwa

363. Muna

364. Mahu

365. Manaba

366. Maska

367. Matoskah

368. Moki

369. Motega

370. Muna

371. Munay

372. Mapiya

373. Mato

374. Meda

375. Mehadi

376. Menawa

377. Mihewi

378. Milintica

379. Misae

380. Mitena

381. Mochni

382. Mohala

383. Mojag

384. Moketavato

385. Moketoveto

386. Mokovaoto

387. Molimo

388. Monoma

389. Motavato

390. Moyo

Shaman names starting with an N

391. Nayeli

392. Nodin

393. Nova

394. Nahiossi

395. Nantan

396. Neewa

397. Neka

398. Nemaha

399. Niabi

400. Nikan

401. Nimkee

402. Nita

403. Nokosi

404. Nuna

405. Nunpa

406. Nootau

407. Nawat

408. Niyol

409. Nosh

410. Notah

411. Nuna

412. Nyah

413. Nahcomence

414. Nakai

415. Namid

416. Nanook

417. Napayshni

418. Nascha

419. Nastas

420. Natane

Shaman names starting with an O

421. Odina

422. Ohiyesa

423. Okhmhaka

424. Olowa

425. Onawa

426. Onida

427. Ontibon

428. Opa

429. Opala

430. Orenda

431. Osceola

432. Oshki

433. Osyka

434. Otoahhastis

435. Otaktay

436. Oya

437. Ozara

438. Ozel

439. Ohi

440. Ominotago

441. Owanka

442. Owiti

443. Oyatay

444. Oyuky

445. Ozah

446. Ozi

447. Ozzie

448. Okipa

449. Ocotillo

450. Ololowishkya

Shaman names starting with a P

451. Paytah

452. Pules

453. Powasheek

454. Pahana

455. Panola

456. Peta

457. Petala

458. Pewa

459. Pilan

460. Piyip

461. Poloma

462. Powaqa

463. Ptesanwi

464. Pahkato

465. Pakwa

466. Palila

467. Pamuy

468. Pauwau

469. Payatt

470. Pezi

471. Pihew

472. Pimne

473. Pocahontas

474. Pokoh

475. Polatkin

476. Ponca

477. Powa

478. Powhatan

479. Pukwana

480. Puma

Shaman names starting with a Q

481. Quanah

482. Quila

483. Quirauk

484. Quoba

485. Quapaw

486. Quechua

487. Quetan

488. Quezpah

489. Quillayute

490. Quimey

491. Quinaiya

492. Quinault

493. Quinney

494. Quipu

495. Quiripi

496. Quita

497. Quivira

498. Quetzal

499. Quanik

500. Quasha

501. Quay

502. Quee

503. Quenepa

504. Querida

505. Questa

506. Quetzalli

507. Quick

508. Quilca

509. Quilla

510. Quime

Shaman names starting with an R

511. Rahko

512. Rana

513. Rayen

514. Renu

515. Retuy

516. Ria

517. Riona

518. Rohi

519. Ronat

520. Ruya

521. Ryba

522. Racco

523. Radon

524. Ragav

525. Rahi

526. Raji

527. Raksa

528. Ralik

529. Ramen

530. Ranec

531. Rangi

532. Rano

533. Rapo

534. Rasek

535. Ratak

536. Ravel

537. Rayo

538. Razil

539. Reko

540. Relic

Shaman names starting with an S

541. Sakari

542. Sani

543. Sekani

544. Sitala

545. Siyamak

546. Sora

547. Sunukkuhkau

548. Suyeta

549. Swenta

550. Syala

551. Sacona

552. Sagoyewatha

553. Sahale

554. Salali

555. Samoset

556. Sanki

557. Sapata

558. Sasa

559. Satinka

560. Sayen

561. Seke

562. Seneca

563. Sequoia

564. Shasta

565. Shawnee

566. Shilah

567. Shimasani

568. Shizhe'e

569. Sikya

570. Sinopa

Shaman names starting with a T

571. Tahoma

572. Takala

573. Talise

574. Tama

575. Tanaya

576. Taregan

577. Tasunke

578. Tate

579. Teca

580. Tehya

581. Telutci

582. Tenskwatawa

583. Teyacapan

584. Thozet

585. Tihkoosue

586. Tikalah

587. Tilki

588. Tocho

589. Tokala

590. Tolinka

591. Totsi

592. Tsela

593. Tsiishch'ili

594. Tsula

595. Tuketu

596. Tukvila

597. Tula

598. Tully

599. Tumakohua

600. Tushpa

Shaman names starting with a U

601. Uzumati

602. Uyara

603. Unega

604. Usdi

605. Ute

606. Uwohali

607. Uzuchi

608. Ulah

609. Umeko

610. Unalii

611. Unega

612. Unequa

613. Unole

614. Untamo

615. Uqualla

616. Uraco

617. Urayo

618. Urika

619. Usdiyi

620. Utsidihi

621. Utina

622. Uvadan

623. Uwatie

624. Uyalixi

625. Uyenye

626. Uzave

627. Uzavela

628. Uzel

629. Uzera

630. Uzito

Shaman names starting with a V

631. Votan

632. Vayu

633. Venya

634. Vireo

635. Valen

636. Vesper

637. Virika

638. Vanko

639. Vayla

640. Vesta

641. Velan

642. Vexi

643. Vola

644. Vuri

645. Vyno

646. Vadek

647. Vara

648. Velox

649. Virena

650. Volki

651. Varna

652. Vayden

653. Vespera

654. Voxi

655. Vylan

656. Vynka

657. Votec

658. Vanya

659. Voric

660. Vexil

Shaman names starting with a W

661. Wanikiy

662. Wicasa

663. Wohali

664. Wakanda

665. Wayra

666. Winona

667. Wakan

668. Wapi

669. Waska

670. Weayaya

671. Wenona

672. Wichapi

673. Wicahpi

674. Wihakayda

675. Wikimak

676. Wilanu

677. Wintun

678. Wiyaka

679. Wokaiya

680. Wolaba

681. Woyakin

682. Wunjo

683. Wuyi

684. Wyome

685. Wachintonka

686. Wahkan

687. Wakinyan

688. Wanbli

689. Wapiti

690. Washte

Shaman names starting with an X

691. Xanil

692. Xeila

693. Xico

694. Ximun

695. Xola

696. Xanico

697. Xochil

698. Xipil

699. Xolotl

700. Xani

701. Xulon

702. Xyami

703. Xipe

704. Xochi

705. Xalix

706. Xevel

707. Xipetotec

708. Xolani

709. Xunai

710. Xylem

711. Xylo

712. Xaman

713. Xenden

714. Xeran

715. Xolox

716. Xunon

717. Xilox

718. Xorex

719. Xuen

720. Xyli

Shaman names starting with a Y

721. Yotanka

722. Yuma

723. Yehaw

724. Yiska

725. Yansa

726. Yoki

727. Yotah

728. Yonavea

729. Yurok

730. Yaneli

731. Yaluk

732. Yena

733. Yoholo

734. Yoscolo

735. Yoteka

736. Yupay

737. Yavapai

738. Yaxkin

739. Yestin

740. Yokuts

741. Yalit

742. Yanel

743. Yotie

744. Yuchi

745. Yavak

746. Yaweh

747. Yakez

748. Yamacraw

749. Yampa

750. Yanisin

Shaman names starting with a Z

751. Zuni

752. Zitkala

753. Zihna

754. Zonta

755. Zephyr

756. Zyanya

757. Zaltana

758. Zorali

759. Zicaro

760. Ziracuny

761. Zolten

762. Zanobi

763. Zimri

764. Zavada

765. Zohar

766. Zanaga

767. Zytka

768. Zekiel

769. Zerada

770. Zonteh

771. Zicalli

772. Zirek

773. Zohi

774. Zulika

775. Zuvuya

776. Zalika

777. Zende

778. Zohala

779. Zaqueo

780. Zatarga


Whether you're crafting a narrative, developing a character for a film, or seeking inspiration for your next creative project, understanding the significance of shaman names can enrich your work with authenticity and depth.

Frequently Asked Questions About Shaman Names (FAQs)

What are shaman names?

Shaman names are unique identifiers given to spiritual leaders or healers who engage in shamanic rituals and ceremonies. These names often embody connections to the spirit world, ancestral spirits, or elements of nature.

How do shamans receive their names?

Shaman names can be received through:

  • Visitation: In dreams or during shamanic ceremonies, where a spirit or ancestor bestows a name.

  • Initiation: As part of becoming a shaman, often reflecting their role, abilities, or the nature they are connected with.

  • Personal journey: Some may choose a name that signifies their experiences or spiritual journey.

Are there different types of shaman names?

Yes, shaman names vary widely across cultures:

  • Traditional shamans may have names linked to their local environment or spiritual realms.

  • Japanese shamans or practitioners of Shinto magic might adopt names connected to their religious practices.

  • Mongolian shamans often have names associated with elements of Mongolian culture or nature.

  • Inuit shamans might use names that reflect their relationship with the night sky or arctic animals.

Can women be shamans?

Absolutely! Female shamans, or mother shamans, play significant roles in many cultures. Their names often highlight connections to the earth mother, sky mother, protector spirits or guardian spirits.

Are shaman names specific to certain regions?

Yes, shaman names can be influenced by regional practices and languages:

  • Spanish shamans from South America might incorporate elements of Spanish culture.

  • Aboriginal shamans and Maori healers use names from their own languages and cultural references.

  • Korean shamanism and Hmong culture contribute unique aspects to naming conventions.

What are some examples of shaman names?

While specific names can be deeply personal, here are examples inspired by traditional roles and connections:

  • Eagle Eye: Sighted shamans with a vision that transcends the physical.

  • White Sage: Healers known for purification and protection.

  • Night Sky: Those who draw wisdom from celestial bodies.

  • Earth Mother: Female shamans deeply connected to nature's fertility and life.

How do shaman names reflect their practice?

Shaman names often reflect:

  • Connection to nature: Names like Wild Spirit or Great Spirits show a deep bond with the earth and its creatures.

  • Healing abilities: Terms like Healer or Life Giver denote their primary role in their communities.

  • Spiritual guidance: Names such as Bridge Walker can symbolize their role as mediators between the spirit world and the physical world.

Do shamans only exist in traditional societies?

While shamanism is rooted in indigenous and traditional societies, its practices and concepts have spread globally. Modern shamans continue to practice shamanism in various cultural contexts, from central Asia to South Korea, adapting traditional methods to contemporary life.

Why are shaman names important in storytelling?

In storytelling, shaman names can:

  • Add depth to characters by hinting at their spiritual power, history, or connection to nature.

  • Enhance the setting by reflecting the cultural and spiritual landscape of the story.

  • Drive the narrative by embodying the shaman's journey, challenges, and growth.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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