199 Khajiit Names to Inspire Your Next Character

khajiit names

Are you searching for the perfect name for your next character, one that carries the echo of ancient legends and the whispers of the unseen world?

Dive into the rich tapestry of the Elder Scrolls universe, where the enigmatic Khajiit roam the lands of Skyrim and beyond, their names a reflection of their culture, status, and the very essence of their being.

This blog unveils 199 Khajiit names, from the mightiest male warrior to the most nimble-fingered female thief and every mage, scholar, and healer in between.

Whether you're drawing from the Elder Scrolls games for your next screenplay, seeking a name for a character in your upcoming novel, or crafting lore for a new game, the names of the Khajiit offer a wellspring of creative inspiration.

With prefixes and suffixes that signify everything from gender to profession, and the choice of either a humorous or a mysterious moniker, these names are woven with honorifics and suffused with the magic of Khajiit culture.

A long list of Khajiit Names

1. J'zariyo

2. S'randarr

3. Daro'Vasora

4. M'raaj-Dar

5. Qa'dar

6. Zaynabi

7. Ra'zahn

8. Kharjo

9. Do'Khin

10. Ahzirr

11. S'rashi

12. Jo'Rakha

13. Ma'randru-jo

14. Ri'saad

15. Na'irra

16. Ba'rin

17. Dro'Zel

18. Fi'ir

19. Ja'far

20. Keirgo

21. La'ashi

22. Meeko

23. No'ri

24. Ocheeva

25. P'ahmar

26. Qu'rrill

27. Ra'zhirr

28. Sa'qir

29. Ta'agra

30. Ulyn

31. Vo'arhem

32. Wa'rhaj

33. Xa'tir

34. Ya'tirr

35. Za'ir

36. Ae'fere

37. Bi'kahir

38. Ce'nir

39. De'khal

40. Ee'soma

41. Fe'ran

42. Ge'roh

43. He'narr

44. Ii'rah

45. Je'kasha

46. Ke'val

47. Le'mab

48. Me'jar

49. Ne'qara

50. O'dahviing

51. Pa'jassa

52. Qi'taba

53. Ra'viri

54. Sa'nur

55. Ti'acho

56. Uv'ysa

57. Ve'nara

58. Wi'qasha

59. Xe'fera

60. Ya'zinda

61. Zo'bal

62. Ae'quita

63. Bi'rish

64. Ce'dara

65. De'lima

66. Ee'fari

67. Fe'zur

68. Ge'namo

69. He'rimo

70. Ii'faz

71. Je'lani

72. Ke'vasha

73. Le'gato

74. Me'kara

75. Ne'qamo

76. Oe'fynn

77. Pe'rimo

78. Qe'ralo

79. Re'sari

80. Se'taro

81. Te'vani

82. Ue'ran

83. Ve'kara

84. We'qasha

85. Xe'taya

86. Ye'pasha

87. Ze'rano

88. Ao'mira

89. Bo'fari

90. Co'jasha

91. Do'qura

92. Eo'rama

93. Fo'sari

94. Go'zara

95. Ho'kara

96. Io'mai

97. Jo'qura

98. Ko'zani

99. Lo'fari

100. Mo'jasha

101. Na'qitar

102. Oo'jasha

103. Pe'zara

104. Qo'nira

105. Ra'jata

106. Se'quro

107. Ti'vana

108. Uu'rama

109. Ve'qira

110. Wo'zara

111. Xa'rina

112. Ye'qila

113. Zo'vira

114. Ae'tara

115. Bi'qana

116. Ce'rimo

117. De'vana

118. Eo'saja

119. Fo'tira

120. Go'rina

121. Ho'qima

122. Io'zara

123. Jo'rana

124. Ko'qira

125. Lo'saja

126. Mo'tara

127. No'rima

128. Oo'vana

129. Pe'qira

130. Qo'tara

131. Ra'saja

132. Se'vana

133. Ti'qima

134. Uu'rana

135. Ve'tira

136. Wo'saja

137. Xa'qira

138. Ye'rana

139. Zo'tara

140. Ae'qima

141. Bi'rana

142. Ce'saja

143. De'qira

144. Eo'tara

145. Fo'vana

146. Go'qima

147. Ho'tira

148. Io'vana

149. Jo'qira

150. Ko'saja

151. La'rina

152. Ma'qita

153. Na'zira

154. Oa'rimo

155. Pa'saja

156. Qa'tivo

157. Ra'lima

158. Sa'vira

159. Ta'jira

160. Ua'qaro

161. Va'rana

162. Wa'siri

163. Xa'limo

164. Ya'qima

165. Za'vano

166. Aba'sari

167. Bha'tara

168. Cha'rima

169. Dha'jira

170. Eha'qaro

171. Fha'rana

172. Gha'siri

173. Iha'limo

174. Jha'qima

175. Kha'vano

176. Lha'sari

177. Mha'tara

178. Nha'rima

179. Oha'jira

180. Pha'qaro

181. Qha'rana

182. Rha'siri

183. Sha'limo

184. Tha'qima

185. Uha'vano

186. Vha'sari

187. Wha'tara

188. Xha'rima

189. Yha'jira

190. Zha'qaro

191. Aja'rana

192. Bja'siri

193. Cja'limo

194. Dja'qima

195. Eja'vano

196. Fja'sari

197. Gja'tara

198. Hja'rima

199. Ija'jira


As we conclude our exploration through the alluring landscape of 199 Khajiit names, we find ourselves not just enriched with a list of names but immersed in the culture, lore, and linguistic artistry of the Khajiit race from the Elder Scrolls universe.

From the robust warrior names that echo through the halls of Skyrim to the clever and nimble-fingered thief names that lurk in the shadows, each Khajiit name carries with it a story, an identity, and a piece of the enigmatic world they inhabit.

Whether you sought a name with a mysterious meaning, a gender-specific honorific, or simply a creative name that stands out in your narrative, the journey through these names—from the royal surnames to the humble apprentice titles—has offered a glimpse into the profound depth of Khajiit culture and the Elder Scrolls games.

Let these names be the first step in crafting characters that are as complex and captivating as the Elder Scrolls universe itself, ensuring that your stories, like the Khajiit, leave a lasting impression on the world.

Whether your next creation walks in the light or prowls in the shadows, may their names—and tales—resonate with the depth, cunning, and charm befitting the mysterious race of the Khajiit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Khajiit Names (FAQs)

What makes Khajiit names unique in the Elder Scrolls games?

Khajiit names blend cultural richness and linguistic creativity, reflecting their society's values, roles, and the individual's characteristics.

They often include prefixes or suffixes that denote gender, profession, or status, making them not just names but a glimpse into the Khajiit's life and legend.

How are female and male Khajiit names differentiated?

Khajiit names can be gender-specific, with certain prefixes and suffixes being exclusive to male or female Khajiit. For example, "Dar-" often denotes a male thief or clever character, while "S'rendarr" might be used for a male healer.

Female names might use "Dro-" for a grandparent or "M'aiq" for a mysterious, often humorous character. However, some elements are shared across genders, making the naming convention both a puzzle and a delight.

Can you recommend a Khajiit name generator?

Yes! For those seeking inspiration or the perfect name for their character, a Khajiit name generator can be a fantastic tool.

These generators typically allow you to select gender and class, offering names ranging from traditional to funny Khajiit names, with honorifics, suffixes, and the occasional mysterious apostrophe.

Are there specific rules for creating Khajiit surnames?

Khajiit surnames often reflect their clan or lineage, carrying deep meanings and honor. While some may have a clear meaning, others remain enigmatic, embodying the mysteries of Khajiit culture.

Creating a surname might involve combining traditional words with personal creativity, reflecting the character's traits, background, or the shadows they walk in.

What are some examples of creative names for Khajiit characters?

Creative Khajiit names often play with language, incorporating elements of their society, roles, and traits. For a warrior, consider "Ra'zirr," combining prowess with a hint of nobility.

A nimble-fingered thief might go by "S'krivva," suggesting both stealth and skill. For a healer or mage, "J'zargo," implying wisdom and a touch of the arcane, could be perfect.

How important are honorifics in Khajiit's names?

Honorifics are crucial, serving as a title that reflects a Khajiit's role, status, or achievement within their society.

Whether it's "Ja'zarri," a young adult stepping into adulthood, or "Th'zar," a revered scholar, these honorifics add a layer of depth and respect to the name.

Is there a significance to the apostrophes and hyphens in Khajiit's names?

Absolutely! Using apostrophes and hyphens isn't just stylistic; it reflects the intricate pronunciation and flow of the Khajiit language.

They can indicate a pause, a combination of honorifics, or even a mysterious element of a Khajiit's name with unknown meaning.

Can I use real-world inspirations to create Khajiit names?

Yes, and you're encouraged to! The Elder Scrolls universe is a tapestry of influences from various cultures and languages.

By weaving real-world inspirations with the game's lore, you can create Khajiit names that are authentic to the Elder Scrolls and resonant with your own creative vision.

What should I remember when choosing a name for a Khajiit character in my story or game?

Consider the character's role in your story or game, personality traits, and cultural background.

A well-chosen name can reflect their identity, aspirations, and life, from the royal courts of Elsweyr to the scholarly halls of a distant land.

Any tips for creating funny Khajiit names?

Humor in names can come from playful wordplay, unexpected combinations, or clever twists on traditional naming conventions.

A Khajiit with a penchant for getting into trouble might be named "Trouble-Whisker," while a particularly lazy one could be dubbed "Snoo'zarr." Let your imagination run wild!

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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