101 Puritan Names For Your Next Religious Character


Have you ever wondered about the power of a name? In the particularly odd Puritan group, names weren't identifiers but moral compasses, weaving tales of faith, caution, and aspiration.

Imagine naming your child "Fear God Barebone" or encouraging them daily with a moniker like "Remember Fear Not." 

These werenites were not mere whims of fancy but embodied the essence of a community that praised God with every breath and feared sin like a tangible foe. 

From "Kill Sin Pimple" to "Grace Names" like "Jolly Liberty" and "Good Fight of Faith," Puritan names serve as a rich source of inspiration for writers, filmmakers, and storytellers. They paint vivid pictures of life's trials and triumphs, reflecting a deep connection to biblical names and the divine narrative. 

In this blog of 101 Puritan Names, we'll explore how these unique, often crazy names, from "Dust Diffidence Desire" to "Placidia Kill Sin," can add depth, meaning, and a touch of historical authenticity to your creative works. 

Welcome to a journey where every Puritan name tells a story, every story a lesson, and every lesson a step closer to understanding the peculiar, devout, and profoundly human Puritan spirit.

A long list of Puritan names

1. Strive Evermore

2. Mercy Triumphs

3. Seek Deliverance

4. Stand Fast In Faith

5. Prosper The Soul

6. Vanquish Sin

7. Bear Patience

8. Walk Humbly

9. Hope Rekindled

10. Guard The Heart

11. Cherish Virtue

12. Embrace Truth

13. Defy Temptation

14. Love Abundantly

15. Ponder The Path

16. Endure Righteously

17. Quench Not Spirit

18. Kindle Joy

19. Mend The Breach

20. Yield Not To Sin

21. Obey The Call

22. Seek Wisdom

23. Cling To Good

24. Flee From Evil

25. Sow In Peace

26. Reap In Mercy

27. Bind Up Wounds

28. Lift Up Hands

29. Grasp Firm Faith

30. Spread The Word

31. Lean Not On Flesh

32. Triumph Over Trials

33. Cherish The Day

34. Rest In Hope

35. Awake To Righteousness

36. Walk By Faith

37. Answer The Call

38. Bask In Grace

39. Renew The Spirit

40. Clasp The Truth

41. Nourish The Soul

42. Shun Darkness

43. Behold The Light

44. Forge In Purity

45. Embrace The Narrow

46. Dwell In Harmony

47. Aim For The Crown

48. Flourish In Faith

49. Venture Forth In Hope

50. Adorn With Meekness

51. Abide In Love

52. Pursue Righteousness

53. Revere The Word

54. Reflect His Glory

55. Cherish His Law

56. Blossom In Faith

57. Seek His Face

58. Walk In Light

59. Be Steadfast

60. Hold Fast To Truth

61. Treasure Grace

62. Battle Against Sin

63. Soar In Spirit

64. Anchor In Hope

65. Delight In Virtue

66. Rejoice Evermore

67. Stand In Awe

68. Triumph In Trial

69. Yearn For Peace

70. Foster Kindness

71. Guard The Faith

72. Embrace Patience

73. Radiate Joy

74. Conquer Through Love

75. Persevere In Prayer

76. Seek Solitude

77. Abound In Works

78. Cultivate Humility

79. Engage In Charity

80. Revel In Blessings

81. Maintain The Course

82. Nurture Hope

83. Exhibit Gentleness

84. March Towards Heaven

85. Breathe Wisdom

86. Climb Spiritual Heights

87. Shine In Darkness

88. Whisper Truth

89. Harvest Goodness

90. Navigate By Faith

91. Overflow With Praise

92. Build On The Rock

93. Fly Towards Grace

94. Wield The Shield Of Faith

95. Leap Over Doubt

96. Walk On Waters Of Trust

97. Plant Seeds Of Love

98. Illuminate The Path

99. Command The Morning

100. Sail The Seas Of Providence

101. Seek The Horizon of Hope


For writers, filmmakers, and storytellers, these Puritan names are a treasure trove of creativity, offering a gateway to explore themes of faith, redemption, and the human condition. 

They remind us that every character we create, like every child born to pessimistic parents, carries a message, a story, and a purpose. 

So, as you craft your next religious character, let the Puritans' odd, crazy, and graceful names inspire you. 

Dive into the deep well of history, faith, and the profound hope that even in the darkest times, there's a light to be found, a lesson to be learned, and a name that might change the world.

Frequently asked questions about Puritan names (FAQs)

What are Puritan names?

Puritan names often appear odd because they were chosen to reflect the Puritan group's deep religious convictions. They used names as daily reminders of their values, usually selecting phrases from the Bible or virtues they aspired to embody.

Who was Praise God Barebone?

Praise God Barebone is one of the most famous Puritans, highlighting how creative (or odd) Puritan naming could get. He was a leather worker who played a significant role in religious and parliamentary circles in 17th-century England. His name symbolized his parents' devoutness, with a heavy lean on praising God.

Did other family members have similarly unusual names?

Yes, Praise God's son was similarly uniquely named, continuing the tradition. This trend wasn't uncommon in Puritan families, with names constantly reminding them of their faith and values.

Why did Puritans choose such doom-and-gloom names?

Puritans often chose names that would remind them of their moral and religious duties. Names, like Remember Fear Not and Kill Sin Pimple, were given by rather pessimistic parents who wanted to instill a fear of God and awareness of sin in their children from a young age.

Were there any 'positive' Puritan names?

Definitely! While many names might seem overly severe or even bizarre, Puritans chose grace names like Jolly Liberty, Good Fight of Faith, and Tenacious Happy Felicity, reflecting positive virtues and experiences.

How did biblical names influence Puritan naming?

Biblical names were trendy among Puritans, drawing heavily from the Old Testament. These names, like Faith, Hope, and Charity, embodied Christian virtues and were part of a broader trend of using religious texts to guide all aspects of life.

What's the story behind the Barebones Parliament?

The Barebones Parliament, named after Praise God Barebone, was a short-lived governing body that ruled Britain in 1653. 

It's often mentioned in discussions about Puritan influence on English history, showcasing Puritan values' political and cultural impact.

Did Puritan names have any specific meanings?

Many Puritan names carried specific meanings or messages, often reflecting the circumstances of a child's birth, parental aspirations, or religious convictions. 

For example, names like Experience Anger Abuse or Humiliation Hynde could reflect difficult births or the desire for a child to remain humble and aware of sin.

Can you give examples of female Puritan names?

Female Puritan names often embodied virtues or biblical references, such as Grace, Faith, or Hope. 

Unique examples include Placidia Kill Sin and Farewell Sykes, showcasing the creative breadth of Puritan naming practices for both genders.

Why do writers and filmmakers find Puritan names interesting?

Puritan names are a rich source of inspiration for writers, filmmakers, and storytellers due to their unique blend of religious fervor, historical context, and the sheer creativity involved in their creation. 

They can add depth to characters, evoke a specific era, and contribute to world-building in many stories set during or influenced by Puritan times.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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