99 Giant Names for Legendary Characters

Giant Names

In the universe of storytelling, where gods and titans clash in epic battles, where the sea, sky, and earth are carved by the hands of the gigantic, finding that perfect giant name is crucial.

That's why I've curated a list of giant names designed to fuel your creativity and bring your legendary characters to life.

With 99 unique and powerful giant names inspired by Greek and Norse mythology, dragons, and the very forces of nature, this goldmine is your free ticket to crafting worlds that resonate with the rumble of titans and the whispers of ancient gods.

A long list of giant names

1. Gormathrax

2. Thundoril

3. Eiravax

4. Marzulon

5. Titanorex

6. Vexigon

7. Skollorath

8. Zephyroth

9. Glaciusk

10. Nimbalar

11. Aethorim

12. Borogove

13. Cyclonar

14. Drakomir

15. Eldurim

16. Fornaxus

17. Gravithor

18. Heliosurge

19. Icaronix

20. Jarnskoll

21. Kragloth

22. Luminastra

23. Maelifor

24. Nocturnar

25. Orosphinx

26. Pyroclast

27. Quoralth

28. Rimehart

29. Stormrend

30. Tundraxis

31. Ulfiron

32. Vastoril

33. Wyrmbreaker

34. Xypheron

35. Ymirion

36. Zalthazar

37. Aeonstride

38. Brontus

39. Cragfist

40. Duskweaver

41. Echostorm

42. Frosthelm

43. Goliathane

44. Hailscar

45. Infernix

46. Javelight

47. Kronawraith

48. Leviathor

49. Mistrunner

50. Necrosythe

51. Obsidion

52. Prismalith

53. Quakeborn

54. Riftwalker

55. Stoneglare

56. Tempestforge

57. Umbrapeak

58. Vortexion

59. Windraker

60. Xenolith

61. Yggdrasilant

62. Zenithar

63. Aetherion

64. Blazeguard

65. Crystalvein

66. Doomspire

67. Eclipsar

68. Flameheart

69. Glaicerus

70. Horizor

71. Icethorn

72. Jormungar

73. Kryptalon

74. Luminarix

75. Magmaron

76. Netherbane

77. Orphiron

78. Plaguewield

79. Quasarim

80. Runecrest

81. Solstice

82. Tesseract

83. Undervale

84. Vengeance

85. Whisperwind

86. Xanadrel

87. Yarrowfang

88. Zephyrian

89. Aurorix

90. Borealgem

91. Celestagon

92. Duskmarrow

93. Emberash

94. Frostbind

95. Gloomveil

96. Hearthstone

97. Ironclad

98. Jadespire

99. Kaelum


Whether you're drawing, writing, or dreaming up your next film, let these names inspire you to create art that echoes the might of giants and the whispers of ancient lore.

Your epic odyssey awaits, and with these giant names at your fingertips, who knows what worlds you will create or what tales you will tell?

The stage is set, the giants are named, and now it's your turn to bring them to life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Giant Names (FAQs)

What are "giant names"?

Giant names are names befitting giants—mythological or fantastical beings of enormous size and strength. They can come from ancient myths, literature, or the boundless realms of your own creation.

How can I find a giant name generator?

Simply click on a free online name generator. Many websites offer specialized generators to produce names fitting for giants, dragons, gods, and more. These tools often allow for customization based on mythology, nature, or desired traits.

Can you give examples of famous giant names from mythology?

Certainly! Here are a few:

  • Norse Mythology: Jotnar, like Ymir, was born from the chaos at the dawn of the world.

  • Greek Mythology: Titans like Atlas, who holds the heavens on his shoulders, and Typhon, a giant feared even by the gods.

  • Other Mythologies: Fomorians from Celtic mythology, like Balor, with his destructive eye.

Why use a name generator for creating giant names?

A generator can:

  • Provide a burst of inspiration when you're stuck.

  • Offer a wide range of names across different cultures and mythologies.

  • Generate random names quickly, perfect for populating a story or universe with many characters.

Are there generators that focus on specific mythologies, like Greek or Norse?

Yes, many generators offer options to filter by specific mythologies, allowing you to carve out names rooted in the tales of Greek gods, Norse titans, or the dragons of ancient lore.

How can giant names inspire the creation of stories or art?

Giant names often carry deep meanings and references to nature, the elements, and the primal forces of the universe. They can inspire:

  • Epic narratives: Battles between gods and titans, quests involving characters of monumental scale.

  • Visual art: Drawings or films capturing the majestic presence of giants, their connection to the earth, sea, sky, and the mythology that birthed them.

  • World-building: Crafting civilizations, landscapes, and the very fabric of your universe influenced by the nature and stories of these giants.

How important is choosing the right name for a giant in a story?

Immensely. The correct name enhances the character's presence, imbuing them with a sense of history, power, and purpose. It sets the tone for their role in your story and their interaction with the world around them.

Any tips for creating my own giant names?

Here are a few:

  • Draw from nature: Consider the grandeur of mountains, the depth of the sea, or the vastness of the sky.

  • Play with language: Combine words or sounds that evoke strength, majesty, or mystery.

  • Look to mythology: Research myths from around the world for inspiration and adapt names to fit your story's setting.

  • Use symbolism: Consider names that reflect the giant's role or powers in your narrative, like "Earthshaker" for one who causes volcanic eruptions or "Skyweaver" for a giant with control over the weather.

Can these names apply to creatures other than giants?

Absolutely! While primarily for giants, these names can suit dragons, titans, gods, or any beings of significant power and stature in your stories or artistic creations.

Where can I share my creations or see others' giant-named characters?

Many online forums and communities welcome such contributions. Look for websites and social media groups dedicated to mythology, fantasy writing, or concept art. Sharing your work can provide feedback, inspire others, and lead to collaborations.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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