101+ Hobbies For Characters To Create Interesting Characters

Hobbies for characters

Are you seeking to breathe life into the characters that populate your stories, films, or narratives? How can the simple act of assigning hobbies transform a flat character into a compelling beacon of relatability and depth? 

From the meticulous art of soap making to the adrenaline-pumping thrill of martial arts, hobbies for characters serve not just as pastimes but as windows into their souls, revealing hidden layers and enriching their stories. 

Whether you're crafting a fantasy epic with characters who collect vintage items or a contemporary drama where reading, writing letters, or playing musical instruments plays a key role, integrating character hobbies can dramatically elevate your creative work. 

This blog delves into a long list of creative hobbies that promise to infuse your characters with authenticity and intrigue. We'll explore how a character's hobbies—ranging from the serenity of oil painting to the strategic complexity of board games—can significantly aid in character development, ensuring they resonate well beyond the pages or screens. 

Join me as I uncover great ideas for hobbies that fit various time periods and settings, enhance mental health, foster social connections, and challenge characters in their spare time.

A long list of creative hobbies for your characters 

1. Crafting intricate shadow boxes that tell stories of their adventures.

2. Restoring antique mechanical watches, giving life back to time.

3. Designing and flying custom-made kites with elaborate patterns.

4. Urban exploration and photographing abandoned buildings.

5. Creating hand-bound books and journals from scratch.

6. Brewing artisanal teas from herbs they grow themselves.

7. Building miniature replicas of famous landmarks from matchsticks.

8. Forging metal sculptures and functional art pieces.

9. Developing black and white photographs in their own darkroom.

10. Composing music for silent films from various eras.

11. Whittling wooden figurines representing mythical creatures.

12. Practicing the art of calligraphy with historical scripts.

13. Collecting and restoring vintage typewriters.

14. Assembling complex jigsaw puzzles then transforming them into art.

15. Writing and illustrating their own graphic novels.

16. Sculpting with recycled materials to create eco-friendly art.

17. Stargazing and mapping out constellations through their own telescope.

18. Cultivating a butterfly garden to study and protect local species.

19. Experimenting with molecular gastronomy in their kitchen.

20. Learning and mastering ancient board games from different cultures.

21. Creating bespoke perfumes tailored to personalities and memories.

22. Hand-carving intricate chess sets from wood or stone.

23. Training in historical martial arts or swordsmanship.

24. Writing poetry in constructed languages they've created.

25. Developing indie video games with unique, innovative gameplay.

26. Keeping a detailed sketchbook of people's faces with imagined stories.

27. Restoring and racing vintage cars from the early 20th century.

28. Practicing sand art on beaches or in large sandboxes.

29. Making handmade candles with layers of hidden scents.

30. Conducting amateur archaeology digs at historical sites.

31. Building functional robots from scrap parts and electronics.

32. Designing and tailoring historical costumes with period accuracy.

33. Foraging for wild edibles and creating gourmet dishes from them.

34. Crafting custom leather goods, from journals to intricate saddles.

35. Painting murals that reflect the community's history and hopes.

36. Collecting rare and exotic plants, turning their home into a greenhouse.

37. Hosting interactive murder mystery parties they've written themselves.

38. Learning to play rare and unusual musical instruments.

39. Engaging in competitive birdwatching and documenting rare sightings.

40. Restoring and flying vintage planes from World War II.

41. Practicing the ancient art of falconry with a trained bird of prey.

42. Building detailed dollhouses that replicate historical periods.

43. Organizing community art projects to beautify neglected spaces.

44. Creating digital art through coding and algorithmic generation.

45. Harvesting and making their own wine from grapes they grow.

46. Studying and practicing traditional bookbinding techniques.

47. Exploring the world of amateur radio and making contacts globally.

48. Writing and directing short films with a focus on social issues.

49. Collecting vintage comic books and preserving their history.

50. Engaging in urban beekeeping and producing artisanal honey.

51. Designing intricate mazes and labyrinths on their estate.

52. Crafting custom surfboards with hand-painted designs.

53. Practicing the art of ice sculpture in winter festivals.

54. Curating a personal museum of curiosities from travels.

55. Restoring and piloting seaplanes for island hopping adventures.

56. Conducting a personal study of cryptids and folklore.

57. Creating a rooftop garden that doubles as an urban oasis.

58. Engaging in competitive kite surfing around the globe.

59. Building and maintaining a coral reef aquarium.

60. Writing a series of travelogues from the perspective of a fictional explorer.

61. Composing symphonies that mimic the sounds of nature.

62. Filming documentaries on vanishing crafts and trades.

63. Organizing underground supper clubs featuring avant-garde cuisine.

64. Developing a collection of artisanal soaps inspired by famous artworks.

65. Crafting bespoke footwear, from design to finished product.

66. Restoring historic sailboats and racing them.

67. Mapping the night sky and naming stars after characters in their stories.

68. Designing and creating wearable art pieces.

69. Collecting and playing custom-made or modified musical instruments.

70. Assembling a comprehensive library of first edition books.

71. Practicing latte art with complex designs and motifs.

72. Conducting field research on medicinal plants in the wild.

73. Hosting a podcast that explores unsolved mysteries.

74. Learning ancient pottery techniques to recreate historical artifacts.

75. Curating an online gallery of digital art collaborations.

76. Writing and coding interactive fiction games.

77. Designing eco-friendly tiny homes and living spaces.

78. Organizing flash mob performances in public spaces.

79. Researching and brewing historical recipes of beer.

80. Creating a series of animated short films on environmental conservation.

81. Training in the art of parkour or free running.

82. Assembling a unique collection of mechanical puzzles.

83. Developing a virtual reality experience based on historical events.

84. Crafting traditional samurai swords or katanas.

85. Participating in long-distance solo sailing challenges.

86. Learning to cook traditional dishes from remote cultures.

87. Building and curating an insect zoo with species from around the world.

88. Writing a cookbook with recipes inspired by fantasy worlds.

89. Designing and launching a line of board games with unique concepts.

90. Practicing the art of aerial silk dancing.

91. Creating a webcomic series featuring a cast of quirky characters.

92. Designing and sewing a collection of historical fashion garments.

93. Running an art therapy workshop for community healing.

94. Cultivating a vineyard and experimenting with new wine blends.

95. Crafting detailed marionettes and performing puppet shows.

96. Conducting experimental photography using antique cameras.

97. Studying the art of glassblowing and creating custom pieces.

98. Organizing a traveling exhibition of interactive art installations.

99. Collecting and restoring vintage arcade machines.

100. Writing an encyclopedic guide to mythical plants and their uses.

101. Designing escape rooms with intricate themes and puzzles.

102. Practicing the ancient art of bonsai with exotic trees.

103. Creating a wildlife sanctuary for endangered species.

104. Building custom electric bicycles and hosting rides.

105. Composing and producing a musical using local history.

106. Writing detailed encyclopedias on fictional universes they've created.

107. Hosting immersive LARP (Live Action Role-Playing) events in historical settings.

108. Designing and crafting elaborate masks for festivals and events.

109. Restoring vintage cameras and using them to capture contemporary life.

110. Developing augmented reality apps for historical education.

111. Creating hyper-realistic silicone sculptures of fantastical creatures.

112. Organizing extreme sports events in remote locations.

113. Conducting paranormal investigations and documenting findings.

114. Launching a space balloon to capture high-altitude photographs.

115. Designing and planting a maze garden with hidden messages.

116. Crafting custom mechanical keyboards with unique designs.

117. Starting a micro-publishing house for indie authors.

118. Building scale models of cities from different eras.

119. Restoring antique phonographs and collecting vintage records.

120. Creating a line of gourmet chocolates with unusual flavor combinations.

121. Hosting a series of secret cinema events in unexpected locations.

122. Developing a sustainable urban farming project.

123. Writing and illustrating a children's book series with educational themes.

124. Constructing a personal observatory for amateur astronomy research.

125. Designing intricate jigsaw puzzles based on famous paintings.

126. Learning traditional shipbuilding and crafting a wooden boat.

127. Starting a community art project that transforms trash into sculptures.

128. Crafting artisanal bread with ancient grains and techniques.

129. Assembling a collection of historical musical scores.

130. Creating a fashion line inspired by different cultures' traditional attire.

131. Designing and hosting virtual reality game nights.

132. Restoring and converting classic cars into electric vehicles.

133. Organizing charity auctions for artwork created by local artists.

134. Writing and self-recording a series of investigative journalism podcasts.

135. Developing a board game cafe with games from around the world.

136. Creating a virtual museum of digital art.

137. Building a personal arcade with custom-designed games.

138. Practicing sand animation and performing at events.

139. Launching a culinary tour company focusing on street food around the world.

140. Designing and creating custom terrariums for exotic plants.

141. Writing a historical fiction novel with interactive online elements.

142. Crafting detailed papercraft replicas of famous historical documents.

143. Restoring and repurposing old lighthouses as unique homes.

144. Creating an underground music label for undiscovered artists.

145. Developing a line of eco-friendly, upcycled fashion accessories.

146. Learning ancient textile dyeing techniques and applying them to modern designs.

147. Hosting interactive story-telling evenings with a twist—audience participation changes the plot.

148. Building an off-grid cabin using traditional carpentry methods.

149. Designing a series of interactive, educational toys for children.

150. Starting an artisanal coffee roastery, focusing on ethical sourcing and roasting techniques.


In the world of storytelling, the brushstrokes that define the most memorable characters often come from the hobbies they hold dear. 

These creative hobbies—whether they belong to fantasy characters or those rooted in modern reality—offer a goldmine of great ideas for authors and creators eager to add depth and authenticity to their narratives.

Let this list of hobbies be your guide in crafting well-rounded, vibrant characters that leap into the hearts of your audience, making every story you write or tell not just read or watched but truly experienced.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hobbies for characters (FAQs)

Why are hobbies important for character development?

Hobbies add depth to your characters, making them feel more like real people with interests and passions outside the main plot. 

They can serve as a tool for character development, showing growth or changes in interests over time. Hobbies can also be a plot device, providing characters with knowledge or skills that become crucial at a story’s climax.

How do I choose the right character hobbies for my characters?

  • Reflect on the character's personality: A shy, introspective character might enjoy writing letters or reading, while an energetic extrovert might prefer team sports or dancing.

  • Consider the time period and world: For fantasy characters, consider hobbies that fit their environment, like making soap or collecting vintage items. Modern characters might enjoy coffee mugs collecting or playing musical instruments.

  • Use hobbies to contrast or complement: A character known for physical strength might have a surprising interest in knitting or poetry, adding layers to their personality.

Can hobbies impact the plot of a story?

Absolutely. A character’s hobby can lead to crucial plot developments. For instance, a character's skill in martial arts could be vital in a confrontation, or their love for crossword puzzles could help solve a mystery. 

Hobbies can also introduce characters to important allies or antagonists, such as meeting a book club mentor or a chess tournament rival.

What are some unique hobbies I can give my characters?

  • Oil painting in specific styles, capturing anything from fantasy landscapes to portraits of other characters.

  • Crafting and flying kites with unique designs symbolizing freedom or messages.

  • Vintage item restoration, where characters find and restore items from different time periods, revealing their love for history.

  • Creating miniature worlds or dioramas, showing a character's attention to detail and perhaps a desire for control or escapism.

  • Gardening rare plants or magical herbs, especially for characters in fantasy settings.

How can hobbies influence relationships between characters?

Hobbies can be a way for characters to bond, sharing interests like board games, cooking, or playing card games. 

They can also be a source of conflict, such as when hobbies compete for a character's time or when one character does not respect another's hobby. 

In group settings, hobbies can help form friendships, like joining a dance class or music band.

Any tips on how to weave a character's hobbies into the story?

  • Show, don't tell: Instead of describing a character's hobby, depict them engaged. Describe the setting, the actions, and the emotions tied to the hobby.

  • Hobbies as character moments: Use hobbies as opportunities for character development or revealing backstories. A character might reflect on how they learned to knit from a grandparent, adding emotional depth.

  • Integrate into the plot: Let the hobby serve the story, whether it's a skill that advances the plot or a pastime that introduces new characters.

Are there any hobbies to avoid?

While most hobbies can add dimension to a character, avoid hobbies that might be overly stereotypical without adding anything new or interesting to the character. 

Also, be mindful of how a hobby fits with the character's background and the story's setting to maintain believability.

How can hobbies improve the mental health of characters?

Just as in real life, hobbies can relieve stress and mental well-being for characters. They offer a break from the main storyline's conflicts, providing a sense of normalcy and peace. 

For example, a character under stress might find solace in gardening or painting, helping to cope with their challenges.

Can a character have too many hobbies?

While it's possible for characters to have multiple interests, too many hobbies might make it difficult for readers to keep track or to see which hobbies are truly significant to the character's development. 

Focus on a few well-chosen hobbies that add the most depth and relevance to the story.

How can I make a character's hobby memorable?

To make a hobby memorable, tie it closely to the character's journey or personality. A hobby that challenges them helps them grow or becomes a fun and memorable aspect of the plot will stick with readers long after they finish your story.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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