Top Filmmakers Use These 47+ Product Placement Ideas to Get Extra $$$

Product Placement Ideas

In the glitzy world of filmmaking, where the battle for audience attention and box office dollars never ceases, top filmmakers are turning to an age-old yet ingeniously modern strategy: product placement.

This art, a blend of embedded marketing and storytelling, has seen everything from James Bond's sleek gadgets to the nostalgic charm of Toy Story's Etch A Sketch, transforming mere items into icons of film history.

But it's not just the big players like large brands making a splash. With digital editing technology and social media, even local businesses and small business owners are finding their place in the spotlight, crafting visual product placement campaigns that resonate with audiences worldwide.

This blog shares 47+ product placement ideas to demonstrate how embedded marketing can boost brand recognition and significantly pad your production budget.

Whether you're a small business looking to break into the commercial retail market or a production company aiming to maximize every dollar, these strategies promise to unleash the potential of product placements in reaching your target audience, enhancing brand popularity, and advancing sales.

A long list of product placement ideas

1. A character uses a uniquely designed smartphone case from a small tech accessory brand during pivotal scenes, showcasing its durability and style.

2. A local artisan coffee shop becomes the central meeting point for characters, highlighting the brand's cozy atmosphere and specialty brews.

3. An independent musician's song is chosen as the film's theme, weaving the music and artist's story throughout the narrative.

4. A vintage car restoration business gets featured, with characters using the service to restore a classic car for a key road trip scene.

5. The plot involves a community garden sponsored by a local organic food store, emphasizing the importance of community and fresh produce.

6. A character frequently wears clothing from an emerging fashion designer, showcasing the brand's unique style and ethos.

7. The film's tech-savvy character exclusively uses a cutting-edge laptop from a small tech company, highlighting its advanced features in several scenes.

8. A handcrafted jewelry piece from a small artisan becomes a symbol of the movie's love story, featured prominently in romantic scenes.

9. The protagonist is a blogger who reviews quirky gadgets from various small businesses, incorporating the products into the film's plot.

10. A microbrewery's beer is the drink of choice for the film's group of friends, with the brewery's branding visible during their gatherings.

11. The story includes a pivotal scene at a local music festival sponsored by a small music store, showcasing the store's support for local artists.

12. A character's pet wears a distinctive collar from a small pet accessory brand, making it a conversation starter in several scenes.

13. An innovative eco-friendly transportation service is used by characters for all their city travels, subtly promoting sustainability.

14. The characters use a unique, locally made skincare product to deal with a humorous plot point about sunburns during a beach scene.

15. A specialty cake from a local bakery becomes a key prop in a celebratory scene, showcasing the bakery's skill and creativity.

16. A suspenseful scene involves characters using a specifically designed escape room game from a small entertainment company, demonstrating its challenging puzzles.

17. The film's setting includes a beautifully designed co-working space that caters to creative professionals, offering visibility to a small business in the real estate sector.

18. Characters use a new fitness app from a startup, showing its features and benefits through their journey to get in shape for a big event.

19. A small craft beer brand creates a limited edition brew that becomes a sought-after item among characters, driving a subplot.

20. The film's adventurous scenes feature camping gear from a small outdoor company, demonstrating its durability in extreme conditions.

21. A vintage bookstore becomes the romantic backdrop for key scenes, with the shop's charm and selections playing into the plot.

22. A bespoke suit from a local tailor is worn by the protagonist in a transformation scene, highlighting the tailor's craftsmanship.

23. The characters' preferred mode of city transport is a fleet of e-bikes from a sustainable start-up, integrating green travel into the storyline.

24. A character discovers a new hobby through a craft kit from a small business, weaving the brand into the discovery of personal growth and creativity.

25. The main character uses a specific brand of noise-canceling headphones to focus, subtly showcasing the product's effectiveness in various settings.

26. A wellness retreat featured in the film is provided by a small health and wellness business, promoting their philosophy and services.

27. An indie band's music becomes the soundtrack to the characters' journey, promoting the band's latest album release throughout the film.

28. A character's signature fragrance, from an independent perfumer, becomes a plot point in a romance story, with the scent described in poetic detail.

29. A high-end bicycle from a small manufacturer is the character's chosen mode of transport, showcasing its design and performance in urban settings.

30. The film includes a scene at a farmers market, where characters sample and buy products from various local small businesses, promoting community and sustainability.

31. A mystery novel from a local author becomes a key element in solving a puzzle within the film, showcasing the book and author's name prominently.

32. The protagonist starts their mornings with a specific brand of organic tea, with the tea's unique packaging featured in several kitchen scenes.

33. Characters participate in a charity run sponsored by a small fitness apparel brand, highlighting the brand's commitment to social causes.

34. A mobile app developed by a tech startup becomes crucial for the characters to communicate secretly, showcasing the app's unique features.

35. An independent filmmaker's documentary is featured within the film, highlighting the importance of supporting indie films and creators.

36. A handmade furniture shop's pieces are central to the main character's home renovation project, emphasizing craftsmanship and design.

37. A local brewery's seasonal beer tasting event becomes a significant scene, where characters bond and the brewery's variety is showcased.

38. The protagonist uses a specific model of camera for their photography hobby, highlighting the camera's features and brand throughout their journey.

39. A unique board game created by a small game company becomes the center of a family gathering scene, emphasizing fun and strategy.

40. An electric car from a new manufacturer is the vehicle of choice for a road trip adventure, showcasing its features and environmental benefits.

41. The film's climactic scene takes place in an escape room designed by a small entertainment business, focusing on teamwork and problem-solving.

42. A character's significant life change is marked by purchasing a custom engagement ring from a local jeweler, emphasizing personal touch and quality.

43. The use of a plant-based nutrition bar from a small health food company is integrated into the training regimen of an athlete character.

44. A surf shop's custom surfboard is prominently featured in a beach scene, highlighting the shop's brand and craftsmanship.

45. An underground music venue operated by a community collective becomes a key location for the film, promoting local music and art scenes.

46. A small fashion boutique outfits the characters for a major event, showcasing the boutique's unique style and personalized service.

47. The characters regularly dine at a family-owned restaurant, which becomes known for a signature dish, subtly promoting the eatery's ambiance and cuisine.

48. A series of scenes feature a craft beer making kit from a homebrew supply shop, detailing the process and joy of brewing at home.

49. A small art gallery's exhibition is central to the film's plot, with the gallery's name and featured artists prominently displayed.

50. A yoga studio offers a sanctuary for the protagonist, with the studio's calming design and the instructor's philosophy playing a key role in their journey.

51. A non-profit organization focused on environmental conservation is woven into the storyline, promoting its cause through the characters' involvement.

52. The characters use a unique, artisanal hot sauce in various meals, highlighting the product's branding and the story behind its creation.

53. An innovative, eco-friendly cleaning product is used in a comedic cleaning scene, demonstrating its effectiveness and environmental benefits.

54. A bespoke leather goods craftsman creates a custom piece for the protagonist, showcasing the artistry and quality of handmade products.

55. A small vineyard's wine is the choice for a celebratory toast, emphasizing the vineyard's story, location, and winemaking process.

56. The film features a quirky, independent bookstore where characters find clues to a mystery, promoting the charm and value of local bookshops.

57. A community-supported agriculture (CSA) box from a local farm is delivered to a character's door, highlighting the importance of supporting local agriculture.

58. A unique, hand-painted mural by a local artist becomes a symbolic backdrop in the film, showcasing the artist's work and the value of public art.

59. A custom bicycle shop's unique designs are featured as characters' main mode of transport, emphasizing sustainability and custom craftsmanship.

60. An indie video game developed by a small studio becomes a bonding activity for characters, showcasing the game's creativity and the importance of supporting indie developers.


By leveraging visual product placement and engaging in embedded marketing, production companies can create a symbiotic relationship with brands, offering prime space in film's release to potential customers while securing top dollar to fund their cinematic visions.

Remember, whether it's a blatant placement or a subtle nod, the best product placements feel integral to the story and enhance rather than detract from it.

So, to filmmakers, storytellers, and brands alike, consider these 47+ ideas as your guide to navigating the risky yet rewarding product placement business, and seize the opportunity to turn your creative projects into commercial successes while making your brand a household name.

Frequently Asked Questions About product placement (FAQs)

What is product placement?

Product placement, or embedded marketing, is the inclusion of a brand or product in a film, TV show, music video, or other media, aimed at increasing brand recognition in a more natural, integrated way than traditional ads.

Why do filmmakers and production companies use product placements?

  • Visibility: Offers brands prime space in a film's release, catching the eyes of potential customers.

  • Funding: Production companies often receive top dollar from brands for these placements, helping to fund the project.

  • Authenticity: Can add realism to story lines, making settings and characters more relatable.

What are some iconic product placement examples?

  • James Bond: Known for featuring cars and gadgets from specific brands, enhancing the luxury appeal.

  • Toy Story: Brought toys to life, notably Etch A Sketch and Reese's Pieces, boosting their sales.

  • Sex and the City: Showcased brands like the Italian Job's Mini Coopers, turning them into household names.

How do small business owners benefit from product placement?

  • Local Exposure: Local businesses can gain visibility through placements in local news, community events, or productions by local theater groups.

  • Brand Popularity: Even a subtle placement can elevate a small business into the commercial retail market, leveraging the film's audience to introduce their brand.

What's the difference between obvious and subtle product placement?

  • Obvious Placement: Directly focuses on the product, like Wayne's World's humorous Pizza Hut scene.

  • Subtle Placement: Integrates the product seamlessly into the story, like the casual use of a diamond ring in a romantic scene.

How has digital editing technology changed product placement?

Digital editing allows for virtual product placement and product displacement, where products can be added or changed post-production, offering flexibility in marketing strategy and the ability to update a product to the previous year's model or the latest release.

What are some creative product placement ideas?

  • Feature Placements in Music Videos: Collaborating with social media personalities or artists in the music industry can target a specific audience.

  • Community Event Sponsorships: Having products used or displayed at community events can create buzz and advance sales.

  • Virtual Placements in Video Games: Embedding products into video games for a more interactive brand experience.

How can product placement be a risky business?

  • Mismatch with Target Audience: If the product does not align with the film or TV show's audience, it may not reach its potential customers effectively.

  • Blatant Placement: Too obvious product placements can disrupt the viewing experience, potentially harming the brand's popularity and the film's storytelling quality.

How can small businesses start a product placement campaign?

  1. Identify Your Target Audience: Understand which films, television shows, or digital platforms your potential customers are interested in.

  2. Budget Wisely: While large brands may spend large sums on placements, small businesses should look for more affordable options like local productions or independent films.

  3. Leverage Local Connections: Use local news, social media, and community events to showcase your products in a more accessible context.

  4. Negotiate Screen Time: For films and TV, negotiate how your product will be featured, aiming for natural, visual product placement that complements the story.

What are some examples of how product placement has evolved?

  • From TV Ads to Digital Marketing: The shift from traditional advertising on TV ads to dynamic strategies involving social media and digital platforms.

  • The Rise of Multiple Brands: Films and shows now often feature many brands, from small businesses to large corporations, reflecting real-world diversity.

  • Virtual and Digital Enhancements: The use of digital editing technology for virtual product placements allows for post-production changes, adapting to market trends and brand updates.

Robin Piree

I help filmmakers sell their ideas, get more clients, and make more money.


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