111+ Character Questions For Creating Characters People Will Love

Character Questions

Have you ever wondered what makes a character leap off the page and into the hearts of readers and viewers, transforming them from mere words to beloved entities with whom we laugh, cry, and dream? 

Crafting such compelling characters requires deepening their essence with a toolkit of character questions, character interviews, and thorough character questionnaires. It's not just about knowing your character's favorite color or whether they prefer coffee to tea. 

It's about understanding their life's complexities, from their most treasured possession to their greatest fear, their distinguishing facial features, to the secrets they've never shared. 

This blog, featuring over 111+ character questions for creating characters people will love, aims to be your go-to resource. 

Whether you're in the throes of character creation, fine-tuning a character arc, or breathing life into the pages of a short story, these questions will help you explore every facet of your character's background, from their weakest trait to their dream job, their first kiss to their deepest regrets. 

A long list of character Development questions 

1. If your character could change one decision they made in their life, what would it be and why?

2. What is the one promise your character made to themselves as a child that they still try to uphold?

3. How does your character react when they are criticized or complimented in public?

4. What skill or talent does your character wish they had but don't?

5. If your character found a wallet full of money on the street, what would they do with it?

6. Describe a habit or routine your character finds comforting, but others might find odd.

7. What is the one thing that can instantly make your character feel at home, no matter where they are?

8. Which book or story does your character secretly see themselves as the protagonist of, and why?

9. What is the most unconventional belief or theory your character holds?

10. How does your character decide if they can trust someone?

11. What is your character's go-to method for dealing with stress or anxiety?

12. Describe when your character realized they were no longer a child.

13. What does your character envy about their closest friend or romantic partner?

14. What would your character consider a perfect day?

15. If your character could witness any event past, present, or future, what would it be?

16. How does your character prefer to express affection?

17. What is your character's most irrational fear?

18. What lesson took your character the longest to learn?

19. How would your character describe themselves in three words, and how would others describe them?

20. What is the most memorable gift your character has ever received?

21. If your character could ask one living person just one question and get an honest answer, who and what would it be?

22. What does your character usually dream about?

23. What is your character's guilty pleasure?

24. How does your character feel about their own reflection?

25. What is the most significant promise your character has broken?

26. Describe a scenario where your character was forced to be brave.

27. What is one worst childhood memory that your character would choose to relive?

28. If your character could change one aspect of their or other friends' appearance, what would it be?

29. What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for your character?

30. How does your character react to being in a situation where they are completely out of their element?

31. What is the one piece of advice your character would give to their younger self?

32. What season does your character feel most alive, and why?

33. What is the one thing your character would never do for money?

34. How does your character deal with disappointment or failure?

35. What is your character's favorite way to waste time?

36. What is one talent or skill your character has that would surprise others?

37. If your character could change one law of nature, what would it be and why?

38. What does your character consider their greatest weakness?

39. Who is the person your character admires most, and what qualities do they admire in that person?

40. How does your character react when they hear a song that reminds them of a past event?

41. What is the one secret your character is keeping that could change their relationship with their closest friend?

42. If your character could live in any historical period, which one would they choose and why?

43. What is the most challenging decision your character has ever made?

44. How does your character's dream job differ from their current job?

45. What is your character's most treasured childhood memory?

46. How does your character define success?

47. What is the one thing your character is most insecure about?

48. How does your character feel about technology and its impact on society?

49. What would your character do if they suddenly won a large sum of money?

50. How does your character approach the concept of giving and receiving forgiveness?

51. What is the most extreme or embarrassing thing that your character has done out of boredom?

52. How does your character decide what is morally right and wrong?

53. What is your character's perspective on fate and destiny?

54. How does your character handle grief or loss?

55. What change does your character wish to see in the world?

56. What is your character's biggest regret, and how has it shaped them?

57. Describe a moment when your character felt completely at peace.

58. What is your character's favorite childhood book, and why does it hold significance?

59. How would your character spend their last day if they knew it was their last?

60. What does your character want to be remembered for after they're gone?

61. What skill or knowledge does your character wish they could acquire instantly?

62. How does your character act when they are around someone they secretly admire?

63. What is the most unexpected friendship your character has formed, and how did it come to be?

64. What would your character consider to be the ultimate betrayal?

65. How does your character's cultural background influence their perspectives and actions?

66. What is the most daring thing your character has ever done out of love or friendship?

67. How does your character respond to unexpected challenges or obstacles?

68. What is the one thing your character would save from their home in an emergency?

69. How has your character's relationship with their own family evolved over time?

70. What is your character's favorite movie quote or saying, and why does it resonate with them?

71. What is the most difficult lie your character has ever had to maintain?

72. How does your character rejuvenate themselves after a hard day?

73. What is your character's stance on privacy and secrecy?

74. Describe a time when your character had to make a sacrifice for the greater good.

75. What is the one thing your character dislikes about their current lifestyle?

76. How does your character deal with jealousy, either feeling it themselves or dealing with others' jealousy?

77. What is the one dream or aspiration your character has given up on, and why?

78. How does your character react when confronted with someone from their past?

79. What is the most unusual hobby or interest your character has?

80. How does your character decide whom to trust with their vulnerabilities?

81. What is the one thing your character would change about the world if they had the power?

82. How does your character cope with change, especially if it's sudden and significant?

83. What is the most important lesson your character has learned from a mistake they made?

84. How does your character perceive the concept of home?

85. What is the one personal goal your character is determined to achieve in their lifetime?

86. How does your character feel about solitude versus being in a crowd?

87. What is the one thing your character fears losing the most?

88. Describe a scenario where your character was completely misunderstood.

89. What is the most significant act of kindness your character has ever experienced or witnessed?

90. How does your character's personal history influence their goals and actions today?

91. What is your character's philosophy on work-life balance, and how do they strive to achieve it?

92. How does your character handle criticism, especially if it touches on their core values or identity?

93. What is the one place your character feels most connected to in the world, and why?

94. How has a failure, or apparent failure, set your character up for later success?

95. What does your character typically do on a day off to truly feel relaxed and at ease?

96. Describe a moment when your character had to confront their own hypocrisy or prejudice.

97. What is your character's favorite tradition or ritual, either personal or cultural, and what does it mean to them?

98. How does your character react to being in a high-pressure situation?

99. What is the one question your character is afraid to answer or face about themselves?

100. How does your character deal with the concept of legacy and what they leave behind?

101. What was a pivotal moment in your character's life that fundamentally changed their direction or perspective?

102. How does your character approach decisions that involve significant risk?

103. What is your character's most cherished childhood memory, and how does it affect them today?

104. How does your character prioritize their responsibilities and desires?

105. What is the one change your character has made in their life that they are most proud of?

106. How does your character's upbringing influence their fears and hopes?

107. What does your character do to make the world better, even in small ways?

108. Describe a time when your character felt utterly out of control and how they coped with that situation.

109. What is your character's most unpopular or controversial opinion?

110. How does your character define happiness, and do they believe they've achieved it?

111. What is the one thing your character wishes people understood about them?

112. How does your character react when their beliefs or values are challenged?

113. What is the most significant sacrifice your character has made for someone else?

114. How does your character handle moments of uncertainty or doubt?

115. What talent or interest does your character have that most people don't know about?

116. How does your character view the balance between tradition and innovation?

117. What is the one conversation your character keeps replaying in their head?

118. How does your character deal with loneliness?

119. What is your character's most significant accomplishment outside of their professional achievements?

120. How does your character respond to change, especially when it impacts their plans or desires?


In the tapestry of storytelling, the threads of character questions, character interviews, and deep-diving questionnaires intertwine to create the vibrant, compelling characters that anchor our narratives. 

By exploring the intricate details of a character's life, from their distinguishing facial features to their most treasured possessions and from their greatest fears to their deepest regrets, we breathe life into the pages and screens that captivate audiences worldwide. 

This collection of character questions serves as a tool and a journey into the heart of character creation, where every question asked is a step closer to understanding the soul of your main character. 

Whether you're sculpting a hero's arc, unearthing the villain's biggest secret, or capturing the essence of a character's first love through a character profile, remember that the strength of your story lies in the depth of its characters. 

As you weave their dreams, fears, and triumphs into the fabric of your narrative, let these questions guide you in creating characters that are seen, felt, and remembered not just for what they did but for who they were. 

So, as you embark on your writing process, armed with questions that probe into every facet of your characters' lives, know that you can transform the imagined into the unforgettable, ensuring that the characters you create today will echo in the hearts of your audience tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions on Character Questions

What are character questions?

Character questions are inquiries designed to delve into the depth of a character's personality, background, and motivations in storytelling. 

They help writers and filmmakers understand their characters more intimately, making them more compelling and relatable to the audience.

How do I conduct a character interview?

To conduct a character interview, imagine sitting down with your character and asking them a series of personal questions. 

Start with basic questions about their background, including their educational background, family life, and defining moments like their first kiss or greatest regret. 

Progress to more detailed questions about their daily life, dreams, fears, and relationships.

What's the importance of a character questionnaire in character development?

A character questionnaire facilitates character development by ensuring creators consider various aspects of a character's life and personality. 

This thorough exploration helps to create a multi-dimensional character with a clear arc, distinguishing features, and motivations.

Can you give examples of character development questions?

Sure! Here are a few examples:

  • What is your character's greatest fear and greatest achievement?

  • What are their worst and best memories?

  • Describe their relationship with their immediate family and best friend.

  • What is their most treasured possession, and why?

How do physical descriptions like skin tone or facial features contribute to character creation?

Physical descriptions contribute to character creation by adding depth and visual imagery, making the character more vivid in the reader's mind. 

Descriptions of distinguishing facial features, hair color, and even bad eating habits help breathe life into characters, making them feel like real people rather than abstract concepts.

What role does a character's background play in shaping their personality?

A character's background, including their educational background, family life, and past experiences, plays a crucial role in shaping their personality, beliefs, and actions. It influences their reactions to situations, relationships with other characters, and their overall character arc.

How do I explore a character's emotional and psychological depth?

Explore a character's emotional and psychological depth by asking questions about their innermost thoughts, fears, desires, and regrets. 

Consider their favorite food, greatest achievement, biggest secret, and how past events have impacted their outlook on life. Reflect on how they see themselves and how they wish to be seen by others.

What are some creative ways to reveal a character's traits and motivations in a story?

Creative ways to reveal character traits and motivations include:

  • Dialogue: How they speak to others can reveal a lot about their personality.

  • Actions: Show how they react in different situations, especially under pressure.

  • Inner Monologues: Provide insight into their thoughts and feelings.

  • Interactions: Their relationship dynamics with other characters can highlight key traits.

How do I make my characters more compelling?

To make characters more compelling, ensure they have clear motivations, flaws, and growth opportunities. Characters should be relatable, with both strengths and weaknesses and undergo significant development throughout the story.

Any tips for beginners on starting the character creation process?

Begin with outlining your character's basic profile, including their name, age, and role in your story. Gradually add layers by exploring their background, personality, motivations, and relationships. 

Use character questionnaires as a tool to uncover details that will make your characters stand out and feel real to your audience. 

Remember, the goal is to create characters so vivid and compelling that they linger in the minds of your audience long after the story ends.

What role do physical handicaps play in shaping a character's personality and story?

Physical handicaps can profoundly influence a character's personality and story, shaping their worldview and interactions.

For instance, a protagonist who is blind might have heightened other senses and face unique challenges, influencing their interactions and creating rich, conflict-driven narratives.

It’s important to depict these aspects with sensitivity and accuracy to reflect real experiences and contribute to good character development.

How can a character's favorite song enhance their personality portrayal?

A character's favorite song can provide deep insights into their emotions and memories, offering a unique method to flesh out their personality.

For example, a song that evokes nostalgia about "the last time" they were truly happy can reveal their values, sorrows, and joys. It also can serve as a symbolic tool in the writing process, recurring during pivotal moments to add a layer of emotional resonance.

In what ways do pet peeves help define the nuances of a character's personality?

Pet peeves can add intricate details to a character's personality, revealing their quirks and what may irritate them in day-to-day interactions.

These small details can make a character more relatable and realistic. For instance, a character who gets nervous around people who overuse phrases or chew loudly could lead to tension-filled scenes that are both revealing and entertaining.

How does exploring a character's political views or religious beliefs deepen their development?

Exploring a character's political views or religious beliefs can significantly deepen their development by providing a backdrop against which their motivations, conflicts, and life choices can be understood.

This exploration can help readers understand the forces that shape the character's actions and reactions, adding layers to their narrative arc and enhancing the story’s depth.

What can a character’s response to the question, "Do you believe in happy endings?" tell us about their outlook on life?

This question reveals a character's inherent optimism or pessimism. A character who believes in happy endings might view the world with hope and resilience, despite challenges.

Conversely, a character skeptical about happy endings might be more pragmatic or hardened by past experiences. This insight into their outlook can guide their decisions and interactions throughout the plot.

How can the description of a character’s routine on a Sunday afternoon add to their backstory?

Describing a character's Sunday afternoon can reveal much about their priorities, lifestyle, and personality.

For example, a character who spends Sunday afternoons volunteering at an animal shelter shows compassion and community spirit, while another who studies new languages might be shown as disciplined and intellectually curious.

These details are essential for good character development, providing a clearer picture of who they are beyond the main plot.

What does a character’s choice of clothing or absence thereof (like choosing not to wear makeup) indicate about their character traits?

A character's choice in clothing and grooming, including decisions about makeup, can signal many aspects of their personality, from self-esteem issues to social statements.

For instance, a character who opts for minimalist attire might value functionality and simplicity, which could reflect broader life views. Conversely, a character who meticulously coordinates outfits might attend to detail or crave control.

How can understanding a character’s ‘spirit animal’ enhance the readers' connection to them?

Assigning a spirit animal can metaphorically represent a character’s traits and growth arc. For example, a character with a lion as a spirit animal might embody courage and leadership, evolving these traits as the story progresses.

This creative detail helps readers visualize and emotionally connect with the character, making them more memorable and engaging.

What insight can be gained by asking a character, "What would you change if you could relive one day?"

This question allows characters to reveal regrets, desires, and pivotal moments that define them.

The day they choose and the changes they desire offer a window into their deepest regrets, unfulfilled wishes, and the moments they treasure, which can be pivotal in understanding their motivations and helping the audience empathize with their journey.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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