Transform Your Narrative with These 99 Hobgoblin Names – Before Your Rival Does

Hobgoblin Names

Are you searching for the perfect name to breathe life into the creatures of your next epic tale? 

In the sprawling universe where dragons soar above forgotten realms and goblin cousins skirmish in the shadows of towering castles, finding the right title for your hobgoblin characters can be as challenging as commanding wizards in war. 

Whether you're crafting stories set in the dense forests where tribes of hobgoblins tend to their dark deeds or in the vast dungeons where these creatures fight alongside bugbears and other races against human forces, I will arm you with an arsenal of male and female hobgoblin names

From the fierce male names that echo through the halls of dragons to the cunning titles of female hobgoblins born into the strife of goblins and their monstrous kin, this blog is your default tool in creating an image of war-torn tribes and magical creatures. 

A long list of hobgoblin names

1. Grimbash

2. Zartok

3. Nimgrot

4. Vexgrim

5. Skabnus

6. Thrangduil

7. Mordnash

8. Grotfang

9. Snarkul

10. Vilkas

11. Brungar

12. Zogbad

13. Throktar

14. Varguk

15. Skirnok

16. Grulbash

17. Kraglok

18. Muzgash

19. Drogfang

20. Snarlgrip

21. Glimdok

22. Krangush

23. Blorgak

24. Thrimgol

25. Nargluk

26. Grimlok

27. Vrudnak

28. Zarkul

29. Grobnar

30. Skargim

31. Vrokgar

32. Brakgul

33. Thungrot

34. Morgash

35. Krimdok

36. Graknash

37. Zungrot

38. Vortusk

39. Skornok

40. Grunlok

41. Dargnuk

42. Klargus

43. Trugdor

44. Brolmash

45. Narkul

46. Grukbas

47. Skarzog

48. Vrimgar

49. Drungnak

50. Klorgnak

51. Grindlok

52. Zurnik

53. Bragdul

54. Vraknir

55. Snorgum

56. Krundar

57. Glorgak

58. Nurmog

59. Throknar

60. Vargrim

61. Blugnash

62. Krognak

63. Smarnuk

64. Dronkash

65. Grublok

66. Zarknash

67. Brungrot

68. Vlokmar

69. Snumgol

70. Kragthor

71. Glogmak

72. Nubnuk

73. Thrungar

74. Vulgrim

75. Blogsnik

76. Kromgul

77. Slogmok

78. Droknar

79. Grumnash

80. Zulgar

81. Braknok

82. Vrogdush

83. Snargul

84. Kurnak

85. Glumrok

86. Numdok

87. Throkgar

88. Vurmok

89. Blargnak

90. Krokgar

91. Smuglok

92. Draknosh

93. Gruknar

94. Zognak

95. Brumgol

96. Vragnok

97. Snublok

98. Kurgnar

99. Gluknar


Hobgoblin names are as diverse and complex as the creatures themselves. 

Whether you're writing a tale set in the forgotten realms, a screenplay involving dragons and dungeons, or crafting a game where tribes of hobgoblins clash with humans and other monsters, these names can add a layer of authenticity and depth to your creative project. 

Remember, the best name captures the essence of the characters and the world they inhabit. 

Happy creating!

Frequently Asked Questions About Hobgoblin Names (FAQs)

What Are Hobgoblin Names?

Hobgoblin names evoke images of war, strategy, and tribal hierarchy, blending the mystical with the martial. 

Think of names that sound imposing and carry a weight of history and might. These names are perfect for creatures born for conflict and domination.

How Do I Create Hobgoblin Names?

Creating hobgoblin names involves a mix of creativity and structure. Here are some simple steps to follow:

  1. Start with the Sound: Hobgoblin names often contain hard consonants and guttural sounds, reflecting their harsh society and martial prowess.

  2. Consider the Meaning: Names can reflect deeds, titles, or roles within their tribes or be inspired by nature, war, mythology from the dragons' universe, or forgotten realms.

  3. Use a Name Generator: A hobgoblin name generator can be a quick and efficient tool for a burst of inspiration or click and generate a name.

Can I Find Male Hobgoblin Names?

Yes! Male hobgoblin names often exude strength and leadership. Examples include Grarkash Steelbreaker or Vorag Bloody-Hand. These names may hint at their deeds, their role within the tribe, or their sheer force in battle.

What About Female Hobgoblins?

Female hobgoblins are as fierce and respected in their societies as males. Their names, such as Zarnak Firehair or Wurtha the Iron Maiden, often reflect their prowess in war, magic, or leadership within their tribes.

Are There Specific Names for Different Types of Hobgoblins?

Yes, hobgoblins from various tribes or those with unique roles may have distinct names. For instance, a hobgoblin wizard might have a name highlighting their arcane power, while a chieftain's name could reflect their leadership and martial achievements.

How Do Hobgoblins Differ From Goblins or Bugbears?

  • Hobgoblins: Seen as the disciplined and militaristic cousins, hobgoblins organize into formidable tribes that tend to focus on conquest and war.

  • Goblins: Smaller and less organized than hobgoblins, goblins often serve as foot soldiers or cannon fodder. Their names might be more whimsical or crude.

  • Bugbears: Known for their brute strength and stealth, bugbears are the monstrous backbone of the goblinoid war machine. Their names often incite fear or awe.

Can I Use Hobgoblin Names in My Stories or Games?

Absolutely! Hobgoblin names can add depth and authenticity to your stories, games, or films. Whether creating a fearsome antagonist in a fantasy realm or building a world where hobgoblins live alongside other races and creatures, these names can provide a rich tapestry of culture and conflict to explore.

What If I Want a Hobgoblin Name for a Non-Warrior Character?

Not all hobgoblins are warriors! Some might be traders, scholars, or outcasts living amongst other races. 

Their names might reflect their unique paths, blending traditional hobgoblin elements with influences from other creatures or humans they've encountered.

Where Can I Find a Hobgoblin Name Generator?

A quick online search will reveal various generators. These tools often allow you to specify the type of name you're looking for—whether for male hobgoblins, female hobgoblins, or even specific to their role in the tribe or universe.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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